/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function test() { /** Test (B) for Bug 248970 **/ waitForExplicitFinish(); let windowsToClose = []; let file = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); let filePath = file.path; let fieldList = { "//input[@name='input']": Date.now().toString(16), "//input[@name='spaced 1']": Math.random().toString(), "//input[3]": "three", "//input[@type='checkbox']": true, "//input[@name='uncheck']": false, "//input[@type='radio'][1]": false, "//input[@type='radio'][2]": true, "//input[@type='radio'][3]": false, "//select": 2, "//select[@multiple]": [1, 3], "//textarea[1]": "", "//textarea[2]": "Some text... " + Math.random(), "//textarea[3]": "Some more text\n" + new Date(), "//input[@type='file']": filePath, }; registerCleanupFunction(async function () { for (let win of windowsToClose) { await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); } }); function checkNoThrow(aLambda) { try { return aLambda() || true; } catch (ex) {} return false; } function getElementByXPath(aTab, aQuery) { let doc = aTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument; let xptype = doc.defaultView.XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE; return doc.evaluate(aQuery, doc, null, xptype, null).singleNodeValue; } function setFormValue(aTab, aQuery, aValue) { let node = getElementByXPath(aTab, aQuery); if (typeof aValue == "string") { node.value = aValue; } else if (typeof aValue == "boolean") { node.checked = aValue; } else if (typeof aValue == "number") { node.selectedIndex = aValue; } else { Array.prototype.forEach.call( node.options, (aOpt, aIx) => (aOpt.selected = aValue.indexOf(aIx) > -1) ); } } function compareFormValue(aTab, aQuery, aValue) { let node = getElementByXPath(aTab, aQuery); if (!node) { return false; } if (ChromeUtils.getClassName(node) === "HTMLInputElement") { return ( aValue == (node.type == "checkbox" || node.type == "radio" ? node.checked : node.value) ); } if (ChromeUtils.getClassName(node) === "HTMLTextAreaElement") { return aValue == node.value; } if (!node.multiple) { return aValue == node.selectedIndex; } return Array.prototype.every.call( node.options, (aOpt, aIx) => aValue.indexOf(aIx) > -1 == aOpt.selected ); } /** * Test (B) : Session data restoration between windows */ let rootDir = getRootDirectory(gTestPath); const testURL = rootDir + "browser_248970_b_sample.html"; const testURL2 = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" + "browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_248970_b_sample.html"; whenNewWindowLoaded({ private: false }, function (aWin) { windowsToClose.push(aWin); // get closed tab count let count = ss.getClosedTabCountForWindow(aWin); let max_tabs_undo = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo" ); ok( 0 <= count && count <= max_tabs_undo, "getClosedTabCountForWindow should return zero or at most max_tabs_undo" ); // setup a state for tab (A) so we can check later that is restored let value = "Value " + Math.random(); let state = { entries: [{ url: testURL }], extData: { key: value } }; // public session, add new tab: (A) let tab_A = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(aWin.gBrowser, testURL); ss.setTabState(tab_A, JSON.stringify(state)); promiseBrowserLoaded(tab_A.linkedBrowser).then(() => { // make sure that the next closed tab will increase getClosedTabCountForWindow Services.prefs.setIntPref( "browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo + 1 ); // populate tab_A with form data for (let i in fieldList) { setFormValue(tab_A, i, fieldList[i]); } // public session, close tab: (A) aWin.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A); // verify that closedTabCount increased Assert.greater( ss.getClosedTabCountForWindow(aWin), count, "getClosedTabCountForWindow has increased after closing a tab" ); // verify tab: (A), in undo list let tab_A_restored = checkNoThrow(() => ss.undoCloseTab(aWin, 0)); ok(tab_A_restored, "a tab is in undo list"); promiseTabRestored(tab_A_restored).then(() => { is( testURL, tab_A_restored.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, "it's the same tab that we expect" ); aWin.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_A_restored); whenNewWindowLoaded({ private: true }, function (win) { windowsToClose.push(win); // setup a state for tab (B) so we can check that its duplicated // properly let key1 = "key1"; let value1 = "Value " + Math.random(); let state1 = { entries: [{ url: testURL2 }], extData: { key1: value1 }, }; let tab_B = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(win.gBrowser, testURL2); promiseTabState(tab_B, state1).then(() => { // populate tab: (B) with different form data for (let item in fieldList) { setFormValue(tab_B, item, fieldList[item]); } // duplicate tab: (B) let tab_C = win.gBrowser.duplicateTab(tab_B); promiseTabRestored(tab_C).then(() => { // verify the correctness of the duplicated tab is( ss.getCustomTabValue(tab_C, key1), value1, "tab successfully duplicated - correct state" ); for (let item in fieldList) { ok( compareFormValue(tab_C, item, fieldList[item]), 'The value for "' + item + '" was correctly duplicated' ); } // private browsing session, close tab: (C) and (B) win.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_C); win.gBrowser.removeTab(tab_B); finish(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }