/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, } from "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.mjs"; import { TippyTopProvider } from "resource://activity-stream/lib/TippyTopProvider.sys.mjs"; import { insertPinned, TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW, } from "resource://activity-stream/common/Reducers.sys.mjs"; import { Dedupe } from "resource://activity-stream/common/Dedupe.sys.mjs"; import { shortURL } from "resource://activity-stream/lib/ShortURL.sys.mjs"; import { getDefaultOptions } from "resource://activity-stream/lib/ActivityStreamStorage.sys.mjs"; import { CUSTOM_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS, SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_EXPERIMENT, SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF, SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_HAVE_PINNED_PREF, checkHasSearchEngine, getSearchProvider, getSearchFormURL, } from "resource://activity-stream/lib/SearchShortcuts.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { FilterAdult: "resource://activity-stream/lib/FilterAdult.sys.mjs", LinksCache: "resource://activity-stream/lib/LinksCache.sys.mjs", NewTabUtils: "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", PageThumbs: "resource://gre/modules/PageThumbs.sys.mjs", Region: "resource://gre/modules/Region.sys.mjs", RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs", Sampling: "resource://gre/modules/components-utils/Sampling.sys.mjs", Screenshots: "resource://activity-stream/lib/Screenshots.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { const { Logger } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://messaging-system/lib/Logger.sys.mjs" ); return new Logger("TopSites"); }); // `contextId` is a unique identifier used by Contextual Services const CONTEXT_ID_PREF = "browser.contextual-services.contextId"; ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "contextId", () => { let _contextId = Services.prefs.getStringPref(CONTEXT_ID_PREF, null); if (!_contextId) { _contextId = String(Services.uuid.generateUUID()); Services.prefs.setStringPref(CONTEXT_ID_PREF, _contextId); } return _contextId; }); const DEFAULT_SITES_PREF = "default.sites"; const SHOWN_ON_NEWTAB_PREF = "feeds.topsites"; export const DEFAULT_TOP_SITES = []; const FRECENCY_THRESHOLD = 100 + 1; // 1 visit (skip first-run/one-time pages) const MIN_FAVICON_SIZE = 96; const CACHED_LINK_PROPS_TO_MIGRATE = ["screenshot", "customScreenshot"]; const PINNED_FAVICON_PROPS_TO_MIGRATE = [ "favicon", "faviconRef", "faviconSize", ]; const SECTION_ID = "topsites"; const ROWS_PREF = "topSitesRows"; const SHOW_SPONSORED_PREF = "showSponsoredTopSites"; // The default total number of sponsored top sites to fetch from Contile // and Pocket. const MAX_NUM_SPONSORED = 2; // Nimbus variable for the total number of sponsored top sites including // both Contile and Pocket sources. // The default will be `MAX_NUM_SPONSORED` if this variable is unspecified. const NIMBUS_VARIABLE_MAX_SPONSORED = "topSitesMaxSponsored"; // Nimbus variable to allow more than two sponsored tiles from Contile to be //considered for Top Sites. const NIMBUS_VARIABLE_ADDITIONAL_TILES = "topSitesUseAdditionalTilesFromContile"; // Nimbus variable to enable the SOV feature for sponsored tiles. const NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_SOV_ENABLED = "topSitesContileSovEnabled"; // Nimbu variable for the total number of sponsor topsite that come from Contile // The default will be `CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED` if variable is unspecified. const NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED = "topSitesContileMaxSponsored"; // Search experiment stuff const FILTER_DEFAULT_SEARCH_PREF = "improvesearch.noDefaultSearchTile"; const SEARCH_FILTERS = [ "google", "search.yahoo", "yahoo", "bing", "ask", "duckduckgo", ]; const REMOTE_SETTING_DEFAULTS_PREF = "browser.topsites.useRemoteSetting"; const DEFAULT_SITES_OVERRIDE_PREF = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.default.sites"; const DEFAULT_SITES_EXPERIMENTS_PREF_BRANCH = "browser.topsites.experiment."; // Mozilla Tiles Service (Contile) prefs // Nimbus variable for the Contile integration. It falls back to the pref: // `browser.topsites.contile.enabled`. const NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_ENABLED = "topSitesContileEnabled"; const NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_POSITIONS = "contileTopsitesPositions"; const CONTILE_ENDPOINT_PREF = "browser.topsites.contile.endpoint"; const CONTILE_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 minutes // The maximum number of sponsored top sites to fetch from Contile. const CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED = 2; const TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF = "browser.topsites.blockedSponsors"; const CONTILE_CACHE_PREF = "browser.topsites.contile.cachedTiles"; const CONTILE_CACHE_VALID_FOR_PREF = "browser.topsites.contile.cacheValidFor"; const CONTILE_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_PREF = "browser.topsites.contile.lastFetch"; // Partners of sponsored tiles. const SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP = "amp"; const SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_MOZ_SALES = "moz-sales"; const SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNERS = new Set([ SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP, SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_MOZ_SALES, ]); const DISPLAY_FAIL_REASON_OVERSOLD = "oversold"; const DISPLAY_FAIL_REASON_DISMISSED = "dismissed"; const DISPLAY_FAIL_REASON_UNRESOLVED = "unresolved"; function getShortURLForCurrentSearch() { const url = shortURL({ url: Services.search.defaultEngine.searchForm }); return url; } class TopSitesTelemetry { constructor() { this.allSponsoredTiles = {}; this.sponsoredTilesConfigured = 0; } _tileProviderForTiles(tiles) { // Assumption: the list of tiles is from a single provider return tiles && tiles.length ? this._tileProvider(tiles[0]) : null; } _tileProvider(tile) { return tile.partner || SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP; } _buildPropertyKey(tile) { let provider = this._tileProvider(tile); return provider + shortURL(tile); } // Returns an array of strings indicating the property name (based on the // provider and brand) of tiles that have been filtered e.g. ["moz-salesbrand1"] // currentTiles: The list of tiles remaining and may be displayed in new tab. // this.allSponsoredTiles: The original list of tiles set via setTiles prior to any filtering // The returned list indicated the difference between these two lists (excluding any previously filtered tiles). _getFilteredTiles(currentTiles) { let notPreviouslyFilteredTiles = Object.assign( {}, ...Object.entries(this.allSponsoredTiles) .filter( ([, v]) => v.display_fail_reason === null || v.display_fail_reason === undefined ) .map(([k, v]) => ({ [k]: v })) ); // Get the property names of the newly filtered list. let remainingTiles = currentTiles.map(el => { return this._buildPropertyKey(el); }); // Get the property names of the tiles that were filtered. let tilesToUpdate = Object.keys(notPreviouslyFilteredTiles).filter( element => !remainingTiles.includes(element) ); return tilesToUpdate; } setSponsoredTilesConfigured() { const maxSponsored = lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_MAX_SPONSORED ) ?? MAX_NUM_SPONSORED; this.sponsoredTilesConfigured = maxSponsored; Glean.topsites.sponsoredTilesConfigured.set(maxSponsored); } clearTilesForProvider(provider) { Object.entries(this.allSponsoredTiles) .filter(([k]) => k.startsWith(provider)) .map(([k]) => delete this.allSponsoredTiles[k]); } _getAdvertiser(tile) { let label = tile.label || null; let title = tile.title || null; return label ?? title ?? shortURL(tile); } setTiles(tiles) { // Assumption: the list of tiles is from a single provider, // should be called once per tile source. if (tiles && tiles.length) { let tile_provider = this._tileProviderForTiles(tiles); this.clearTilesForProvider(tile_provider); for (let sponsoredTile of tiles) { this.allSponsoredTiles[this._buildPropertyKey(sponsoredTile)] = { advertiser: this._getAdvertiser(sponsoredTile).toLowerCase(), provider: tile_provider, display_position: null, display_fail_reason: null, }; } } } _setDisplayFailReason(filteredTiles, reason) { for (let tile of filteredTiles) { if (tile in this.allSponsoredTiles) { let tileToUpdate = this.allSponsoredTiles[tile]; tileToUpdate.display_position = null; tileToUpdate.display_fail_reason = reason; } } } determineFilteredTilesAndSetToOversold(nonOversoldTiles) { let filteredTiles = this._getFilteredTiles(nonOversoldTiles); this._setDisplayFailReason(filteredTiles, DISPLAY_FAIL_REASON_OVERSOLD); } determineFilteredTilesAndSetToDismissed(nonDismissedTiles) { let filteredTiles = this._getFilteredTiles(nonDismissedTiles); this._setDisplayFailReason(filteredTiles, DISPLAY_FAIL_REASON_DISMISSED); } _setTilePositions(currentTiles) { // This function performs many loops over a small dataset. The size of // dataset is limited by the number of sponsored tiles displayed on // the newtab instance. if (this.allSponsoredTiles) { let tilePositionsAssigned = []; // processing the currentTiles parameter, assigns a position to the // corresponding property in this.allSponsoredTiles currentTiles.forEach(item => { let tile = this.allSponsoredTiles[this._buildPropertyKey(item)]; if ( tile && (tile.display_fail_reason === undefined || tile.display_fail_reason === null) ) { tile.display_position = item.sponsored_position; // Track assigned tile slots. tilePositionsAssigned.push(item.sponsored_position); } }); // Need to check if any objects in this.allSponsoredTiles do not // have either a display_fail_reason or a display_position set. // This can happen if the tiles list was updated before the // metric is written to Glean. // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1877197 let tilesMissingPosition = []; Object.keys(this.allSponsoredTiles).forEach(property => { let tile = this.allSponsoredTiles[property]; if (!tile.display_fail_reason && !tile.display_position) { tilesMissingPosition.push(property); } }); if (tilesMissingPosition.length) { // Determine if any available slots exist based on max number of tiles // and the list of tiles already used and assign to a tile with missing // value. for (let i = 1; i <= this.sponsoredTilesConfigured; i++) { if (!tilePositionsAssigned.includes(i)) { let tileProperty = tilesMissingPosition.shift(); this.allSponsoredTiles[tileProperty].display_position = i; } } } // At this point we might still have a few unresolved states. These // rows will be tagged with a display_fail_reason `unresolved`. this._detectErrorConditionAndSetUnresolved(); } } // Checks the data for inconsistent state and updates the display_fail_reason _detectErrorConditionAndSetUnresolved() { Object.keys(this.allSponsoredTiles).forEach(property => { let tile = this.allSponsoredTiles[property]; if ( (!tile.display_fail_reason && !tile.display_position) || (tile.display_fail_reason && tile.display_position) ) { tile.display_position = null; tile.display_fail_reason = DISPLAY_FAIL_REASON_UNRESOLVED; } }); } finalizeNewtabPingFields(currentTiles) { this._setTilePositions(currentTiles); Glean.topsites.sponsoredTilesReceived.set( JSON.stringify({ sponsoredTilesReceived: Object.values(this.allSponsoredTiles), }) ); } } export class ContileIntegration { constructor(topSitesFeed) { this._topSitesFeed = topSitesFeed; this._lastPeriodicUpdate = 0; this._sites = []; // The Share-of-Voice object managed by Shepherd and sent via Contile. this._sov = null; } get sites() { return this._sites; } get sov() { return this._sov; } periodicUpdate() { let now = Date.now(); if (now - this._lastPeriodicUpdate >= CONTILE_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { this._lastPeriodicUpdate = now; this.refresh(); } } async refresh() { let updateDefaultSites = await this._fetchSites(); await this._topSitesFeed.allocatePositions(); if (updateDefaultSites) { this._topSitesFeed._readDefaults(); } } /** * Clear Contile Cache Prefs. */ _resetContileCachePrefs() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(CONTILE_CACHE_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(CONTILE_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(CONTILE_CACHE_VALID_FOR_PREF); } /** * Filter the tiles whose sponsor is on the Top Sites sponsor blocklist. * * @param {Array} tiles * An array of the tile objects */ _filterBlockedSponsors(tiles) { const blocklist = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getStringPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF, "[]") ); return tiles.filter(tile => !blocklist.includes(shortURL(tile))); } /** * Calculate the time Contile response is valid for based on cache-control header * * @param {string} cacheHeader * string value of the Contile resposne cache-control header */ _extractCacheValidFor(cacheHeader) { if (!cacheHeader) { lazy.log.warn("Contile response cache control header is empty"); return 0; } const [, staleIfError] = cacheHeader.match(/stale-if-error=\s*([0-9]+)/i); const [, maxAge] = cacheHeader.match(/max-age=\s*([0-9]+)/i); const validFor = Number.parseInt(staleIfError, 10) + Number.parseInt(maxAge, 10); return isNaN(validFor) ? 0 : validFor; } /** * Load Tiles from Contile Cache Prefs */ _loadTilesFromCache() { lazy.log.info("Contile client is trying to load tiles from local cache."); const now = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); const lastFetch = Services.prefs.getIntPref( CONTILE_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_PREF, 0 ); const validFor = Services.prefs.getIntPref(CONTILE_CACHE_VALID_FOR_PREF, 0); this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.setSponsoredTilesConfigured(); if (now <= lastFetch + validFor) { try { let cachedTiles = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getStringPref(CONTILE_CACHE_PREF) ); this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.setTiles(cachedTiles); cachedTiles = this._filterBlockedSponsors(cachedTiles); this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToDismissed( cachedTiles ); this._sites = cachedTiles; lazy.log.info("Local cache loaded."); return true; } catch (error) { lazy.log.warn(`Failed to load tiles from local cache: ${error}.`); return false; } } return false; } /** * Determine number of Tiles to get from Contile */ _getMaxNumFromContile() { return ( lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED ) ?? CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED ); } async _fetchSites() { if ( !lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_ENABLED ) || !this._topSitesFeed.store.getState().Prefs.values[SHOW_SPONSORED_PREF] ) { if (this._sites.length) { this._sites = []; return true; } return false; } try { let url = Services.prefs.getStringPref(CONTILE_ENDPOINT_PREF); const response = await this._topSitesFeed.fetch(url, { credentials: "omit", }); if (!response.ok) { lazy.log.warn( `Contile endpoint returned unexpected status: ${response.status}` ); if (response.status === 304 || response.status >= 500) { return this._loadTilesFromCache(); } } const lastFetch = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000); Services.prefs.setIntPref(CONTILE_CACHE_LAST_FETCH_PREF, lastFetch); this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.setSponsoredTilesConfigured(); // Contile returns 204 indicating there is no content at the moment. // If this happens, it will clear `this._sites` reset the cached tiles // to an empty array. if (response.status === 204) { this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.clearTilesForProvider( SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP ); if (this._sites.length) { this._sites = []; Services.prefs.setStringPref( CONTILE_CACHE_PREF, JSON.stringify(this._sites) ); return true; } return false; } const body = await response.json(); if (body?.sov) { this._sov = JSON.parse(atob(body.sov)); } if (body?.tiles && Array.isArray(body.tiles)) { const useAdditionalTiles = lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_ADDITIONAL_TILES ); const maxNumFromContile = this._getMaxNumFromContile(); let { tiles } = body; this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.setTiles(tiles); if ( useAdditionalTiles !== undefined && !useAdditionalTiles && tiles.length > maxNumFromContile ) { tiles.length = maxNumFromContile; this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToOversold( tiles ); } tiles = this._filterBlockedSponsors(tiles); this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToDismissed( tiles ); if (tiles.length > maxNumFromContile) { lazy.log.info("Remove unused links from Contile"); tiles.length = maxNumFromContile; this._topSitesFeed._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToOversold( tiles ); } this._sites = tiles; Services.prefs.setStringPref( CONTILE_CACHE_PREF, JSON.stringify(this._sites) ); Services.prefs.setIntPref( CONTILE_CACHE_VALID_FOR_PREF, this._extractCacheValidFor( response.headers.get("cache-control") || response.headers.get("Cache-Control") ) ); return true; } } catch (error) { lazy.log.warn( `Failed to fetch data from Contile server: ${error.message}` ); return this._loadTilesFromCache(); } return false; } } class _TopSites { constructor() { this._telemetryUtility = new TopSitesTelemetry(); this._contile = new ContileIntegration(this); this._tippyTopProvider = new TippyTopProvider(); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter( this, "_currentSearchHostname", getShortURLForCurrentSearch ); this.dedupe = new Dedupe(this._dedupeKey); this.frecentCache = new lazy.LinksCache( lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamLinks, "getTopSites", CACHED_LINK_PROPS_TO_MIGRATE, (oldOptions, newOptions) => // Refresh if no old options or requesting more items !(oldOptions.numItems >= newOptions.numItems) ); this.pinnedCache = new lazy.LinksCache( lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks, "links", [...CACHED_LINK_PROPS_TO_MIGRATE, ...PINNED_FAVICON_PROPS_TO_MIGRATE] ); lazy.PageThumbs.addExpirationFilter(this); this._nimbusChangeListener = this._nimbusChangeListener.bind(this); } _nimbusChangeListener(event, reason) { // The Nimbus API current doesn't specify the changed variable(s) in the // listener callback, so we have to refresh unconditionally on every change // of the `newtab` feature. It should be a manageable overhead given the // current update cadence (6 hours) of Nimbus. // // Skip the experiment and rollout loading reasons since this feature has // `isEarlyStartup` enabled, the feature variables are already available // before the experiment or rollout loads. if ( !["feature-experiment-loaded", "feature-rollout-loaded"].includes(reason) ) { this._contile.refresh(); } } init() { // If the feed was previously disabled PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES was never received this._readDefaults({ isStartup: true }); this._storage = this.store.dbStorage.getDbTable("sectionPrefs"); this._contile.refresh(); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-region-updated"); Services.prefs.addObserver(REMOTE_SETTING_DEFAULTS_PREF, this); Services.prefs.addObserver(DEFAULT_SITES_OVERRIDE_PREF, this); Services.prefs.addObserver(DEFAULT_SITES_EXPERIMENTS_PREF_BRANCH, this); lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.onUpdate(this._nimbusChangeListener); } uninit() { lazy.PageThumbs.removeExpirationFilter(this); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-region-updated"); Services.prefs.removeObserver(REMOTE_SETTING_DEFAULTS_PREF, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(DEFAULT_SITES_OVERRIDE_PREF, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(DEFAULT_SITES_EXPERIMENTS_PREF_BRANCH, this); lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.offUpdate(this._nimbusChangeListener); } observe(subj, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "browser-search-engine-modified": // We should update the current top sites if the search engine has been changed since // the search engine that gets filtered out of top sites has changed. // We also need to drop search shortcuts when their engine gets removed / hidden. if ( data === "engine-default" && this.store.getState().Prefs.values[FILTER_DEFAULT_SEARCH_PREF] ) { delete this._currentSearchHostname; this._currentSearchHostname = getShortURLForCurrentSearch(); } this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); break; case "browser-region-updated": this._readDefaults(); break; case "nsPref:changed": if ( data === REMOTE_SETTING_DEFAULTS_PREF || data === DEFAULT_SITES_OVERRIDE_PREF || data.startsWith(DEFAULT_SITES_EXPERIMENTS_PREF_BRANCH) ) { this._readDefaults(); } break; } } _dedupeKey(site) { return site && site.hostname; } /** * _readDefaults - sets DEFAULT_TOP_SITES */ async _readDefaults({ isStartup = false } = {}) { this._useRemoteSetting = false; if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(REMOTE_SETTING_DEFAULTS_PREF)) { this.refreshDefaults( this.store.getState().Prefs.values[DEFAULT_SITES_PREF], { isStartup } ); return; } // Try using default top sites from enterprise policies or tests. The pref // is locked when set via enterprise policy. Tests have no default sites // unless they set them via this pref. if ( Services.prefs.prefIsLocked(DEFAULT_SITES_OVERRIDE_PREF) || Cu.isInAutomation ) { let sites = Services.prefs.getStringPref(DEFAULT_SITES_OVERRIDE_PREF, ""); this.refreshDefaults(sites, { isStartup }); return; } // Clear out the array of any previous defaults. DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.length = 0; // Read defaults from contile. const contileEnabled = lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_ENABLED ); // Keep the number of positions in the array in sync with CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED. // sponsored_position is a 1-based index, and contilePositions is a 0-based index, // so we need to add 1 to each of these. // Also currently this does not work with SOV. let contilePositions = lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab .getVariable(NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_POSITIONS) ?.split(",") .map(item => parseInt(item, 10) + 1) .filter(item => !Number.isNaN(item)); if (!contilePositions || contilePositions.length === 0) { contilePositions = [1, 2]; } let hasContileTiles = false; if (contileEnabled) { let contilePositionIndex = 0; // We need to loop through potential spocs and set their positions. // If we run out of spocs or positions, we stop. // First, we need to know which array is shortest. This is our exit condition. const minLength = Math.min( contilePositions.length, this._contile.sites.length ); // Loop until we run out of spocs or positions. for (let i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { let site = this._contile.sites[i]; let hostname = shortURL(site); let link = { isDefault: true, url: site.url, hostname, sendAttributionRequest: false, label: site.name, show_sponsored_label: hostname !== "yandex", sponsored_position: contilePositions[contilePositionIndex++], sponsored_click_url: site.click_url, sponsored_impression_url: site.impression_url, sponsored_tile_id: site.id, partner: SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP, }; if (site.image_url && site.image_size >= MIN_FAVICON_SIZE) { // Only use the image from Contile if it's hi-res, otherwise, fallback // to the built-in favicons. link.favicon = site.image_url; link.faviconSize = site.image_size; } DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.push(link); } hasContileTiles = contilePositionIndex > 0; //This is to catch where we receive 3 tiles but reduce to 2 early in the filtering, before blocked list applied. this._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToOversold( DEFAULT_TOP_SITES ); } // Read defaults from remote settings. this._useRemoteSetting = true; let remoteSettingData = await this._getRemoteConfig(); const sponsoredBlocklist = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getStringPref(TOP_SITES_BLOCKED_SPONSORS_PREF, "[]") ); for (let siteData of remoteSettingData) { let hostname = shortURL(siteData); // Drop default sites when Contile already provided a sponsored one with // the same host name. if ( contileEnabled && DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.findIndex(site => site.hostname === hostname) > -1 ) { continue; } // Also drop those sponsored sites that were blocked by the user before // with the same hostname. if ( siteData.sponsored_position && sponsoredBlocklist.includes(hostname) ) { continue; } let link = { isDefault: true, url: siteData.url, hostname, sendAttributionRequest: !!siteData.send_attribution_request, }; if (siteData.url_urlbar_override) { link.url_urlbar = siteData.url_urlbar_override; } if (siteData.title) { link.label = siteData.title; } if (siteData.search_shortcut) { link = await this.topSiteToSearchTopSite(link); } else if (siteData.sponsored_position) { if (contileEnabled && hasContileTiles) { continue; } const { sponsored_position, sponsored_tile_id, sponsored_impression_url, sponsored_click_url, } = siteData; link = { sponsored_position, sponsored_tile_id, sponsored_impression_url, sponsored_click_url, show_sponsored_label: link.hostname !== "yandex", ...link, }; } DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.push(link); } this.refresh({ broadcast: true, isStartup }); } refreshDefaults(sites, { isStartup = false } = {}) { // Clear out the array of any previous defaults DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.length = 0; // Add default sites if any based on the pref if (sites) { for (const url of sites.split(",")) { const site = { isDefault: true, url, }; site.hostname = shortURL(site); DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.push(site); } } this.refresh({ broadcast: true, isStartup }); } async _getRemoteConfig(firstTime = true) { if (!this._remoteConfig) { this._remoteConfig = await lazy.RemoteSettings("top-sites"); this._remoteConfig.on("sync", () => { this._readDefaults(); }); } let result = []; let failed = false; try { result = await this._remoteConfig.get(); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); failed = true; } if (!result.length) { console.error("Received empty top sites configuration!"); failed = true; } // If we failed, or the result is empty, try loading from the local dump. if (firstTime && failed) { await this._remoteConfig.db.clear(); // Now call this again. return this._getRemoteConfig(false); } // Sort sites based on the "order" attribute. result.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order); result = result.filter(topsite => { // Filter by region. if (topsite.exclude_regions?.includes(lazy.Region.home)) { return false; } if ( topsite.include_regions?.length && !topsite.include_regions.includes(lazy.Region.home) ) { return false; } // Filter by locale. if (topsite.exclude_locales?.includes(Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47)) { return false; } if ( topsite.include_locales?.length && !topsite.include_locales.includes(Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47) ) { return false; } // Filter by experiment. // Exclude this top site if any of the specified experiments are running. if ( topsite.exclude_experiments?.some(experimentID => Services.prefs.getBoolPref( DEFAULT_SITES_EXPERIMENTS_PREF_BRANCH + experimentID, false ) ) ) { return false; } // Exclude this top site if none of the specified experiments are running. if ( topsite.include_experiments?.length && topsite.include_experiments.every( experimentID => !Services.prefs.getBoolPref( DEFAULT_SITES_EXPERIMENTS_PREF_BRANCH + experimentID, false ) ) ) { return false; } return true; }); return result; } filterForThumbnailExpiration(callback) { const { rows } = this.store.getState().TopSites; callback( rows.reduce((acc, site) => { acc.push(site.url); if (site.customScreenshotURL) { acc.push(site.customScreenshotURL); } return acc; }, []) ); } /** * shouldFilterSearchTile - is default filtering enabled and does a given hostname match the user's default search engine? * * @param {string} hostname a top site hostname, such as "amazon" or "foo" * @returns {bool} */ shouldFilterSearchTile(hostname) { if ( this.store.getState().Prefs.values[FILTER_DEFAULT_SEARCH_PREF] && (SEARCH_FILTERS.includes(hostname) || hostname === this._currentSearchHostname) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * _maybeInsertSearchShortcuts - if the search shortcuts experiment is running, * insert search shortcuts if needed * * @param {Array} plainPinnedSites (from the pinnedSitesCache) * @returns {boolean} Did we insert any search shortcuts? */ async _maybeInsertSearchShortcuts(plainPinnedSites) { // Only insert shortcuts if the experiment is running if (this.store.getState().Prefs.values[SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_EXPERIMENT]) { // We don't want to insert shortcuts we've previously inserted const prevInsertedShortcuts = this.store .getState() .Prefs.values[SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_HAVE_PINNED_PREF].split(",") .filter(s => s); // Filter out empty strings const newInsertedShortcuts = []; let shouldPin = this._useRemoteSetting ? DEFAULT_TOP_SITES.filter(s => s.searchTopSite).map(s => s.hostname) : this.store .getState() .Prefs.values[SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF].split(","); shouldPin = shouldPin .map(getSearchProvider) .filter(s => s && s.shortURL !== this._currentSearchHostname); // If we've previously inserted all search shortcuts return early if ( shouldPin.every(shortcut => prevInsertedShortcuts.includes(shortcut.shortURL) ) ) { return false; } const numberOfSlots = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[ROWS_PREF] * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; // The plainPinnedSites array is populated with pinned sites at their // respective indices, and null everywhere else, but is not always the // right length const emptySlots = Math.max(numberOfSlots - plainPinnedSites.length, 0); const pinnedSites = [...plainPinnedSites].concat( Array(emptySlots).fill(null) ); const tryToInsertSearchShortcut = async shortcut => { const nextAvailable = pinnedSites.indexOf(null); // Only add a search shortcut if the site isn't already pinned, we // haven't previously inserted it, there's space to pin it, and the // search engine is available in Firefox if ( !pinnedSites.find(s => s && shortURL(s) === shortcut.shortURL) && !prevInsertedShortcuts.includes(shortcut.shortURL) && nextAvailable > -1 && (await checkHasSearchEngine(shortcut.keyword)) ) { const site = await this.topSiteToSearchTopSite({ url: shortcut.url }); this._pinSiteAt(site, nextAvailable); pinnedSites[nextAvailable] = site; newInsertedShortcuts.push(shortcut.shortURL); } }; for (let shortcut of shouldPin) { await tryToInsertSearchShortcut(shortcut); } if (newInsertedShortcuts.length) { this.store.dispatch( ac.SetPref( SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_HAVE_PINNED_PREF, prevInsertedShortcuts.concat(newInsertedShortcuts).join(",") ) ); return true; } } return false; } /** * This thin wrapper around global.fetch makes it easier for us to write * automated tests that simulate responses from this fetch. */ fetch(...args) { return fetch(...args); } /** * Fetch topsites spocs from the DiscoveryStream feed. * * @returns {Array} An array of sponsored tile objects. */ fetchDiscoveryStreamSpocs() { let sponsored = []; const { DiscoveryStream } = this.store.getState(); if (DiscoveryStream) { const discoveryStreamSpocs = DiscoveryStream.spocs.data["sponsored-topsites"]?.items || []; // Find the first component of a type and remove it from layout const findSponsoredTopsitesPositions = name => { for (const row of DiscoveryStream.layout) { for (const component of row.components) { if (component.placement?.name === name) { return component.spocs.positions; } } } return null; }; // Get positions from layout for now. This could be improved if we store position data in state. const discoveryStreamSpocPositions = findSponsoredTopsitesPositions("sponsored-topsites"); if (discoveryStreamSpocPositions?.length) { function reformatImageURL(url, width, height) { // Change the image URL to request a size tailored for the parent container width // Also: force JPEG, quality 60, no upscaling, no EXIF data // Uses Thumbor: https://thumbor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html // For now we wrap this in single quotes because this is being used in a url() css rule, and otherwise would cause a parsing error. return `'https://img-getpocket.cdn.mozilla.net/${width}x${height}/filters:format(jpeg):quality(60):no_upscale():strip_exif()/${encodeURIComponent( url )}'`; } // We need to loop through potential spocs and set their positions. // If we run out of spocs or positions, we stop. // First, we need to know which array is shortest. This is our exit condition. const minLength = Math.min( discoveryStreamSpocPositions.length, discoveryStreamSpocs.length ); // Loop until we run out of spocs or positions. for (let i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { const positionIndex = discoveryStreamSpocPositions[i].index; const spoc = discoveryStreamSpocs[i]; const link = { favicon: reformatImageURL(spoc.raw_image_src, 96, 96), faviconSize: 96, type: "SPOC", label: spoc.title || spoc.sponsor, title: spoc.title || spoc.sponsor, url: spoc.url, flightId: spoc.flight_id, id: spoc.id, guid: spoc.id, shim: spoc.shim, // For now we are assuming position based on intended position. // Actual position can shift based on other content. // We send the intended position in the ping. pos: positionIndex, // Set this so that SPOC topsites won't be shown in the URL bar. // See Bug 1822027. Note that `sponsored_position` is 1-based. sponsored_position: positionIndex + 1, // This is used for topsites deduping. hostname: shortURL({ url: spoc.url }), partner: SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_MOZ_SALES, }; sponsored.push(link); } } } return sponsored; } // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements async getLinksWithDefaults(isStartup = false) { const prefValues = this.store.getState().Prefs.values; const numItems = prefValues[ROWS_PREF] * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; const searchShortcutsExperiment = prefValues[SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_EXPERIMENT]; // We must wait for search services to initialize in order to access default // search engine properties without triggering a synchronous initialization try { await Services.search.init(); } catch { // We continue anyway because we want the user to see their sponsored, // saved, or visited shortcut tiles even if search engines are not // available. } // Get all frecent sites from history. let frecent = []; let cache; try { // Request can throw if executing the linkGetter inside LinksCache returns // a null object. cache = await this.frecentCache.request({ // We need to overquery due to the top 5 alexa search + default search possibly being removed numItems: numItems + SEARCH_FILTERS.length + 1, topsiteFrecency: FRECENCY_THRESHOLD, }); } catch (ex) { cache = []; } for (let link of cache) { // The cache can contain null values. if (!link) { continue; } const hostname = shortURL(link); if (!this.shouldFilterSearchTile(hostname)) { frecent.push({ ...(searchShortcutsExperiment ? await this.topSiteToSearchTopSite(link) : link), hostname, }); } } // Get defaults. let contileSponsored = []; let notBlockedDefaultSites = []; for (let link of DEFAULT_TOP_SITES) { // For sponsored Yandex links, default filtering is reversed: we only // show them if Yandex is the default search engine. if (link.sponsored_position && link.hostname === "yandex") { if (link.hostname !== this._currentSearchHostname) { continue; } } else if (this.shouldFilterSearchTile(link.hostname)) { continue; } // Drop blocked default sites. if ( lazy.NewTabUtils.blockedLinks.isBlocked({ url: link.url, }) ) { continue; } // If we've previously blocked a search shortcut, remove the default top site // that matches the hostname const searchProvider = getSearchProvider(shortURL(link)); if ( searchProvider && lazy.NewTabUtils.blockedLinks.isBlocked({ url: searchProvider.url }) ) { continue; } if (link.sponsored_position) { if (!prefValues[SHOW_SPONSORED_PREF]) { continue; } contileSponsored[link.sponsored_position - 1] = link; // Unpin search shortcut if present for the sponsored link to be shown // instead. this._unpinSearchShortcut(link.hostname); } else { notBlockedDefaultSites.push( searchShortcutsExperiment ? await this.topSiteToSearchTopSite(link) : link ); } } this._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToDismissed( contileSponsored ); const discoverySponsored = this.fetchDiscoveryStreamSpocs(); this._telemetryUtility.setTiles(discoverySponsored); const sponsored = this._mergeSponsoredLinks({ [SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP]: contileSponsored, [SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_MOZ_SALES]: discoverySponsored, }); this._maybeCapSponsoredLinks(sponsored); // This will set all extra tiles to oversold, including moz-sales. this._telemetryUtility.determineFilteredTilesAndSetToOversold(sponsored); // Get pinned links augmented with desired properties let plainPinned = await this.pinnedCache.request(); // Insert search shortcuts if we need to. // _maybeInsertSearchShortcuts returns true if any search shortcuts are // inserted, meaning we need to expire and refresh the pinnedCache if (await this._maybeInsertSearchShortcuts(plainPinned)) { this.pinnedCache.expire(); plainPinned = await this.pinnedCache.request(); } const pinned = await Promise.all( plainPinned.map(async link => { if (!link) { return link; } // Drop pinned search shortcuts when their engine has been removed / hidden. if (link.searchTopSite) { const searchProvider = getSearchProvider(shortURL(link)); if ( !searchProvider || !(await checkHasSearchEngine(searchProvider.keyword)) ) { return null; } } // Copy all properties from a frecent link and add more const finder = other => other.url === link.url; // Remove frecent link's screenshot if pinned link has a custom one const frecentSite = frecent.find(finder); if (frecentSite && link.customScreenshotURL) { delete frecentSite.screenshot; } // If the link is a frecent site, do not copy over 'isDefault', else check // if the site is a default site const copy = Object.assign( {}, frecentSite || { isDefault: !!notBlockedDefaultSites.find(finder) }, link, { hostname: shortURL(link) }, { searchTopSite: !!link.searchTopSite } ); // Add in favicons if we don't already have it if (!copy.favicon) { try { lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider._faviconBytesToDataURI( await lazy.NewTabUtils.activityStreamProvider._addFavicons([copy]) ); for (const prop of PINNED_FAVICON_PROPS_TO_MIGRATE) { copy.__sharedCache.updateLink(prop, copy[prop]); } } catch (e) { // Some issue with favicon, so just continue without one } } return copy; }) ); // Remove any duplicates from frecent and default sites const [, dedupedSponsored, dedupedFrecent, dedupedDefaults] = this.dedupe.group(pinned, sponsored, frecent, notBlockedDefaultSites); const dedupedUnpinned = [...dedupedFrecent, ...dedupedDefaults]; // Remove adult sites if we need to const checkedAdult = lazy.FilterAdult.filter(dedupedUnpinned); // Insert the original pinned sites into the deduped frecent and defaults. let withPinned = insertPinned(checkedAdult, pinned); // Insert sponsored sites at their desired position. dedupedSponsored.forEach(link => { if (!link) { return; } let index = link.sponsored_position - 1; if (index >= withPinned.length) { withPinned[index] = link; } else if (withPinned[index]?.sponsored_position) { // We currently want DiscoveryStream spocs to replace existing spocs. withPinned[index] = link; } else { withPinned.splice(index, 0, link); } }); // Remove excess items after we inserted sponsored ones. withPinned = withPinned.slice(0, numItems); // Now, get a tippy top icon, a rich icon, or screenshot for every item for (const link of withPinned) { if (link) { // If there is a custom screenshot this is the only image we display if (link.customScreenshotURL) { this._fetchScreenshot(link, link.customScreenshotURL, isStartup); } else if (link.searchTopSite && !link.isDefault) { await this._attachTippyTopIconForSearchShortcut(link, link.label); } else { this._fetchIcon(link, isStartup); } // Remove internal properties that might be updated after dispatch delete link.__sharedCache; // Indicate that these links should get a frecency bonus when clicked link.typedBonus = true; } } this._linksWithDefaults = withPinned; this._telemetryUtility.finalizeNewtabPingFields(dedupedSponsored); return withPinned; } /** * Cap sponsored links if they're more than the specified maximum. * * @param {Array} links An array of sponsored links. Capping will be performed in-place. */ _maybeCapSponsoredLinks(links) { // Set maximum sponsored top sites const maxSponsored = lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_MAX_SPONSORED ) ?? MAX_NUM_SPONSORED; if (links.length > maxSponsored) { links.length = maxSponsored; } } /** * Merge sponsored links from all the partners using SOV if present. * For each tile position, the user is assigned to one partner via stable sampling. * If the chosen partner doesn't have a tile to serve, another tile from a different * partner is used as the replacement. * * @param {object} sponsoredLinks An object with sponsored links from all the partners. * @returns {Array} An array of merged sponsored links. */ _mergeSponsoredLinks(sponsoredLinks) { const { positions: allocatedPositions, ready: sovReady } = this.store.getState().TopSites.sov || {}; if ( !this._contile.sov || !sovReady || !lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_SOV_ENABLED ) ) { return Object.values(sponsoredLinks).flat(); } // AMP links might have empty slots, remove them as SOV doesn't need those. sponsoredLinks[SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP] = sponsoredLinks[SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP].filter(Boolean); let sponsored = []; let chosenPartners = []; for (const allocation of allocatedPositions) { let link = null; const { assignedPartner } = allocation; if (assignedPartner) { // Unknown partners are allowed so that new parters can be added to Shepherd // sooner without waiting for client changes. link = sponsoredLinks[assignedPartner]?.shift(); } if (!link) { // If the chosen partner doesn't have a tile for this postion, choose any // one from another group. For simplicity, we do _not_ do resampling here // against the remaining partners. for (const partner of SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNERS) { if ( partner === assignedPartner || sponsoredLinks[partner].length === 0 ) { continue; } link = sponsoredLinks[partner].shift(); break; } if (!link) { // No more links to be added across all the partners, just return. if (chosenPartners.length) { Glean.newtab.sovAllocation.set( chosenPartners.map(entry => JSON.stringify(entry)) ); } return sponsored; } } // Update the position fields. Note that postion is also 1-based in SOV. link.sponsored_position = allocation.position; if (link.pos !== undefined) { // Pocket `pos` is 0-based. link.pos = allocation.position - 1; } sponsored.push(link); chosenPartners.push({ pos: allocation.position, assigned: assignedPartner, // The assigned partner based on SOV chosen: link.partner, }); } // Record chosen partners to glean if (chosenPartners.length) { Glean.newtab.sovAllocation.set( chosenPartners.map(entry => JSON.stringify(entry)) ); } // add the remaining contile sponsoredLinks when nimbus variable present if ( lazy.NimbusFeatures.pocketNewtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_MAX_NUM_SPONSORED ) ) { return sponsored.concat(sponsoredLinks[SPONSORED_TILE_PARTNER_AMP]); } return sponsored; } /** * Attach TippyTop icon to the given search shortcut * * Note that it queries the search form URL from search service For Yandex, * and uses it to choose the best icon for its shortcut variants. * * @param {object} link A link object with a `url` property * @param {string} keyword Search keyword */ async _attachTippyTopIconForSearchShortcut(link, keyword) { if ( ["@\u044F\u043D\u0434\u0435\u043A\u0441", "@yandex"].includes(keyword) ) { let site = { url: link.url }; site.url = (await getSearchFormURL(keyword)) || site.url; this._tippyTopProvider.processSite(site); link.tippyTopIcon = site.tippyTopIcon; link.smallFavicon = site.smallFavicon; link.backgroundColor = site.backgroundColor; } else { this._tippyTopProvider.processSite(link); } } /** * Refresh the top sites data for content. * * @param {object} options * @param {bool} options.broadcast Should the update be broadcasted. * @param {bool} options.isStartup Being called while TopSitesFeed is initting. */ async refresh(options = {}) { // Avoiding refreshing if it's already happening. if (this._refreshing) { return; } if (!this._startedUp && !options.isStartup) { // Initial refresh still pending. return; } this._refreshing = true; this._startedUp = true; if (!this._tippyTopProvider.initialized) { await this._tippyTopProvider.init(); } const links = await this.getLinksWithDefaults({ isStartup: options.isStartup, }); const newAction = { type: at.TOP_SITES_UPDATED, data: { links } }; let storedPrefs; try { storedPrefs = (await this._storage.get(SECTION_ID)) || {}; } catch (e) { storedPrefs = {}; console.error("Problem getting stored prefs for TopSites"); } newAction.data.pref = getDefaultOptions(storedPrefs); if (options.isStartup) { newAction.meta = { isStartup: true, }; } if (options.broadcast) { // Broadcast an update to all open content pages this.store.dispatch(ac.BroadcastToContent(newAction)); } else { // Don't broadcast only update the state and update the preloaded tab. this.store.dispatch(ac.AlsoToPreloaded(newAction)); } this._refreshing = false; if (Cu.isInAutomation) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "topsites-refreshed"); } } // Allocate ad positions to partners based on SOV via stable randomization. async allocatePositions() { // If the fetch to get sov fails for whatever reason, we can just return here. // Code that uses this falls back to flattening allocations instead if this has failed. if (!this._contile.sov) { return; } // This sample input should ensure we return the same result for this allocation, // even if called from other parts of the code. const sampleInput = `${lazy.contextId}-${this._contile.sov.name}`; const allocatedPositions = []; for (const allocation of this._contile.sov.allocations) { const allocatedPosition = { position: allocation.position, }; allocatedPositions.push(allocatedPosition); const ratios = allocation.allocation.map(alloc => alloc.percentage); if (ratios.length) { const index = await lazy.Sampling.ratioSample(sampleInput, ratios); allocatedPosition.assignedPartner = allocation.allocation[index].partner; } } this.store.dispatch( ac.OnlyToMain({ type: at.SOV_UPDATED, data: { ready: !!allocatedPositions.length, positions: allocatedPositions, }, }) ); } async updateCustomSearchShortcuts(isStartup = false) { if (!this.store.getState().Prefs.values[SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_EXPERIMENT]) { return; } if (!this._tippyTopProvider.initialized) { await this._tippyTopProvider.init(); } // Populate the state with available search shortcuts let searchShortcuts = []; for (const engine of await Services.search.getAppProvidedEngines()) { const shortcut = CUSTOM_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS.find(s => engine.aliases.includes(s.keyword) ); if (shortcut) { let clone = { ...shortcut }; await this._attachTippyTopIconForSearchShortcut(clone, clone.keyword); searchShortcuts.push(clone); } } this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.UPDATE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS, data: { searchShortcuts }, meta: { isStartup, }, }) ); } async topSiteToSearchTopSite(site) { const searchProvider = getSearchProvider(shortURL(site)); if ( !searchProvider || !(await checkHasSearchEngine(searchProvider.keyword)) ) { return site; } return { ...site, searchTopSite: true, label: searchProvider.keyword, }; } /** * Get an image for the link preferring tippy top, rich favicon, screenshots. */ async _fetchIcon(link, isStartup = false) { // Nothing to do if we already have a rich icon from the page if (link.favicon && link.faviconSize >= MIN_FAVICON_SIZE) { return; } // Nothing more to do if we can use a default tippy top icon this._tippyTopProvider.processSite(link); if (link.tippyTopIcon) { return; } // Make a request for a better icon this._requestRichIcon(link.url); // Also request a screenshot if we don't have one yet await this._fetchScreenshot(link, link.url, isStartup); } /** * Fetch, cache and broadcast a screenshot for a specific topsite. * * @param {object} link cached topsite object * @param {string} url where to fetch the image from * @param {boolean} isStartup Whether the screenshot is fetched while * initting TopSitesFeed. */ async _fetchScreenshot(link, url, isStartup = false) { // We shouldn't bother caching screenshots if they won't be shown. if ( link.screenshot || !this.store.getState().Prefs.values[SHOWN_ON_NEWTAB_PREF] ) { return; } await lazy.Screenshots.maybeCacheScreenshot( link, url, "screenshot", screenshot => this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ data: { screenshot, url: link.url }, type: at.SCREENSHOT_UPDATED, meta: { isStartup, }, }) ) ); } /** * Dispatch screenshot preview to target or notify if request failed. * * @param {string} url The URL used to capture the screenshot * @param {string} target Id of content process where to dispatch the result */ async getScreenshotPreview(url, target) { const preview = (await lazy.Screenshots.getScreenshotForURL(url)) || ""; this.store.dispatch( ac.OnlyToOneContent( { data: { url, preview }, type: at.PREVIEW_RESPONSE, }, target ) ); } _requestRichIcon(url) { this.store.dispatch({ type: at.RICH_ICON_MISSING, data: { url }, }); } updateSectionPrefs(collapsed) { this.store.dispatch( ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.TOP_SITES_PREFS_UPDATED, data: { pref: collapsed }, }) ); } /** * Inform others that top sites data has been updated due to pinned changes. */ _broadcastPinnedSitesUpdated() { // Pinned data changed, so make sure we get latest this.pinnedCache.expire(); // Refresh to update pinned sites with screenshots, trigger deduping, etc. this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); } /** * Pin a site at a specific position saving only the desired keys. * * @param customScreenshotURL {string} User set URL of preview image for site * @param label {string} User set string of custom site name */ // To refactor in Bug 1891997 /* eslint-enable jsdoc/check-param-names */ async _pinSiteAt({ customScreenshotURL, label, url, searchTopSite }, index) { const toPin = { url }; if (label) { toPin.label = label; } if (customScreenshotURL) { toPin.customScreenshotURL = customScreenshotURL; } if (searchTopSite) { toPin.searchTopSite = searchTopSite; } lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.pin(toPin, index); await this._clearLinkCustomScreenshot({ customScreenshotURL, url }); } async _clearLinkCustomScreenshot(site) { // If screenshot url changed or was removed we need to update the cached link obj if (site.customScreenshotURL !== undefined) { const pinned = await this.pinnedCache.request(); const link = pinned.find(pin => pin && pin.url === site.url); if (link && link.customScreenshotURL !== site.customScreenshotURL) { link.__sharedCache.updateLink("screenshot", undefined); } } } /** * Handle a pin action of a site to a position. */ async pin(action) { let { site, index } = action.data; index = this._adjustPinIndexForSponsoredLinks(site, index); // If valid index provided, pin at that position if (index >= 0) { await this._pinSiteAt(site, index); this._broadcastPinnedSitesUpdated(); } else { // Bug 1458658. If the top site is being pinned from an 'Add a Top Site' option, // then we want to make sure to unblock that link if it has previously been // blocked. We know if the site has been added because the index will be -1. if (index === -1) { lazy.NewTabUtils.blockedLinks.unblock({ url: site.url }); this.frecentCache.expire(); } this.insert(action); } } /** * Handle an unpin action of a site. */ unpin(action) { const { site } = action.data; lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.unpin(site); this._broadcastPinnedSitesUpdated(); } unpinAllSearchShortcuts() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref( `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.${SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_HAVE_PINNED_PREF}` ); for (let pinnedLink of lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links) { if (pinnedLink && pinnedLink.searchTopSite) { lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.unpin(pinnedLink); } } this.pinnedCache.expire(); } _unpinSearchShortcut(vendor) { for (let pinnedLink of lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links) { if ( pinnedLink && pinnedLink.searchTopSite && shortURL(pinnedLink) === vendor ) { lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.unpin(pinnedLink); this.pinnedCache.expire(); const prevInsertedShortcuts = this.store .getState() .Prefs.values[SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_HAVE_PINNED_PREF].split(","); this.store.dispatch( ac.SetPref( SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_HAVE_PINNED_PREF, prevInsertedShortcuts.filter(s => s !== vendor).join(",") ) ); break; } } } /** * Reduces the given pinning index by the number of preceding sponsored * sites, to accomodate for sponsored sites pushing pinned ones to the side, * effectively increasing their index again. */ _adjustPinIndexForSponsoredLinks(site, index) { if (!this._linksWithDefaults) { return index; } // Adjust insertion index for sponsored sites since their position is // fixed. let adjustedIndex = index; for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) { const link = this._linksWithDefaults[i]; if ( link && link.sponsored_position && this._linksWithDefaults[i]?.url !== site.url ) { adjustedIndex--; } } return adjustedIndex; } /** * Insert a site to pin at a position shifting over any other pinned sites. */ _insertPin(site, originalIndex, draggedFromIndex) { let index = this._adjustPinIndexForSponsoredLinks(site, originalIndex); // Don't insert any pins past the end of the visible top sites. Otherwise, // we can end up with a bunch of pinned sites that can never be unpinned again // from the UI. const topSitesCount = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[ROWS_PREF] * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; if (index >= topSitesCount) { return; } let pinned = lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links; if (!pinned[index]) { this._pinSiteAt(site, index); } else { pinned[draggedFromIndex] = null; // Find the hole to shift the pinned site(s) towards. We shift towards the // hole left by the site being dragged. let holeIndex = index; const indexStep = index > draggedFromIndex ? -1 : 1; while (pinned[holeIndex]) { holeIndex += indexStep; } if (holeIndex >= topSitesCount || holeIndex < 0) { // There are no holes, so we will effectively unpin the last slot and shifting // towards it. This only happens when adding a new top site to an already // fully pinned grid. holeIndex = topSitesCount - 1; } // Shift towards the hole. const shiftingStep = holeIndex > index ? -1 : 1; while (holeIndex !== index) { const nextIndex = holeIndex + shiftingStep; this._pinSiteAt(pinned[nextIndex], holeIndex); holeIndex = nextIndex; } this._pinSiteAt(site, index); } } /** * Handle an insert (drop/add) action of a site. */ async insert(action) { let { index } = action.data; // Treat invalid pin index values (e.g., -1, undefined) as insert in the first position if (!(index > 0)) { index = 0; } // Inserting a top site pins it in the specified slot, pushing over any link already // pinned in the slot (unless it's the last slot, then it replaces). this._insertPin( action.data.site, index, action.data.draggedFromIndex !== undefined ? action.data.draggedFromIndex : this.store.getState().Prefs.values[ROWS_PREF] * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW ); await this._clearLinkCustomScreenshot(action.data.site); this._broadcastPinnedSitesUpdated(); } updatePinnedSearchShortcuts({ addedShortcuts, deletedShortcuts }) { // Unpin the deletedShortcuts. deletedShortcuts.forEach(({ url }) => { lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.unpin({ url }); }); // Pin the addedShortcuts. const numberOfSlots = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[ROWS_PREF] * TOP_SITES_MAX_SITES_PER_ROW; addedShortcuts.forEach(shortcut => { // Find first hole in pinnedLinks. let index = lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links.findIndex(link => !link); if ( index < 0 && lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links.length + 1 < numberOfSlots ) { // pinnedLinks can have less slots than the total available. index = lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.links.length; } if (index >= 0) { lazy.NewTabUtils.pinnedLinks.pin(shortcut, index); } else { // No slots available, we need to do an insert in first slot and push over other pinned links. this._insertPin(shortcut, 0, numberOfSlots); } }); this._broadcastPinnedSitesUpdated(); } onAction(action) { switch (action.type) { case at.INIT: this.init(); this.updateCustomSearchShortcuts(true /* isStartup */); break; case at.SYSTEM_TICK: this.refresh({ broadcast: false }); this._contile.periodicUpdate(); break; // All these actions mean we need new top sites case at.PLACES_HISTORY_CLEARED: case at.PLACES_LINKS_DELETED: this.frecentCache.expire(); this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); break; case at.PLACES_LINKS_CHANGED: this.frecentCache.expire(); this.refresh({ broadcast: false }); break; case at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED: this.frecentCache.expire(); this.pinnedCache.expire(); this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); break; case at.PREF_CHANGED: switch (action.data.name) { case DEFAULT_SITES_PREF: if (!this._useRemoteSetting) { this.refreshDefaults(action.data.value); } break; case ROWS_PREF: case FILTER_DEFAULT_SEARCH_PREF: case SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_SEARCH_ENGINES_PREF: this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); break; case SHOW_SPONSORED_PREF: if ( lazy.NimbusFeatures.newtab.getVariable( NIMBUS_VARIABLE_CONTILE_ENABLED ) ) { this._contile.refresh(); } else { this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); } if (!action.data.value) { this._contile._resetContileCachePrefs(); } break; case SEARCH_SHORTCUTS_EXPERIMENT: if (action.data.value) { this.updateCustomSearchShortcuts(); } else { this.unpinAllSearchShortcuts(); } this.refresh({ broadcast: true }); } break; case at.UPDATE_SECTION_PREFS: if (action.data.id === SECTION_ID) { this.updateSectionPrefs(action.data.value); } break; case at.PREFS_INITIAL_VALUES: if (!this._useRemoteSetting) { this.refreshDefaults(action.data[DEFAULT_SITES_PREF]); } break; case at.TOP_SITES_PIN: this.pin(action); break; case at.TOP_SITES_UNPIN: this.unpin(action); break; case at.TOP_SITES_INSERT: this.insert(action); break; case at.PREVIEW_REQUEST: this.getScreenshotPreview(action.data.url, action.meta.fromTarget); break; case at.UPDATE_PINNED_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS: this.updatePinnedSearchShortcuts(action.data); break; case at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE: // Refresh to update sponsored topsites. this.refresh({ broadcast: true, isStartup: action.meta.isStartup }); break; case at.UNINIT: this.uninit(); break; } } } export const TopSites = new _TopSites();