/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * This test case verifies the behavior of triggering a translation by directly switching * the from-language to a valid selection when the panel is in the "idle" state without * valid language pair. */ add_task( async function test_select_translations_panel_translate_on_change_from_language_directly() { const { cleanup, runInPage, resolveDownloads } = await loadTestPage({ page: SELECT_TEST_PAGE_URL, languagePairs: [ // Do not include Spanish. { fromLang: "fr", toLang: "en" }, { fromLang: "en", toLang: "fr" }, ], prefs: [["browser.translations.select.enable", true]], }); await SelectTranslationsTestUtils.openPanel(runInPage, { selectSpanishSection: true, openAtSpanishSection: true, expectedFromLanguage: null, expectedToLanguage: "en", onOpenPanel: SelectTranslationsTestUtils.assertPanelViewNoFromLangSelected, }); await SelectTranslationsTestUtils.changeSelectedFromLanguage(["fr"], { openDropdownMenu: false, downloadHandler: resolveDownloads, onChangeLanguage: SelectTranslationsTestUtils.assertPanelViewTranslated, }); await cleanup(); } ); /** * This test case verifies the behavior of triggering a translation by directly switching * the to-language to a valid selection when the panel is in the "idle" state without * valid language pair. */ add_task( async function test_select_translations_panel_translate_on_change_to_language_directly() { const { cleanup, runInPage, resolveDownloads } = await loadTestPage({ page: SELECT_TEST_PAGE_URL, languagePairs: LANGUAGE_PAIRS, prefs: [["browser.translations.select.enable", true]], }); await SelectTranslationsTestUtils.openPanel(runInPage, { selectEnglishSection: true, openAtEnglishSection: true, expectedFromLanguage: "en", expectedToLanguage: null, onOpenPanel: SelectTranslationsTestUtils.assertPanelViewNoToLangSelected, }); await SelectTranslationsTestUtils.changeSelectedToLanguage(["es"], { openDropdownMenu: false, downloadHandler: resolveDownloads, onChangeLanguage: SelectTranslationsTestUtils.assertPanelViewTranslated, }); await cleanup(); } );