"use strict"; /** * This test ensures that we correctly clean up the session state when * writing with isFinalWrite, which is used on shutdown. It tests that each * tab's shistory is capped to a maximum number of preceding and succeeding * entries. */ const { SessionWriter } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionWriter.sys.mjs" ); // Make sure that we have a profile before initializing SessionFile. do_get_profile(); const { SessionFile: { Paths }, } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionFile.sys.mjs" ); const MAX_ENTRIES = 9; const URL = "http://example.com/#"; async function prepareWithLimit(back, fwd) { SessionWriter.init("empty", false, Paths, { maxSerializeBack: back, maxSerializeForward: fwd, maxUpgradeBackups: 3, }); await SessionWriter.wipe(); } add_setup(async function () { registerCleanupFunction(() => SessionWriter.wipe()); }); function createSessionState(index) { // Generate the tab state entries and set the one-based // tab-state index to the middle session history entry. let tabState = { entries: [], index }; for (let i = 0; i < MAX_ENTRIES; i++) { tabState.entries.push({ url: URL + i }); } return { windows: [{ tabs: [tabState] }] }; } async function writeAndParse(state, path, options = {}) { // We clone here because `write` can change the data passed. let data = structuredClone(state); await SessionWriter.write(data, options); return IOUtils.readJSON(path, { decompress: true }); } add_task(async function test_shistory_cap_none() { let state = createSessionState(5); // Don't limit the number of shistory entries. await prepareWithLimit(-1, -1); // Check that no caps are applied. let diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, { isFinalWrite: true, }); Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied"); }); add_task(async function test_shistory_cap_middle() { let state = createSessionState(5); await prepareWithLimit(2, 3); // Cap is only applied on clean shutdown. let diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.recovery); Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied"); // Check that the right number of shistory entries was discarded // and the shistory index updated accordingly. diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, { isFinalWrite: true }); let tabState = state.windows[0].tabs[0]; tabState.entries = tabState.entries.slice(2, 8); tabState.index = 3; Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "cap applied"); }); add_task(async function test_shistory_cap_lower_bound() { let state = createSessionState(1); await prepareWithLimit(5, 5); // Cap is only applied on clean shutdown. let diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.recovery); Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied"); // Check that the right number of shistory entries was discarded. diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, { isFinalWrite: true }); let tabState = state.windows[0].tabs[0]; tabState.entries = tabState.entries.slice(0, 6); Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "cap applied"); }); add_task(async function test_shistory_cap_upper_bound() { let state = createSessionState(MAX_ENTRIES); await prepareWithLimit(5, 5); // Cap is only applied on clean shutdown. let diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.recovery); Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "no cap applied"); // Check that the right number of shistory entries was discarded // and the shistory index updated accordingly. diskState = await writeAndParse(state, Paths.clean, { isFinalWrite: true }); let tabState = state.windows[0].tabs[0]; tabState.entries = tabState.entries.slice(3); tabState.index = 6; Assert.deepEqual(state, diskState, "cap applied"); });