/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Test that the translations button is correctly visible when navigating between pages. */ add_task(async function test_button_visible_navigation() { const { cleanup } = await loadTestPage({ page: SPANISH_PAGE_URL, languagePairs: LANGUAGE_PAIRS, }); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: true }, "The button should be visible since the page can be translated from Spanish." ); await navigate("Navigate to an English page.", { url: ENGLISH_PAGE_URL }); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: false }, "The button should be invisible since the page is in English." ); await navigate("Navigate back to a Spanish page.", { url: SPANISH_PAGE_URL }); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: true }, "The button should be visible again since the page is in Spanish." ); await cleanup(); }); /** * Test that the translations button is correctly visible when opening and switch tabs. */ add_task(async function test_button_visible() { const { cleanup, tab: spanishTab } = await loadTestPage({ page: SPANISH_PAGE_URL, languagePairs: LANGUAGE_PAIRS, }); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: true }, "The button should be visible since the page can be translated from Spanish." ); const { removeTab, tab: englishTab } = await addTab( ENGLISH_PAGE_URL, "Creating a new tab for a page in English." ); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: false }, "The button should be invisible since the tab is in English." ); await switchTab(spanishTab, "spanish tab"); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: true }, "The button should be visible again since the page is in Spanish." ); await switchTab(englishTab, "english tab"); await FullPageTranslationsTestUtils.assertTranslationsButton( { button: false }, "Don't show for english pages" ); await removeTab(); await cleanup(); });