/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", ASRouter: "resource:///modules/asrouter/ASRouter.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "XreDirProvider", "@mozilla.org/xre/directory-provider;1", "nsIXREDirProvider" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "BackgroundTasks", "@mozilla.org/backgroundtasks;1", "nsIBackgroundTasks" ); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { let { ConsoleAPI } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Console.sys.mjs" ); let consoleOptions = { // tip: set maxLogLevel to "debug" and use log.debug() to create detailed // messages during development. See LOG_LEVELS in Console.sys.mjs for details. maxLogLevel: "error", maxLogLevelPref: "browser.shell.loglevel", prefix: "ShellService", }; return new ConsoleAPI(consoleOptions); }); /** * Internal functionality to save and restore the docShell.allow* properties. */ let ShellServiceInternal = { /** * Used to determine whether or not to offer "Set as desktop background" * functionality. Even if shell service is available it is not * guaranteed that it is able to set the background for every desktop * which is especially true for Linux with its many different desktop * environments. */ get canSetDesktopBackground() { if (AppConstants.platform == "win" || AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { return true; } if (AppConstants.platform == "linux") { if (this.shellService) { let linuxShellService = this.shellService.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIGNOMEShellService ); return linuxShellService.canSetDesktopBackground; } } return false; }, /** * Used to determine whether or not to show a "Set Default Browser" * query dialog. This attribute is true if the application is starting * up and "browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser" is true, otherwise it * is false. */ _checkedThisSession: false, get shouldCheckDefaultBrowser() { // If we've already checked, the browser has been started and this is a // new window open, and we don't want to check again. if (this._checkedThisSession) { return false; } if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser")) { return false; } return true; }, set shouldCheckDefaultBrowser(shouldCheck) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", !!shouldCheck ); }, isDefaultBrowser(startupCheck, forAllTypes) { // If this is the first browser window, maintain internal state that we've // checked this session (so that subsequent window opens don't show the // default browser dialog). if (startupCheck) { this._checkedThisSession = true; } if (this.shellService) { return this.shellService.isDefaultBrowser(forAllTypes); } return false; }, /* * Check if UserChoice is impossible. * * Separated for easy stubbing in tests. * * @return string telemetry result like "Err*", or null if UserChoice * is possible. */ _userChoiceImpossibleTelemetryResult() { if (!ShellService.checkAllProgIDsExist()) { return "ErrProgID"; } if (!ShellService.checkBrowserUserChoiceHashes()) { return "ErrHash"; } return null; }, /* * Accommodate `setDefaultPDFHandlerOnlyReplaceBrowsers` feature. * @return true if Firefox should set itself as default PDF handler, false * otherwise. */ _shouldSetDefaultPDFHandler() { if ( !lazy.NimbusFeatures.shellService.getVariable( "setDefaultPDFHandlerOnlyReplaceBrowsers" ) ) { return true; } const handler = this.getDefaultPDFHandler(); if (handler === null) { // We only get an exception when something went really wrong. Fail // safely: don't set Firefox as default PDF handler. lazy.log.warn( "Could not determine default PDF handler: not setting Firefox as " + "default PDF handler!" ); return false; } if (!handler.registered) { lazy.log.debug( "Current default PDF handler has no registered association; " + "should set as default PDF handler." ); return true; } if (handler.knownBrowser) { lazy.log.debug( "Current default PDF handler progID matches known browser; should " + "set as default PDF handler." ); return true; } lazy.log.debug( "Current default PDF handler progID does not match known browser " + "prefix; should not set as default PDF handler." ); return false; }, getDefaultPDFHandler() { const knownBrowserPrefixes = [ "AppXq0fevzme2pys62n3e0fbqa7peapykr8v", // Edge before Blink, per https://stackoverflow.com/a/32724723. "AppXd4nrz8ff68srnhf9t5a8sbjyar1cr723", // Another pre-Blink Edge identifier. See Bug 1858729. "Brave", // For "BraveFile". "Chrome", // For "ChromeHTML". "Firefox", // For "FirefoxHTML-*" or "FirefoxPDF-*". Need to take from other installations of Firefox! "IE", // Best guess. "MSEdge", // For "MSEdgePDF". Edgium. "Opera", // For "OperaStable", presumably varying with channel. "Yandex", // For "YandexPDF.IHKFKZEIOKEMR6BGF62QXCRIKM", presumably varying with installation. ]; let currentProgID = ""; try { // Returns the empty string when no association is registered, in // which case the prefix matching will fail and we'll set Firefox as // the default PDF handler. currentProgID = this.queryCurrentDefaultHandlerFor(".pdf"); } catch (e) { // We only get an exception when something went really wrong. Fail // safely: don't set Firefox as default PDF handler. lazy.log.warn("Failed to queryCurrentDefaultHandlerFor:"); return null; } if (currentProgID == "") { return { registered: false, knownBrowser: false }; } const knownBrowserPrefix = knownBrowserPrefixes.find(it => currentProgID.startsWith(it) ); if (knownBrowserPrefix) { lazy.log.debug(`Found known browser prefix: ${knownBrowserPrefix}`); } return { registered: true, knownBrowser: !!knownBrowserPrefix, }; }, /* * Set the default browser through the UserChoice registry keys on Windows. * * NOTE: This does NOT open the System Settings app for manual selection * in case of failure. If that is desired, catch the exception and call * setDefaultBrowser(). * * @return Promise, resolves when successful, rejects with Error on failure. */ async setAsDefaultUserChoice() { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { throw new Error("Windows-only"); } lazy.log.info("Setting Firefox as default using UserChoice"); let telemetryResult = "ErrOther"; try { telemetryResult = this._userChoiceImpossibleTelemetryResult() ?? "ErrOther"; if (telemetryResult == "ErrProgID") { throw new Error("checkAllProgIDsExist() failed"); } if (telemetryResult == "ErrHash") { throw new Error("checkBrowserUserChoiceHashes() failed"); } const aumi = lazy.XreDirProvider.getInstallHash(); telemetryResult = "ErrLaunchExe"; const extraFileExtensions = []; if ( lazy.NimbusFeatures.shellService.getVariable("setDefaultPDFHandler") ) { if (this._shouldSetDefaultPDFHandler()) { lazy.log.info("Setting Firefox as default PDF handler"); extraFileExtensions.push(".pdf", "FirefoxPDF"); } else { lazy.log.info("Not setting Firefox as default PDF handler"); } } try { await this.defaultAgent.setDefaultBrowserUserChoiceAsync( aumi, extraFileExtensions ); } catch (err) { telemetryResult = "ErrOther"; this._handleWDBAResult(err.result || Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } telemetryResult = "Success"; } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof WDBAError) { telemetryResult = ex.telemetryResult; } throw ex; } finally { try { const histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( "BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_USER_CHOICE_RESULT" ); histogram.add(telemetryResult); } catch (ex) {} } }, async setAsDefaultPDFHandlerUserChoice() { if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { throw new Error("Windows-only"); } let telemetryResult = "ErrOther"; try { const aumi = lazy.XreDirProvider.getInstallHash(); try { this.defaultAgent.setDefaultExtensionHandlersUserChoice(aumi, [ ".pdf", "FirefoxPDF", ]); } catch (err) { telemetryResult = "ErrOther"; this._handleWDBAResult(err.result || Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } telemetryResult = "Success"; } catch (ex) { if (ex instanceof WDBAError) { telemetryResult = ex.telemetryResult; } throw ex; } finally { try { const histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( "BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_PDF_HANDLER_USER_CHOICE_RESULT" ); histogram.add(telemetryResult); } catch (ex) {} } }, // override nsIShellService.setDefaultBrowser() on the ShellService proxy. async setDefaultBrowser(forAllUsers) { // On Windows, our best chance is to set UserChoice, so try that first. if ( AppConstants.platform == "win" && lazy.NimbusFeatures.shellService.getVariable( "setDefaultBrowserUserChoice" ) ) { try { await this.setAsDefaultUserChoice(); return; } catch (err) { lazy.log.warn( "Error thrown during setAsDefaultUserChoice. Full exception:", err ); // intentionally fall through to setting via the non-user choice pathway on error } } this.shellService.setDefaultBrowser(forAllUsers); // Disable showing toast notification from Firefox Background Tasks. if (!lazy.BackgroundTasks?.isBackgroundTaskMode) { await lazy.ASRouter.waitForInitialized; const win = Services.wm.getMostRecentBrowserWindow() ?? null; lazy.ASRouter.sendTriggerMessage({ browser: win, id: "deeplinkedToWindowsSettingsUI", }); } }, async setAsDefault() { let setAsDefaultError = false; try { await ShellService.setDefaultBrowser(false); } catch (ex) { setAsDefaultError = true; console.error(ex); } // Here BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT and BROWSER_SET_USER_DEFAULT_ERROR appear // to be inverse of each other, but that is only because this function is // called when the browser is set as the default. During startup we record // the BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT value without recording BROWSER_SET_USER_DEFAULT_ERROR. Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("BROWSER_IS_USER_DEFAULT") .add(!setAsDefaultError); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("BROWSER_SET_DEFAULT_ERROR") .add(setAsDefaultError); }, setAsDefaultPDFHandler(onlyIfKnownBrowser = false) { if (onlyIfKnownBrowser && !this.getDefaultPDFHandler().knownBrowser) { return; } if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { this.setAsDefaultPDFHandlerUserChoice(); } }, /** * Determine if we're the default handler for the given file extension (like * ".pdf") or protocol (like "https"). Windows-only for now. * * @returns {boolean} true if we are the default handler, false otherwise. */ isDefaultHandlerFor(aFileExtensionOrProtocol) { if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { return this.shellService .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWindowsShellService) .isDefaultHandlerFor(aFileExtensionOrProtocol); } return false; }, /** * Checks if Firefox app can and isn't pinned to OS "taskbar." * * @throws if not called from main process. */ async doesAppNeedPin(privateBrowsing = false) { if ( Services.appinfo.processType !== Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT ) { throw new Components.Exception( "Can't determine pinned from child process", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } // Pretend pinning is not needed/supported if remotely disabled. if (lazy.NimbusFeatures.shellService.getVariable("disablePin")) { return false; } // Currently this only works on certain Windows versions. try { // First check if we can even pin the app where an exception means no. await this.shellService .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWindowsShellService) .checkPinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync(privateBrowsing); let winTaskbar = Cc["@mozilla.org/windows-taskbar;1"].getService( Ci.nsIWinTaskbar ); // Then check if we're already pinned. return !(await this.shellService.isCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarAsync( privateBrowsing ? winTaskbar.defaultPrivateGroupId : winTaskbar.defaultGroupId )); } catch (ex) {} // Next check mac pinning to dock. try { // Accessing this.macDockSupport will ensure we're actually running // on Mac (it's possible to be on Linux in this block). const isInDock = this.macDockSupport.isAppInDock; // We can't pin Private Browsing mode on Mac, only a shortcut to the vanilla app return privateBrowsing ? false : !isInDock; } catch (ex) {} return false; }, /** * Pin Firefox app to the OS "taskbar." */ async pinToTaskbar(privateBrowsing = false) { if (await this.doesAppNeedPin(privateBrowsing)) { try { if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { await this.shellService.pinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync(privateBrowsing); } else if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { this.macDockSupport.ensureAppIsPinnedToDock(); } } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } } }, _handleWDBAResult(exitCode) { if (exitCode != Cr.NS_OK) { const telemetryResult = new Map([ [Cr.NS_ERROR_WDBA_NO_PROGID, "ErrExeProgID"], [Cr.NS_ERROR_WDBA_HASH_CHECK, "ErrExeHash"], [Cr.NS_ERROR_WDBA_REJECTED, "ErrExeRejected"], [Cr.NS_ERROR_WDBA_BUILD, "ErrBuild"], ]).get(exitCode) ?? "ErrExeOther"; throw new WDBAError(exitCode, telemetryResult); } }, }; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(ShellServiceInternal, { defaultAgent: ["@mozilla.org/default-agent;1", "nsIDefaultAgent"], shellService: ["@mozilla.org/browser/shell-service;1", "nsIShellService"], macDockSupport: ["@mozilla.org/widget/macdocksupport;1", "nsIMacDockSupport"], }); /** * The external API exported by this module. */ export var ShellService = new Proxy(ShellServiceInternal, { get(target, name) { if (name in target) { return target[name]; } if (target.shellService) { return target.shellService[name]; } Services.console.logStringMessage( `${name} not found in ShellService: ${target.shellService}` ); return undefined; }, }); class WDBAError extends Error { constructor(exitCode, telemetryResult) { super(`WDBA nonzero exit code ${exitCode}: ${telemetryResult}`); this.exitCode = exitCode; this.telemetryResult = telemetryResult; } }