/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PlacesUIUtils: "resource:///modules/PlacesUIUtils.sys.mjs", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", SessionStore: "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "l10n", () => { return new Localization(["browser/recentlyClosed.ftl"], true); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "closedTabsFromAllWindowsEnabled", "browser.sessionstore.closedTabsFromAllWindows" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "closedTabsFromClosedWindowsEnabled", "browser.sessionstore.closedTabsFromClosedWindows" ); export var RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils = { /** * Builds up a document fragment of UI items for the recently closed tabs. * @param aWindow * The window that the tabs were closed in. * @param aTagName * The tag name that will be used when creating the UI items. * @param aPrefixRestoreAll (defaults to false) * Whether the 'restore all tabs' item is suffixed or prefixed to the list. * If suffixed (the default) a separator will be inserted before it. * @returns A document fragment with UI items for each recently closed tab. */ getTabsFragment(aWindow, aTagName, aPrefixRestoreAll = false) { let doc = aWindow.document; const isPrivate = lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(aWindow); const fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); let isEmpty = true; if ( lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabCount({ sourceWindow: aWindow, closedTabsFromClosedWindows: false, }) ) { isEmpty = false; const browserWindows = lazy.closedTabsFromAllWindowsEnabled ? lazy.SessionStore.getWindows(aWindow) : [aWindow]; for (const win of browserWindows) { const closedTabs = lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabDataForWindow(win); for (let i = 0; i < closedTabs.length; i++) { createEntry( aTagName, false, i, closedTabs[i], doc, closedTabs[i].title, fragment ); } } } if ( !isPrivate && lazy.closedTabsFromClosedWindowsEnabled && lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabCountFromClosedWindows() ) { isEmpty = false; const closedTabs = lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabDataFromClosedWindows(); for (let i = 0; i < closedTabs.length; i++) { createEntry( aTagName, false, i, closedTabs[i], doc, closedTabs[i].title, fragment ); } } if (!isEmpty) { createRestoreAllEntry( doc, fragment, aPrefixRestoreAll, false, aTagName == "menuitem" ? "recently-closed-menu-reopen-all-tabs" : "recently-closed-panel-reopen-all-tabs", aTagName ); } return fragment; }, /** * Builds up a document fragment of UI items for the recently closed windows. * @param aWindow * A window that can be used to create the elements and document fragment. * @param aTagName * The tag name that will be used when creating the UI items. * @param aPrefixRestoreAll (defaults to false) * Whether the 'restore all windows' item is suffixed or prefixed to the list. * If suffixed (the default) a separator will be inserted before it. * @returns A document fragment with UI items for each recently closed window. */ getWindowsFragment(aWindow, aTagName, aPrefixRestoreAll = false) { let closedWindowData = lazy.SessionStore.getClosedWindowData(); let doc = aWindow.document; let fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); if (closedWindowData.length) { for (let i = 0; i < closedWindowData.length; i++) { const { selected, tabs, title } = closedWindowData[i]; const selectedTab = tabs[selected - 1]; if (selectedTab) { const menuLabel = lazy.l10n.formatValueSync( "recently-closed-undo-close-window-label", { tabCount: tabs.length - 1, winTitle: title } ); createEntry(aTagName, true, i, selectedTab, doc, menuLabel, fragment); } } createRestoreAllEntry( doc, fragment, aPrefixRestoreAll, true, aTagName == "menuitem" ? "recently-closed-menu-reopen-all-windows" : "recently-closed-panel-reopen-all-windows", aTagName ); } return fragment; }, /** * Handle a command event to re-open all closed tabs * @param aEvent * The command event when the user clicks the restore all menu item */ onRestoreAllTabsCommand(aEvent) { const currentWindow = aEvent.target.ownerGlobal; const browserWindows = lazy.closedTabsFromAllWindowsEnabled ? lazy.SessionStore.getWindows(currentWindow) : [currentWindow]; for (const sourceWindow of browserWindows) { let count = lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(sourceWindow); while (--count >= 0) { lazy.SessionStore.undoCloseTab(sourceWindow, 0, currentWindow); } } if (lazy.closedTabsFromClosedWindowsEnabled) { for (let tabData of lazy.SessionStore.getClosedTabDataFromClosedWindows()) { lazy.SessionStore.undoClosedTabFromClosedWindow( { sourceClosedId: tabData.sourceClosedId }, tabData.closedId, currentWindow ); } } }, /** * Handle a command event to re-open all closed windows * @param aEvent * The command event when the user clicks the restore all menu item */ onRestoreAllWindowsCommand() { const closedData = lazy.SessionStore.getClosedWindowData(); for (const { closedId } of closedData) { lazy.SessionStore.undoCloseById(closedId); } }, /** * Re-open a closed tab and put it to the end of the tab strip. * Used for a middle click. * @param aEvent * The event when the user clicks the menu item */ _undoCloseMiddleClick(aEvent) { if (aEvent.button != 1) { return; } if (aEvent.originalTarget.hasAttribute("source-closed-id")) { lazy.SessionStore.undoClosedTabFromClosedWindow( { sourceClosedId: aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("source-closed-id"), }, aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("value") ); } else { aEvent.view.undoCloseTab( aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("value"), aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("source-window-id") ); } aEvent.view.gBrowser.moveTabToEnd(); let ancestorPanel = aEvent.target.closest("panel"); if (ancestorPanel) { ancestorPanel.hidePopup(); } }, }; /** * Create a UI entry for a recently closed tab or window. * @param aTagName * the tag name that will be used when creating the UI entry * @param aIsWindowsFragment * whether or not this entry will represent a closed window * @param aIndex * the index of the closed tab * @param aClosedTab * the closed tab * @param aDocument * a document that can be used to create the entry * @param aMenuLabel * the label the created entry will have * @param aFragment * the fragment the created entry will be in */ function createEntry( aTagName, aIsWindowsFragment, aIndex, aClosedTab, aDocument, aMenuLabel, aFragment ) { let element = aDocument.createXULElement(aTagName); element.setAttribute("label", aMenuLabel); if (aClosedTab.image) { const iconURL = lazy.PlacesUIUtils.getImageURL(aClosedTab.image); element.setAttribute("image", iconURL); } if (aIsWindowsFragment) { element.setAttribute("oncommand", `undoCloseWindow("${aIndex}");`); } else if (typeof aClosedTab.sourceClosedId == "number") { // sourceClosedId is used to look up the closed window to remove it when the tab is restored let sourceClosedId = aClosedTab.sourceClosedId; element.setAttribute("source-closed-id", sourceClosedId); element.setAttribute("value", aClosedTab.closedId); element.removeAttribute("oncommand"); element.addEventListener( "command", () => { lazy.SessionStore.undoClosedTabFromClosedWindow( { sourceClosedId }, aClosedTab.closedId ); }, { once: true } ); } else { // sourceWindowId is used to look up the closed tab entry to remove it when it is restored let sourceWindowId = aClosedTab.sourceWindowId; element.setAttribute("value", aIndex); element.setAttribute("source-window-id", sourceWindowId); element.setAttribute( "oncommand", `undoCloseTab(${aIndex}, "${sourceWindowId}");` ); } if (aTagName == "menuitem") { element.setAttribute( "class", "menuitem-iconic bookmark-item menuitem-with-favicon" ); } // Set the targetURI attribute so it will be shown in tooltip. // SessionStore uses one-based indexes, so we need to normalize them. let tabData; tabData = aIsWindowsFragment ? aClosedTab : aClosedTab.state; let activeIndex = (tabData.index || tabData.entries.length) - 1; if (activeIndex >= 0 && tabData.entries[activeIndex]) { element.setAttribute("targetURI", tabData.entries[activeIndex].url); } // Windows don't open in new tabs and menuitems dispatch command events on // middle click, so we only need to manually handle middle clicks for // toolbarbuttons. if (!aIsWindowsFragment && aTagName != "menuitem") { element.addEventListener( "click", RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils._undoCloseMiddleClick ); } if (aIndex == 0) { element.setAttribute( "key", "key_undoClose" + (aIsWindowsFragment ? "Window" : "Tab") ); } aFragment.appendChild(element); } /** * Create an entry to restore all closed windows or tabs. * @param aDocument * a document that can be used to create the entry * @param aFragment * the fragment the created entry will be in * @param aPrefixRestoreAll * whether the 'restore all windows' item is suffixed or prefixed to the list * If suffixed a separator will be inserted before it. * @param aIsWindowsFragment * whether or not this entry will represent a closed window * @param aRestoreAllLabel * which localizable string to use for the entry * @param aEntryCount * the number of elements to be restored by this entry * @param aTagName * the tag name that will be used when creating the UI entry */ function createRestoreAllEntry( aDocument, aFragment, aPrefixRestoreAll, aIsWindowsFragment, aRestoreAllLabel, aTagName ) { let restoreAllElements = aDocument.createXULElement(aTagName); restoreAllElements.classList.add("restoreallitem"); // We cannot use aDocument.l10n.setAttributes because the menubar label is not // updated in time and displays a blank string (see Bug 1691553). restoreAllElements.setAttribute( "label", lazy.l10n.formatValueSync(aRestoreAllLabel) ); restoreAllElements.addEventListener( "command", aIsWindowsFragment ? RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils.onRestoreAllWindowsCommand : RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils.onRestoreAllTabsCommand ); if (aPrefixRestoreAll) { aFragment.insertBefore(restoreAllElements, aFragment.firstChild); } else { aFragment.appendChild(aDocument.createXULElement("menuseparator")); aFragment.appendChild(restoreAllElements); } }