"use strict"; const PRIMARY_WINDOW = window; let gTestURLsMap = new Map([ ["about:about", null], ["about:license", null], ["about:robots", null], ["about:mozilla", null], ]); let gBrowserState; add_setup(async function () { let windows = []; let count = 0; for (let url of gTestURLsMap.keys()) { let window = !count ? PRIMARY_WINDOW : await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); let browserLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url ); await browserLoaded; // Capture the title. gTestURLsMap.set(url, window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label); // Minimize the before-last window, to have a different window feature added // to the test. if (count == gTestURLsMap.size - 1) { let activated = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( windows[count - 1], "activate" ); window.minimize(); await activated; } windows.push(window); ++count; } // Wait until we get the lastest history from all windows. await Promise.all(windows.map(window => TabStateFlusher.flushWindow(window))); gBrowserState = ss.getBrowserState(); await promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed(); }); add_task(async function test_z_indices_are_saved_correctly() { let state = JSON.parse(gBrowserState); Assert.equal( state.windows.length, gTestURLsMap.size, "Correct number of windows saved" ); // Check if we saved state in correct order of creation. let idx = 0; for (let url of gTestURLsMap.keys()) { Assert.equal( state.windows[idx].tabs[0].entries[0].url, url, `Window #${idx} is stored in correct creation order` ); ++idx; } // Check if we saved a valid zIndex (no null, no undefined or no 0). for (let window of state.windows) { Assert.ok(window.zIndex, "A valid zIndex is stored"); } Assert.equal( state.windows[0].zIndex, 3, "Window #1 should have the correct z-index" ); Assert.equal( state.windows[1].zIndex, 2, "Window #2 should have correct z-index" ); Assert.equal( state.windows[2].zIndex, 1, "Window #3 should be the topmost window" ); Assert.equal( state.windows[3].zIndex, 4, "Minimized window should be the last window to restore" ); }); add_task(async function test_windows_are_restored_in_reversed_z_order() { await promiseBrowserState(gBrowserState); let indexedTabLabels = [...gTestURLsMap.values()]; let tabsRestoredLabels = BrowserWindowTracker.orderedWindows.map( window => window.gBrowser.selectedTab.label ); Assert.equal( tabsRestoredLabels[0], indexedTabLabels[2], "First restored tab should be last used tab" ); Assert.equal( tabsRestoredLabels[1], indexedTabLabels[1], "Second restored tab is correct" ); Assert.equal( tabsRestoredLabels[2], indexedTabLabels[0], "Third restored tab is correct" ); Assert.equal( tabsRestoredLabels[3], indexedTabLabels[3], "Last restored tab should be a minimized window" ); await promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed(); });