/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #define UNICODE #include "nsWindowsShellService.h" #include "BinaryPath.h" #include "imgIContainer.h" #include "imgIRequest.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIImageLoadingContent.h" #include "nsIOutputStream.h" #include "nsIPrefService.h" #include "nsIStringBundle.h" #include "nsIMIMEService.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsShellService.h" #include "nsDirectoryServiceUtils.h" #include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h" #include "nsIWindowsRegKey.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" #include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include "mozilla/intl/Localization.h" #include "WindowsDefaultBrowser.h" #include "WindowsUserChoice.h" #include "nsLocalFile.h" #include "nsIXULAppInfo.h" #include "nsINIParser.h" #include "nsNativeAppSupportWin.h" #include "Windows11TaskbarPinning.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __MINGW32__ // MinGW-w64 headers are missing PropVariantToString. # include PSSTDAPI PropVariantToString(REFPROPVARIANT propvar, PWSTR psz, UINT cch); # define UNLEN 256 #else # include // For UNLEN #endif #include #include #include #include "WinUtils.h" #include "mozilla/widget/WinTaskbar.h" #include #define PRIVATE_BROWSING_BINARY L"private_browsing.exe" #undef ACCESS_READ #ifndef MAX_BUF # define MAX_BUF 4096 #endif #define REG_SUCCEEDED(val) (val == ERROR_SUCCESS) #define REG_FAILED(val) (val != ERROR_SUCCESS) #ifdef DEBUG # define NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hres, ret) \ do { \ HRESULT result = hres; \ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(FAILED(result))) { \ mozilla::SmprintfPointer msg = mozilla::Smprintf( \ "NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(%s, %s) failed with " \ "result 0x%" PRIX32, \ #hres, #ret, static_cast(result)); \ NS_WARNING(msg.get()); \ return ret; \ } \ } while (false) #else # define NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hres, ret) \ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(FAILED(hres))) return ret #endif using namespace mozilla; using mozilla::intl::Localization; struct SysFreeStringDeleter { void operator()(BSTR aPtr) { ::SysFreeString(aPtr); } }; using BStrPtr = mozilla::UniquePtr; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsWindowsShellService, nsIToolkitShellService, nsIShellService, nsIWindowsShellService) static nsresult OpenKeyForReading(HKEY aKeyRoot, const nsAString& aKeyName, HKEY* aKey) { const nsString& flatName = PromiseFlatString(aKeyName); DWORD res = ::RegOpenKeyExW(aKeyRoot, flatName.get(), 0, KEY_READ, aKey); switch (res) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: break; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return NS_OK; } nsresult GetHelperPath(nsAutoString& aPath) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr directoryService = do_GetService(NS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr appHelper; rv = directoryService->Get(XRE_EXECUTABLE_FILE, NS_GET_IID(nsIFile), getter_AddRefs(appHelper)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = appHelper->SetNativeLeafName("uninstall"_ns); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = appHelper->AppendNative("helper.exe"_ns); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = appHelper->GetPath(aPath); aPath.Insert(L'"', 0); aPath.Append(L'"'); return rv; } nsresult LaunchHelper(nsAutoString& aPath) { STARTUPINFOW si = {sizeof(si), 0}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; if (!CreateProcessW(nullptr, (LPWSTR)aPath.get(), nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return NS_OK; } static bool IsPathDefaultForClass( const RefPtr& pAAR, wchar_t* exePath, LPCWSTR aClassName) { LPWSTR registeredApp; bool isProtocol = *aClassName != L'.'; ASSOCIATIONTYPE queryType = isProtocol ? AT_URLPROTOCOL : AT_FILEEXTENSION; HRESULT hr = pAAR->QueryCurrentDefault(aClassName, queryType, AL_EFFECTIVE, ®isteredApp); if (FAILED(hr)) { return false; } nsAutoString regAppName(registeredApp); CoTaskMemFree(registeredApp); // Make sure the application path for this progID is this installation. regAppName.AppendLiteral("\\shell\\open\\command"); HKEY theKey; nsresult rv = OpenKeyForReading(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, regAppName, &theKey); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } wchar_t cmdFromReg[MAX_BUF] = L""; DWORD len = sizeof(cmdFromReg); DWORD res = ::RegQueryValueExW(theKey, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, (LPBYTE)cmdFromReg, &len); ::RegCloseKey(theKey); if (REG_FAILED(res)) { return false; } nsAutoString pathFromReg(cmdFromReg); nsLocalFile::CleanupCmdHandlerPath(pathFromReg); return _wcsicmp(exePath, pathFromReg.Data()) == 0; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::IsDefaultBrowser(bool aForAllTypes, bool* aIsDefaultBrowser) { *aIsDefaultBrowser = false; RefPtr pAAR; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistration, getter_AddRefs(pAAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_OK; } wchar_t exePath[MAXPATHLEN] = L""; nsresult rv = BinaryPath::GetLong(exePath); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return NS_OK; } *aIsDefaultBrowser = IsPathDefaultForClass(pAAR, exePath, L"http"); if (*aIsDefaultBrowser && aForAllTypes) { *aIsDefaultBrowser = IsPathDefaultForClass(pAAR, exePath, L".html"); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::IsDefaultHandlerFor( const nsAString& aFileExtensionOrProtocol, bool* aIsDefaultHandlerFor) { *aIsDefaultHandlerFor = false; RefPtr pAAR; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistration, getter_AddRefs(pAAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_OK; } wchar_t exePath[MAXPATHLEN] = L""; nsresult rv = BinaryPath::GetLong(exePath); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return NS_OK; } const nsString& flatClass = PromiseFlatString(aFileExtensionOrProtocol); *aIsDefaultHandlerFor = IsPathDefaultForClass(pAAR, exePath, flatClass.get()); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::QueryCurrentDefaultHandlerFor( const nsAString& aFileExtensionOrProtocol, nsAString& aResult) { aResult.Truncate(); RefPtr pAAR; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistration, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistration, getter_AddRefs(pAAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_OK; } const nsString& flatClass = PromiseFlatString(aFileExtensionOrProtocol); LPWSTR registeredApp; bool isProtocol = flatClass.First() != L'.'; ASSOCIATIONTYPE queryType = isProtocol ? AT_URLPROTOCOL : AT_FILEEXTENSION; hr = pAAR->QueryCurrentDefault(flatClass.get(), queryType, AL_EFFECTIVE, ®isteredApp); if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATION)) { return NS_OK; } NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); aResult = registeredApp; CoTaskMemFree(registeredApp); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsWindowsShellService::LaunchControlPanelDefaultsSelectionUI() { IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI* pAARUI; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI, (void**)&pAARUI); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { mozilla::UniquePtr appRegName; GetAppRegName(appRegName); hr = pAARUI->LaunchAdvancedAssociationUI(appRegName.get()); pAARUI->Release(); } return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::CheckAllProgIDsExist(bool* aResult) { *aResult = false; nsAutoString aumid; if (!mozilla::widget::WinTaskbar::GetAppUserModelID(aumid)) { return NS_OK; } if (widget::WinUtils::HasPackageIdentity()) { UniquePtr extraProgID; nsresult rv; bool result = true; // "FirefoxURL". rv = GetMsixProgId(L"https", extraProgID); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } result = result && CheckProgIDExists(extraProgID.get()); // "FirefoxHTML". rv = GetMsixProgId(L".htm", extraProgID); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } result = result && CheckProgIDExists(extraProgID.get()); // "FirefoxPDF". rv = GetMsixProgId(L".pdf", extraProgID); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return rv; } result = result && CheckProgIDExists(extraProgID.get()); *aResult = result; } else { *aResult = CheckProgIDExists(FormatProgID(L"FirefoxURL", aumid.get()).get()) && CheckProgIDExists(FormatProgID(L"FirefoxHTML", aumid.get()).get()) && CheckProgIDExists(FormatProgID(L"FirefoxPDF", aumid.get()).get()); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::CheckBrowserUserChoiceHashes(bool* aResult) { *aResult = ::CheckBrowserUserChoiceHashes(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::CanSetDefaultBrowserUserChoice(bool* aResult) { *aResult = false; // If the WDBA is not available, this could never succeed. #ifdef MOZ_DEFAULT_BROWSER_AGENT bool progIDsExist = false; bool hashOk = false; *aResult = NS_SUCCEEDED(CheckAllProgIDsExist(&progIDsExist)) && progIDsExist && NS_SUCCEEDED(CheckBrowserUserChoiceHashes(&hashOk)) && hashOk; #endif return NS_OK; } nsresult nsWindowsShellService::LaunchModernSettingsDialogDefaultApps() { return ::LaunchModernSettingsDialogDefaultApps() ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::SetDefaultBrowser(bool aForAllUsers) { // If running from within a package, don't attempt to set default with // the helper, as it will not work and will only confuse our package's // virtualized registry. nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!widget::WinUtils::HasPackageIdentity()) { nsAutoString appHelperPath; if (NS_FAILED(GetHelperPath(appHelperPath))) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (aForAllUsers) { appHelperPath.AppendLiteral(" /SetAsDefaultAppGlobal"); } else { appHelperPath.AppendLiteral(" /SetAsDefaultAppUser"); } rv = LaunchHelper(appHelperPath); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = LaunchModernSettingsDialogDefaultApps(); // The above call should never really fail, but just in case // fall back to showing control panel for all defaults if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { rv = LaunchControlPanelDefaultsSelectionUI(); } } nsCOMPtr prefs(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (prefs) { (void)prefs->SetBoolPref(PREF_CHECKDEFAULTBROWSER, true); // Reset the number of times the dialog should be shown // before it is silenced. (void)prefs->SetIntPref(PREF_DEFAULTBROWSERCHECKCOUNT, 0); } return rv; } static nsresult WriteBitmap(nsIFile* aFile, imgIContainer* aImage) { nsresult rv; RefPtr surface = aImage->GetFrame( imgIContainer::FRAME_FIRST, imgIContainer::FLAG_SYNC_DECODE); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(surface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); // For either of the following formats we want to set the biBitCount member // of the BITMAPINFOHEADER struct to 32, below. For that value the bitmap // format defines that the A8/X8 WORDs in the bitmap byte stream be ignored // for the BI_RGB value we use for the biCompression member. MOZ_ASSERT(surface->GetFormat() == gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8 || surface->GetFormat() == gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8); RefPtr dataSurface = surface->GetDataSurface(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(dataSurface, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); int32_t width = dataSurface->GetSize().width; int32_t height = dataSurface->GetSize().height; int32_t bytesPerPixel = 4 * sizeof(uint8_t); uint32_t bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width; // initialize these bitmap structs which we will later // serialize directly to the head of the bitmap file BITMAPINFOHEADER bmi; bmi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.biWidth = width; bmi.biHeight = height; bmi.biPlanes = 1; bmi.biBitCount = (WORD)bytesPerPixel * 8; bmi.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.biSizeImage = bytesPerRow * height; bmi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmi.biClrUsed = 0; bmi.biClrImportant = 0; BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; bf.bfType = 0x4D42; // 'BM' bf.bfReserved1 = 0; bf.bfReserved2 = 0; bf.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bf.bfSize = bf.bfOffBits + bmi.biSizeImage; // get a file output stream nsCOMPtr stream; rv = NS_NewLocalFileOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(stream), aFile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); gfx::DataSourceSurface::MappedSurface map; if (!dataSurface->Map(gfx::DataSourceSurface::MapType::READ, &map)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // write the bitmap headers and rgb pixel data to the file rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (stream) { uint32_t written; stream->Write((const char*)&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), &written); if (written == sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)) { stream->Write((const char*)&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), &written); if (written == sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { // write out the image data backwards because the desktop won't // show bitmaps with negative heights for top-to-bottom uint32_t i = map.mStride * height; do { i -= map.mStride; stream->Write(((const char*)map.mData) + i, bytesPerRow, &written); if (written == bytesPerRow) { rv = NS_OK; } else { rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } } while (i != 0); } } stream->Close(); } dataSurface->Unmap(); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::SetDesktopBackground(dom::Element* aElement, int32_t aPosition, const nsACString& aImageName) { if (!aElement || !aElement->IsHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::img)) { // XXX write background loading stuff! return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr imageContent = do_QueryInterface(aElement, &rv); if (!imageContent) return rv; // get the image container nsCOMPtr request; rv = imageContent->GetRequest(nsIImageLoadingContent::CURRENT_REQUEST, getter_AddRefs(request)); if (!request) return rv; nsCOMPtr container; rv = request->GetImage(getter_AddRefs(container)); if (!container) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // get the file name from localized strings nsCOMPtr bundleService( do_GetService(NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr shellBundle; rv = bundleService->CreateBundle(SHELLSERVICE_PROPERTIES, getter_AddRefs(shellBundle)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // e.g. "Desktop Background.bmp" nsAutoString fileLeafName; rv = shellBundle->GetStringFromName("desktopBackgroundLeafNameWin", fileLeafName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // get the profile root directory nsCOMPtr file; rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_APPLICATION_REGISTRY_DIR, getter_AddRefs(file)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // eventually, the path is "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Desktop Background.bmp" rv = file->Append(fileLeafName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoString path; rv = file->GetPath(path); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // write the bitmap to a file in the profile directory. // We have to write old bitmap format for Windows 7 wallpapar support. rv = WriteBitmap(file, container); // if the file was written successfully, set it as the system wallpaper if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr regKey = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = regKey->Create(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, u"Control Panel\\Desktop"_ns, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_SET_VALUE); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoString tile; nsAutoString style; switch (aPosition) { case BACKGROUND_TILE: style.Assign('0'); tile.Assign('1'); break; case BACKGROUND_CENTER: style.Assign('0'); tile.Assign('0'); break; case BACKGROUND_STRETCH: style.Assign('2'); tile.Assign('0'); break; case BACKGROUND_FILL: style.AssignLiteral("10"); tile.Assign('0'); break; case BACKGROUND_FIT: style.Assign('6'); tile.Assign('0'); break; case BACKGROUND_SPAN: style.AssignLiteral("22"); tile.Assign('0'); break; } rv = regKey->WriteStringValue(u"TileWallpaper"_ns, tile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = regKey->WriteStringValue(u"WallpaperStyle"_ns, style); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = regKey->Close(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); ::SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, (PVOID)path.get(), SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE | SPIF_SENDCHANGE); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::GetDesktopBackgroundColor(uint32_t* aColor) { uint32_t color = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_DESKTOP); *aColor = (GetRValue(color) << 16) | (GetGValue(color) << 8) | GetBValue(color); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::SetDesktopBackgroundColor(uint32_t aColor) { int aParameters[2] = {COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_DESKTOP}; BYTE r = (aColor >> 16); BYTE g = (aColor << 16) >> 24; BYTE b = (aColor << 24) >> 24; COLORREF colors[2] = {RGB(r, g, b), RGB(r, g, b)}; ::SetSysColors(sizeof(aParameters) / sizeof(int), aParameters, colors); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr regKey = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = regKey->Create(nsIWindowsRegKey::ROOT_KEY_CURRENT_USER, u"Control Panel\\Colors"_ns, nsIWindowsRegKey::ACCESS_SET_VALUE); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); wchar_t rgb[12]; _snwprintf(rgb, 12, L"%u %u %u", r, g, b); rv = regKey->WriteStringValue(u"Background"_ns, nsDependentString(rgb)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return regKey->Close(); } /* * Writes information about a shortcut to a shortcuts log in * %PROGRAMDATA%\Mozilla-1de4eec8-1241-4177-a864-e594e8d1fb38. * (This is the same directory used for update staging.) * For more on the shortcuts log format and purpose, consult * /toolkit/mozapps/installer/windows/nsis/common.nsh. * * The shortcuts log created or appended here is named after * the currently running application and current user SID. * For example: Firefox_$SID_shortcuts.ini. * * If it does not exist, it will be created. If it exists * and a matching shortcut named already exists in the file, * a new one will not be appended. * * In an ideal world this function would not need aShortcutsLogDir * passed to it, but it is called by at least one function that runs * asynchronously, and is therefore unable to use nsDirectoryService * to look it up itself. */ static nsresult WriteShortcutToLog(nsIFile* aShortcutsLogDir, KNOWNFOLDERID aFolderId, const nsAString& aShortcutName) { // the section inside the shortcuts log nsAutoCString section; // the shortcuts log wants "Programs" shortcuts in its "STARTMENU" section if (aFolderId == FOLDERID_CommonPrograms || aFolderId == FOLDERID_Programs) { section.Assign("STARTMENU"); } else if (aFolderId == FOLDERID_PublicDesktop || aFolderId == FOLDERID_Desktop) { section.Assign("DESKTOP"); } else { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } nsCOMPtr shortcutsLog; nsresult rv = aShortcutsLogDir->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(shortcutsLog)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString appName; nsCOMPtr appInfo = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"); rv = appInfo->GetName(appName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); auto userSid = GetCurrentUserStringSid(); if (!userSid) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } nsAutoString filename; filename.AppendPrintf("%s_%ls_shortcuts.ini", appName.get(), userSid.get()); rv = shortcutsLog->Append(filename); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsINIParser parser; bool fileExists = false; bool shortcutsLogEntryExists = false; nsAutoCString keyName, shortcutName; shortcutName = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aShortcutName); shortcutsLog->IsFile(&fileExists); // if the shortcuts log exists, find either an existing matching // entry, or the next available shortcut index if (fileExists) { rv = parser.Init(shortcutsLog); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString iniShortcut; // surely we'll never need more than 10 shortcuts in one section... for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { keyName.AssignLiteral("Shortcut"); keyName.AppendInt(i); rv = parser.GetString(section.get(), keyName.get(), iniShortcut); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // we found an unused index break; } else if (iniShortcut.Equals(shortcutName)) { shortcutsLogEntryExists = true; } } // otherwise, this is safe to use } else { keyName.AssignLiteral("Shortcut0"); } if (!shortcutsLogEntryExists) { parser.SetString(section.get(), keyName.get(), shortcutName.get()); // We write this ourselves instead of using parser->WriteToFile because // the INI parser in our uninstaller needs to read this, and only supports // UTF-16LE encoding. nsINIParser does not support UTF-16. nsAutoCString formatted; parser.WriteToString(formatted); FILE* writeFile; rv = shortcutsLog->OpenANSIFileDesc("w,ccs=UTF-16LE", &writeFile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 formattedUTF16(formatted); if (fwrite(formattedUTF16.get(), sizeof(wchar_t), formattedUTF16.Length(), writeFile) != formattedUTF16.Length()) { fclose(writeFile); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } fclose(writeFile); } return NS_OK; } static nsresult CreateShortcutImpl( nsIFile* aBinary, const CopyableTArray& aArguments, const nsAString& aDescription, nsIFile* aIconFile, uint16_t aIconIndex, const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, KNOWNFOLDERID aShortcutFolder, const nsAString& aShortcutName, const nsString& aShortcutFile, nsIFile* aShortcutsLogDir) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aBinary); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aIconFile); nsresult rv = WriteShortcutToLog(aShortcutsLogDir, aShortcutFolder, aShortcutName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); RefPtr link; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkW, getter_AddRefs(link)); NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsString path(aBinary->NativePath()); link->SetPath(path.get()); wchar_t workingDir[MAX_PATH + 1]; wcscpy_s(workingDir, MAX_PATH + 1, aBinary->NativePath().get()); PathRemoveFileSpecW(workingDir); link->SetWorkingDirectory(workingDir); if (!aDescription.IsEmpty()) { link->SetDescription(PromiseFlatString(aDescription).get()); } // TODO: Properly escape quotes in the string, see bug 1604287. nsString arguments; for (auto& arg : aArguments) { arguments.AppendPrintf("\"%S\" ", static_cast(arg.get())); } link->SetArguments(arguments.get()); if (aIconFile) { nsString icon(aIconFile->NativePath()); link->SetIconLocation(icon.get(), aIconIndex); } if (!aAppUserModelId.IsEmpty()) { RefPtr propStore; hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertyStore, getter_AddRefs(propStore)); NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); PROPVARIANT pv; if (FAILED(InitPropVariantFromString( PromiseFlatString(aAppUserModelId).get(), &pv))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } hr = propStore->SetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, pv); PropVariantClear(&pv); NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); hr = propStore->Commit(); NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } RefPtr persist; hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, getter_AddRefs(persist)); NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); hr = persist->Save(aShortcutFile.get(), TRUE); NS_ENSURE_HRESULT(hr, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::CreateShortcut( nsIFile* aBinary, const nsTArray& aArguments, const nsAString& aDescription, nsIFile* aIconFile, uint16_t aIconIndex, const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, const nsAString& aShortcutFolder, const nsAString& aShortcutName, JSContext* aCx, dom::Promise** aPromise) { if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } ErrorResult rv; RefPtr promise = dom::Promise::Create(xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx), rv); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.Failed())) { return rv.StealNSResult(); } // In an ideal world we'd probably send along nsIFile pointers // here, but it's easier to determine the needed shortcuts log // entry with a KNOWNFOLDERID - so we pass this along instead // and let CreateShortcutImpl take care of converting it to // an nsIFile. KNOWNFOLDERID folderId; if (aShortcutFolder.Equals(L"Programs")) { folderId = FOLDERID_Programs; } else if (aShortcutFolder.Equals(L"Desktop")) { folderId = FOLDERID_Desktop; } else { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } nsCOMPtr updRoot, shortcutsLogDir; nsresult nsrv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(XRE_UPDATE_ROOT_DIR, getter_AddRefs(updRoot)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(nsrv, nsrv); nsrv = updRoot->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(shortcutsLogDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(nsrv, nsrv); nsCOMPtr shortcutFile; if (folderId == FOLDERID_Programs) { nsrv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_WIN_PROGRAMS_DIR, getter_AddRefs(shortcutFile)); } else if (folderId == FOLDERID_Desktop) { nsrv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_DESKTOP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(shortcutFile)); } else { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (NS_FAILED(nsrv)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } shortcutFile->Append(aShortcutName); auto promiseHolder = MakeRefPtr>( "CreateShortcut promise", promise); nsCOMPtr binary(aBinary); nsCOMPtr iconFile(aIconFile); NS_DispatchBackgroundTask( NS_NewRunnableFunction( "CreateShortcut", [binary, aArguments = CopyableTArray(aArguments), aDescription = nsString{aDescription}, iconFile, aIconIndex, aAppUserModelId = nsString{aAppUserModelId}, folderId, aShortcutFolder = nsString{aShortcutFolder}, aShortcutName = nsString{aShortcutName}, shortcutsLogDir, shortcutFile, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(nullptr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { rv = CreateShortcutImpl( binary.get(), aArguments, aDescription, iconFile.get(), aIconIndex, aAppUserModelId, folderId, aShortcutName, shortcutFile->NativePath(), shortcutsLogDir.get()); CoUninitialize(); } NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "CreateShortcut callback", [rv, shortcutFile, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { dom::Promise* promise = promiseHolder.get()->get(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { promise->MaybeResolve(shortcutFile->NativePath()); } else { promise->MaybeReject(rv); } })); }), NS_DISPATCH_EVENT_MAY_BLOCK); promise.forget(aPromise); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::GetLaunchOnLoginShortcuts( nsTArray& aShortcutPaths) { aShortcutPaths.Clear(); // Get AppData\\Roaming folder using a known folder ID RefPtr fManager; RefPtr roamingAppData; LPWSTR roamingAppDataW; nsString roamingAppDataNS; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_KnownFolderManager, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IKnownFolderManager, getter_AddRefs(fManager)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_ABORT; } fManager->GetFolder(FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, roamingAppData.StartAssignment()); hr = roamingAppData->GetPath(0, &roamingAppDataW); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // Append startup folder to AppData\\Roaming roamingAppDataNS.Assign(roamingAppDataW); CoTaskMemFree(roamingAppDataW); nsString startupFolder = roamingAppDataNS + u"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"_ns; nsString startupFolderWildcard = startupFolder + u"\\*.lnk"_ns; // Get known path for binary file for later comparison with shortcuts. // Returns lowercase file path which should be fine for Windows as all // directories and files are case-insensitive by default. RefPtr binFile; nsString binPath; nsresult rv = XRE_GetBinaryPath(binFile.StartAssignment()); if (FAILED(rv)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } rv = binFile->GetPath(binPath); if (FAILED(rv)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH; } // Check for if first file exists with a shortcut extension (.lnk) WIN32_FIND_DATAW ffd; HANDLE fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; fileHandle = FindFirstFileW(startupFolderWildcard.get(), &ffd); if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // This means that no files were found in the folder which // doesn't imply an error. Most of the time the user won't // have any shortcuts here. return NS_OK; } do { // Extract shortcut target path from every // shortcut in the startup folder. nsString fileName(ffd.cFileName); RefPtr link; RefPtr ppf; nsString target; target.SetLength(MAX_PATH); CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkW, getter_AddRefs(link)); hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, getter_AddRefs(ppf)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } nsString filePath = startupFolder + u"\\"_ns + fileName; hr = ppf->Load(filePath.get(), STGM_READ); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } hr = link->GetPath(target.get(), MAX_PATH, nullptr, 0); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // If shortcut target matches known binary file value // then add the path to the shortcut as a valid // startup shortcut. This has to be a substring search as // the user could have added unknown command line arguments // to the shortcut. if (_wcsnicmp(target.get(), binPath.get(), binPath.Length()) == 0) { aShortcutPaths.AppendElement(filePath); } } while (FindNextFile(fileHandle, &ffd) != 0); FindClose(fileHandle); return NS_OK; } // Look for any installer-created shortcuts in the given location that match // the given AUMID and EXE Path. If one is found, output its path. // // NOTE: DO NOT USE if a false negative (mismatch) is unacceptable. // aExePath is compared directly to the path retrieved from the shortcut. // Due to the presence of symlinks or other filesystem issues, it's possible // for different paths to refer to the same file, which would cause the check // to fail. // This should rarely be an issue as we are most likely to be run from a path // written by the installer (shortcut, association, launch from installer), // which also wrote the shortcuts. But it is possible. // // aCSIDL the CSIDL of the directory to look for matching shortcuts in // aAUMID the AUMID to check for // aExePath the target exe path to check for, should be a long path where // possible // aShortcutSubstring a substring to limit which shortcuts in aCSIDL are // inspected for a match. Only shortcuts whose filename // contains this substring will be considered // aShortcutPath outparam, set to matching shortcut path if NS_OK is returned. // // Returns // NS_ERROR_FAILURE on errors before any shortcuts were loaded // NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if no shortcuts matching aShortcutSubstring exist // NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS if shortcuts were found but did not match // aAUMID or aExePath // NS_OK if a matching shortcut is found static nsresult GetMatchingShortcut(int aCSIDL, const nsAString& aAUMID, const wchar_t aExePath[MAXPATHLEN], const nsAString& aShortcutSubstring, /* out */ nsAutoString& aShortcutPath) { nsresult result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; wchar_t folderPath[MAX_PATH] = {}; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPathW(nullptr, aCSIDL, nullptr, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, folderPath); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (wcscat_s(folderPath, MAX_PATH, L"\\") != 0) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Get list of shortcuts in aCSIDL nsAutoString pattern(folderPath); pattern.AppendLiteral("*.lnk"); WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData = {}; HANDLE hFindFile = FindFirstFileW(pattern.get(), &findData); if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Unused << NS_WARN_IF(GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // Past this point we don't return until the end of the function, // when FindClose() is called. // todo: improve return values here do { // Skip any that don't contain aShortcutSubstring // This is a case sensitive comparison, but that's probably fine for // the vast majority of cases -- and certainly for all the ones where // a shortcut was created by the installer. if (StrStrIW(findData.cFileName, aShortcutSubstring.Data()) == NULL) { continue; } nsAutoString path(folderPath); path.Append(findData.cFileName); // Create a shell link object for loading the shortcut RefPtr link; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkW, getter_AddRefs(link)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // Load RefPtr persist; hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, getter_AddRefs(persist)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } hr = persist->Load(path.get(), STGM_READ); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (NS_WARN_IF(hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND))) { // empty branch, result unchanged but warning issued } else { // If we've ever gotten past this block, result will already be // NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, which is a more accurate error // than NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. if (result != NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { result = NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } continue; } result = NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS; // Check the AUMID RefPtr propStore; hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertyStore, getter_AddRefs(propStore)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } PROPVARIANT pv; hr = propStore->GetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, &pv); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } wchar_t storedAUMID[MAX_PATH]; hr = PropVariantToString(pv, storedAUMID, MAX_PATH); PropVariantClear(&pv); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } if (!aAUMID.Equals(storedAUMID)) { continue; } // Check the exe path static_assert(MAXPATHLEN == MAX_PATH); wchar_t storedExePath[MAX_PATH] = {}; // With no flags GetPath gets a long path hr = link->GetPath(storedExePath, ArrayLength(storedExePath), nullptr, 0); if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE) { continue; } // Case insensitive path comparison if (wcsnicmp(storedExePath, aExePath, MAXPATHLEN) == 0) { aShortcutPath.Assign(path); result = NS_OK; break; } } while (FindNextFileW(hFindFile, &findData)); FindClose(hFindFile); return result; } static nsresult FindMatchingShortcut(const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, const nsAString& aShortcutSubstring, const bool aPrivateBrowsing, nsAutoString& aShortcutPath) { wchar_t exePath[MAXPATHLEN] = {}; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(BinaryPath::GetLong(exePath)))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (aPrivateBrowsing) { if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(exePath)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!PathAppendW(exePath, L"private_browsing.exe")) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } int shortcutCSIDLs[] = {CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY}; for (int shortcutCSIDL : shortcutCSIDLs) { // GetMatchingShortcut may fail when the exe path doesn't match, even // if it refers to the same file. This should be rare, and the worst // outcome would be failure to pin, so the risk is acceptable. nsresult rv = GetMatchingShortcut(shortcutCSIDL, aAppUserModelId, exePath, aShortcutSubstring, aShortcutPath); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_OK; } } return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } static bool HasMatchingShortcutImpl(const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, const bool aPrivateBrowsing, const nsAutoString& aShortcutSubstring) { // unused by us, but required nsAutoString shortcutPath; nsresult rv = FindMatchingShortcut(aAppUserModelId, aShortcutSubstring, aPrivateBrowsing, shortcutPath); if (SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return true; } return false; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::HasMatchingShortcut( const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, const bool aPrivateBrowsing, JSContext* aCx, dom::Promise** aPromise) { if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } ErrorResult rv; RefPtr promise = dom::Promise::Create(xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx), rv); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.Failed())) { return rv.StealNSResult(); } auto promiseHolder = MakeRefPtr>( "HasMatchingShortcut promise", promise); NS_DispatchBackgroundTask( NS_NewRunnableFunction( "HasMatchingShortcut", [aAppUserModelId = nsString{aAppUserModelId}, aPrivateBrowsing, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { bool rv = false; HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(nullptr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { nsAutoString shortcutSubstring; shortcutSubstring.AssignLiteral(MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME); rv = HasMatchingShortcutImpl(aAppUserModelId, aPrivateBrowsing, shortcutSubstring); CoUninitialize(); } NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "HasMatchingShortcut callback", [rv, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { dom::Promise* promise = promiseHolder.get()->get(); promise->MaybeResolve(rv); })); }), NS_DISPATCH_EVENT_MAY_BLOCK); promise.forget(aPromise); return NS_OK; } static bool IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarSync(const nsAString& aumid) { // There are two shortcut targets that we created. One always matches the // binary we're running as (eg: firefox.exe). The other is the wrapper // for launching in Private Browsing mode. We need to inspect shortcuts // that point at either of these to accurately judge whether or not // the app is pinned with the given AUMID. wchar_t exePath[MAXPATHLEN] = {}; wchar_t pbExePath[MAXPATHLEN] = {}; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(BinaryPath::GetLong(exePath)))) { return false; } wcscpy_s(pbExePath, MAXPATHLEN, exePath); if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(pbExePath)) { return false; } if (!PathAppendW(pbExePath, L"private_browsing.exe")) { return false; } wchar_t folderChars[MAX_PATH] = {}; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPathW(nullptr, CSIDL_APPDATA, nullptr, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, folderChars); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { return false; } nsAutoString folder; folder.Assign(folderChars); if (NS_WARN_IF(folder.IsEmpty())) { return false; } if (folder[folder.Length() - 1] != '\\') { folder.AppendLiteral("\\"); } folder.AppendLiteral( "Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\User Pinned\\TaskBar"); nsAutoString pattern; pattern.Assign(folder); pattern.AppendLiteral("\\*.lnk"); WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData = {}; HANDLE hFindFile = FindFirstFileW(pattern.get(), &findData); if (hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Unused << NS_WARN_IF(GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return false; } // Past this point we don't return until the end of the function, // when FindClose() is called. // Check all shortcuts until a match is found bool isPinned = false; do { nsAutoString fileName; fileName.Assign(folder); fileName.AppendLiteral("\\"); fileName.Append(findData.cFileName); // Create a shell link object for loading the shortcut RefPtr link; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkW, getter_AddRefs(link)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // Load RefPtr persist; hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, getter_AddRefs(persist)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } hr = persist->Load(fileName.get(), STGM_READ); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // Check the exe path static_assert(MAXPATHLEN == MAX_PATH); wchar_t storedExePath[MAX_PATH] = {}; // With no flags GetPath gets a long path hr = link->GetPath(storedExePath, ArrayLength(storedExePath), nullptr, 0); if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE) { continue; } // Case insensitive path comparison // NOTE: Because this compares the path directly, it is possible to // have a false negative mismatch. if (wcsnicmp(storedExePath, exePath, MAXPATHLEN) == 0 || wcsnicmp(storedExePath, pbExePath, MAXPATHLEN) == 0) { RefPtr propStore; hr = link->QueryInterface(IID_IPropertyStore, getter_AddRefs(propStore)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } PROPVARIANT pv; hr = propStore->GetValue(PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, &pv); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } wchar_t storedAUMID[MAX_PATH]; hr = PropVariantToString(pv, storedAUMID, MAX_PATH); PropVariantClear(&pv); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } if (aumid.Equals(storedAUMID)) { isPinned = true; break; } } } while (FindNextFileW(hFindFile, &findData)); FindClose(hFindFile); return isPinned; } static nsresult ManageShortcutTaskbarPins(bool aCheckOnly, bool aPinType, const nsAString& aShortcutPath) { // This enum is likely only used for Windows telemetry, INT_MAX is chosen to // avoid confusion with existing uses. enum PINNEDLISTMODIFYCALLER { PLMC_INT_MAX = INT_MAX }; // The types below, and the idea of using IPinnedList3::Modify, // are thanks to Gee Law static constexpr GUID CLSID_TaskbandPin = { 0x90aa3a4e, 0x1cba, 0x4233, {0xb8, 0xbb, 0x53, 0x57, 0x73, 0xd4, 0x84, 0x49}}; static constexpr GUID IID_IPinnedList3 = { 0x0dd79ae2, 0xd156, 0x45d4, {0x9e, 0xeb, 0x3b, 0x54, 0x97, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x40}}; struct IPinnedList3Vtbl; struct IPinnedList3 { IPinnedList3Vtbl* vtbl; }; typedef ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseFunc(IPinnedList3 * that); typedef HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ModifyFunc( IPinnedList3 * that, PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE unpin, PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pin, PINNEDLISTMODIFYCALLER caller); struct IPinnedList3Vtbl { void* QueryInterface; // 0 void* AddRef; // 1 ReleaseFunc* Release; // 2 void* Other[13]; // 3-15 ModifyFunc* Modify; // 16 }; struct ILFreeDeleter { void operator()(LPITEMIDLIST aPtr) { if (aPtr) { ILFree(aPtr); } } }; mozilla::UniquePtr<__unaligned ITEMIDLIST, ILFreeDeleter> path( ILCreateFromPathW(nsString(aShortcutPath).get())); if (NS_WARN_IF(!path)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } IPinnedList3* pinnedList = nullptr; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TaskbandPin, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IPinnedList3, (void**)&pinnedList); if (FAILED(hr) || !pinnedList) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (!aCheckOnly) { hr = pinnedList->vtbl->Modify(pinnedList, aPinType ? NULL : path.get(), aPinType ? path.get() : NULL, PLMC_INT_MAX); } pinnedList->vtbl->Release(pinnedList); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::PinShortcutToTaskbar(const nsAString& aShortcutPath) { const bool pinType = true; // true means pin const bool runInTestMode = false; return ManageShortcutTaskbarPins(runInTestMode, pinType, aShortcutPath); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::UnpinShortcutFromTaskbar( const nsAString& aShortcutPath) { const bool pinType = false; // false means unpin const bool runInTestMode = false; return ManageShortcutTaskbarPins(runInTestMode, pinType, aShortcutPath); } // Ensure that the supplied name doesn't have invalid characters. static void ValidateFilename(nsAString& aFilename) { nsCOMPtr mimeService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/mime;1"); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mimeService)) { aFilename.Truncate(); return; } uint32_t flags = nsIMIMEService::VALIDATE_SANITIZE_ONLY | nsIMIMEService::VALIDATE_DONT_COLLAPSE_WHITESPACE; nsAutoString outFilename; mimeService->ValidateFileNameForSaving(aFilename, EmptyCString(), flags, outFilename); aFilename = outFilename; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::GetTaskbarTabShortcutPath(const nsAString& aShortcutName, nsAString& aRetPath) { nsAutoString sanitizedShortcutName(aShortcutName); ValidateFilename(sanitizedShortcutName); if (sanitizedShortcutName != aShortcutName) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_INVALID_PATH; } // The taskbar tab shortcut will always be in // %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs RefPtr fManager; RefPtr progFolder; LPWSTR progFolderW; nsString progFolderNS; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_KnownFolderManager, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IKnownFolderManager, getter_AddRefs(fManager)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { return NS_ERROR_ABORT; } fManager->GetFolder(FOLDERID_Programs, progFolder.StartAssignment()); hr = progFolder->GetPath(0, &progFolderW); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } progFolderNS.Assign(progFolderW); aRetPath = progFolderNS + u"\\"_ns + aShortcutName + u".lnk"_ns; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::GetTaskbarTabPins(nsTArray& aShortcutPaths) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; #else aShortcutPaths.Clear(); // Get AppData\\Roaming folder using a known folder ID RefPtr fManager; RefPtr roamingAppData; LPWSTR roamingAppDataW; nsString roamingAppDataNS; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_KnownFolderManager, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IKnownFolderManager, getter_AddRefs(fManager)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { return NS_ERROR_ABORT; } fManager->GetFolder(FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, roamingAppData.StartAssignment()); hr = roamingAppData->GetPath(0, &roamingAppDataW); if (FAILED(hr)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // Append taskbar pins folder to AppData\\Roaming roamingAppDataNS.Assign(roamingAppDataW); CoTaskMemFree(roamingAppDataW); nsString taskbarFolder = roamingAppDataNS + u"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"_ns; nsString taskbarFolderWildcard = taskbarFolder + u"\\*.lnk"_ns; // Get known path for binary file for later comparison with shortcuts. // Returns lowercase file path which should be fine for Windows as all // directories and files are case-insensitive by default. RefPtr binFile; nsString binPath; nsresult rv = XRE_GetBinaryPath(binFile.StartAssignment()); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(rv))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } rv = binFile->GetPath(binPath); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(rv))) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH; } // Check for if first file exists with a shortcut extension (.lnk) WIN32_FIND_DATAW ffd; HANDLE fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; fileHandle = FindFirstFileW(taskbarFolderWildcard.get(), &ffd); if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // This means that no files were found in the folder which // doesn't imply an error. return NS_OK; } do { // Extract shortcut target path from every // shortcut in the taskbar pins folder. nsString fileName(ffd.cFileName); RefPtr link; RefPtr pps; nsString target; target.SetLength(MAX_PATH); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLinkW, getter_AddRefs(link)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } nsString filePath = taskbarFolder + u"\\"_ns + fileName; if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // After loading shortcut, search through arguments to find if // it is a taskbar tab shortcut. hr = SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(filePath.get(), nullptr, GPS_READWRITE, IID_IPropertyStore, getter_AddRefs(pps)); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr)) || pps == nullptr) { continue; } PROPVARIANT propVar; PropVariantInit(&propVar); auto cleanupPropVariant = MakeScopeExit([&] { PropVariantClear(&propVar); }); // Get the PKEY_Link_Arguments property hr = pps->GetValue(PKEY_Link_Arguments, &propVar); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // Check if the argument matches if (!(propVar.vt == VT_LPWSTR && propVar.pwszVal != nullptr && wcsstr(propVar.pwszVal, L"-taskbar-tab") != nullptr)) { continue; } hr = link->GetPath(target.get(), MAX_PATH, nullptr, 0); if (NS_WARN_IF(FAILED(hr))) { continue; } // If shortcut target matches known binary file value // then add the path to the shortcut as a valid // shortcut. This has to be a substring search as // the user could have added unknown command line arguments // to the shortcut. if (_wcsnicmp(target.get(), binPath.get(), binPath.Length()) == 0) { aShortcutPaths.AppendElement(filePath); } } while (FindNextFile(fileHandle, &ffd) != 0); FindClose(fileHandle); return NS_OK; #endif } static nsresult PinCurrentAppToTaskbarWin10(bool aCheckOnly, const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, const nsAString& aShortcutPath) { // The behavior here is identical if we're only checking or if we try to pin // but the app is already pinned so we update the variable accordingly. if (!aCheckOnly) { aCheckOnly = IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarSync(aAppUserModelId); } const bool pinType = true; // true means pin return ManageShortcutTaskbarPins(aCheckOnly, pinType, aShortcutPath); } static nsresult PinCurrentAppToTaskbarImpl( bool aCheckOnly, bool aPrivateBrowsing, const nsAString& aAppUserModelId, const nsAString& aShortcutName, const nsAString& aShortcutSubstring, nsIFile* aShortcutsLogDir, nsIFile* aGreDir, nsIFile* aProgramsDir) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT( !NS_IsMainThread(), "PinCurrentAppToTaskbarImpl should be called off main thread only"); nsAutoString shortcutPath; nsresult rv = FindMatchingShortcut(aAppUserModelId, aShortcutSubstring, aPrivateBrowsing, shortcutPath); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { shortcutPath.Truncate(); } if (shortcutPath.IsEmpty()) { if (aCheckOnly) { // Later checks rely on a shortcut already existing. // We don't want to create a shortcut in check only mode // so the best we can do is assume those parts will work. return NS_OK; } nsAutoString linkName(aShortcutName); nsCOMPtr exeFile(aGreDir); if (aPrivateBrowsing) { nsAutoString pbExeStr(PRIVATE_BROWSING_BINARY); nsresult rv = exeFile->Append(pbExeStr); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } else { wchar_t exePath[MAXPATHLEN] = {}; if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(BinaryPath::GetLong(exePath)))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsAutoString exeStr(exePath); nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(exeStr, true, getter_AddRefs(exeFile)); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } nsCOMPtr shortcutFile(aProgramsDir); shortcutFile->Append(aShortcutName); shortcutPath.Assign(shortcutFile->NativePath()); nsTArray arguments; rv = CreateShortcutImpl(exeFile, arguments, aShortcutName, exeFile, // Icon indexes are defined as Resource IDs, but // CreateShortcutImpl needs an index. IDI_APPICON - 1, aAppUserModelId, FOLDERID_Programs, linkName, shortcutFile->NativePath(), aShortcutsLogDir); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } auto pinWithWin11TaskbarAPIResults = PinCurrentAppToTaskbarWin11(aCheckOnly, aAppUserModelId, shortcutPath); switch (pinWithWin11TaskbarAPIResults.result) { case Win11PinToTaskBarResultStatus::NotSupported: // Fall through to the win 10 mechanism break; case Win11PinToTaskBarResultStatus::Success: case Win11PinToTaskBarResultStatus::AlreadyPinned: return NS_OK; case Win11PinToTaskBarResultStatus::NotCurrentlyAllowed: case Win11PinToTaskBarResultStatus::Failed: // return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Fall through to the old mechanism for now // In future, we should be sending telemetry for when // an error occurs or for when pinning is not allowed // with the Win 11 APIs. break; } return PinCurrentAppToTaskbarWin10(aCheckOnly, aAppUserModelId, shortcutPath); } static nsresult PinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsyncImpl(bool aCheckOnly, bool aPrivateBrowsing, JSContext* aCx, dom::Promise** aPromise) { if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } // First available on 1809 if (!IsWin10Sep2018UpdateOrLater()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } ErrorResult rv; RefPtr promise = dom::Promise::Create(xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx), rv); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.Failed())) { return rv.StealNSResult(); } nsAutoString aumid; if (NS_WARN_IF(!mozilla::widget::WinTaskbar::GetAppUserModelID( aumid, aPrivateBrowsing))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // NOTE: In the installer, non-private shortcuts are named // "${BrandShortName}.lnk". This is set from MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME in // defines.nsi.in. (Except in dev edition where it's explicitly set to // "Firefox Developer Edition" in branding.nsi, which matches // MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME in aurora/configure.sh.) // // If this changes, we could expand this to check shortcuts_log.ini, // which records the name of the shortcuts as created by the installer. // // Private shortcuts are not created by the installer (they're created // upon user request, ultimately by CreateShortcutImpl, and recorded in // a separate shortcuts log. As with non-private shortcuts they have a known // name - so there's no need to look through logs to find them. nsAutoString shortcutName; if (aPrivateBrowsing) { nsTArray resIds = { "branding/brand.ftl"_ns, "browser/browser.ftl"_ns, }; RefPtr l10n = Localization::Create(resIds, true); nsAutoCString pbStr; IgnoredErrorResult rv; l10n->FormatValueSync("private-browsing-shortcut-text-2"_ns, {}, pbStr, rv); shortcutName.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(pbStr)); shortcutName.AppendLiteral(".lnk"); } else { shortcutName.AppendLiteral(MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME ".lnk"); } nsCOMPtr greDir, updRoot, programsDir, shortcutsLogDir; nsresult nsrv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_GRE_DIR, getter_AddRefs(greDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(nsrv, nsrv); nsrv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(XRE_UPDATE_ROOT_DIR, getter_AddRefs(updRoot)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(nsrv, nsrv); rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_WIN_PROGRAMS_DIR, getter_AddRefs(programsDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(nsrv, nsrv); nsrv = updRoot->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(shortcutsLogDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(nsrv, nsrv); auto promiseHolder = MakeRefPtr>( "CheckPinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync promise", promise); NS_DispatchBackgroundTask( NS_NewRunnableFunction( "CheckPinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync", [aCheckOnly, aPrivateBrowsing, shortcutName, aumid = nsString{aumid}, shortcutsLogDir, greDir, programsDir, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(nullptr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { nsAutoString shortcutSubstring; shortcutSubstring.AssignLiteral(MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME); rv = PinCurrentAppToTaskbarImpl( aCheckOnly, aPrivateBrowsing, aumid, shortcutName, shortcutSubstring, shortcutsLogDir.get(), greDir.get(), programsDir.get()); CoUninitialize(); } NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "CheckPinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync callback", [rv, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { dom::Promise* promise = promiseHolder.get()->get(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { promise->MaybeResolveWithUndefined(); } else { promise->MaybeReject(rv); } })); }), NS_DISPATCH_EVENT_MAY_BLOCK); promise.forget(aPromise); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::PinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync(bool aPrivateBrowsing, JSContext* aCx, dom::Promise** aPromise) { // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1712628 tracks implementing // this for MSIX packages. if (widget::WinUtils::HasPackageIdentity()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return PinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsyncImpl( /* aCheckOnly */ false, aPrivateBrowsing, aCx, aPromise); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::CheckPinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsync( bool aPrivateBrowsing, JSContext* aCx, dom::Promise** aPromise) { // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1712628 tracks implementing // this for MSIX packages. if (widget::WinUtils::HasPackageIdentity()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return PinCurrentAppToTaskbarAsyncImpl( /* aCheckOnly = */ true, aPrivateBrowsing, aCx, aPromise); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarAsync( const nsAString& aumid, JSContext* aCx, /* out */ dom::Promise** aPromise) { // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1712628 tracks implementing // this for MSIX packages. if (widget::WinUtils::HasPackageIdentity()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (!NS_IsMainThread()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD; } ErrorResult rv; RefPtr promise = dom::Promise::Create(xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx), rv); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(rv.Failed())) { return rv.StealNSResult(); } // A holder to pass the promise through the background task and back to // the main thread when finished. auto promiseHolder = MakeRefPtr>( "IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarAsync promise", promise); // nsAString can't be captured by a lambda because it does not have a // public copy constructor nsAutoString capturedAumid(aumid); NS_DispatchBackgroundTask( NS_NewRunnableFunction( "IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarAsync", [capturedAumid, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { bool isPinned = false; HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(nullptr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { isPinned = IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarSync(capturedAumid); CoUninitialize(); } // Dispatch back to the main thread to resolve the promise. NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "IsCurrentAppPinnedToTaskbarAsync callback", [isPinned, promiseHolder = std::move(promiseHolder)] { promiseHolder.get()->get()->MaybeResolve(isPinned); })); }), NS_DISPATCH_EVENT_MAY_BLOCK); promise.forget(aPromise); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsShellService::ClassifyShortcut(const nsAString& aPath, nsAString& aResult) { aResult.Truncate(); nsAutoString shortcutPath(PromiseFlatString(aPath)); // NOTE: On Windows 7, Start Menu pin shortcuts are stored under // "\StartMenu", but on Windows 10 they are just normal // Start Menu shortcuts. These both map to "StartMenu" for consistency, // rather than having a separate "StartMenuPins" which would only apply on // Win7. struct { KNOWNFOLDERID folderId; const char16_t* postfix; const char16_t* classification; } folders[] = {{FOLDERID_CommonStartMenu, u"\\", u"StartMenu"}, {FOLDERID_StartMenu, u"\\", u"StartMenu"}, {FOLDERID_PublicDesktop, u"\\", u"Desktop"}, {FOLDERID_Desktop, u"\\", u"Desktop"}, {FOLDERID_UserPinned, u"\\TaskBar\\", u"Taskbar"}, {FOLDERID_UserPinned, u"\\StartMenu\\", u"StartMenu"}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(folders); ++i) { nsAutoString knownPath; // These flags are chosen to avoid I/O, see bug 1363398. DWORD flags = KF_FLAG_SIMPLE_IDLIST | KF_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY | KF_FLAG_NO_ALIAS; PWSTR rawPath = nullptr; if (FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(folders[i].folderId, flags, nullptr, &rawPath))) { continue; } knownPath = nsDependentString(rawPath); CoTaskMemFree(rawPath); knownPath.Append(folders[i].postfix); // Check if the shortcut path starts with the shell folder path. if (wcsnicmp(shortcutPath.get(), knownPath.get(), knownPath.Length()) == 0) { aResult.Assign(folders[i].classification); nsTArray resIds = { "branding/brand.ftl"_ns, "browser/browser.ftl"_ns, }; RefPtr l10n = Localization::Create(resIds, true); nsAutoCString pbStr; IgnoredErrorResult rv; l10n->FormatValueSync("private-browsing-shortcut-text-2"_ns, {}, pbStr, rv); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 widePbStr(pbStr); if (wcsstr(shortcutPath.get(), widePbStr.get())) { aResult.AppendLiteral("Private"); } return NS_OK; } } // Nothing found, aResult is already "". return NS_OK; } nsWindowsShellService::nsWindowsShellService() {} nsWindowsShellService::~nsWindowsShellService() {}