/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { UrlbarProvider, UrlbarUtils, } from "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs", UrlbarView: "resource:///modules/UrlbarView.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "ClipboardHelper", "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1", "nsIClipboardHelper" ); // This pref is relative to the `browser.urlbar` branch. const ENABLED_PREF = "suggest.calculator"; const DYNAMIC_RESULT_TYPE = "calculator"; const VIEW_TEMPLATE = { attributes: { selectable: true, }, children: [ { name: "content", tag: "span", attributes: { class: "urlbarView-no-wrap" }, children: [ { name: "icon", tag: "img", attributes: { class: "urlbarView-favicon" }, }, { name: "input", tag: "strong", }, { name: "action", tag: "span", }, ], }, ], }; // Minimum number of parts of the expression before we show a result. const MIN_EXPRESSION_LENGTH = 3; /** * A provider that returns a suggested url to the user based on what * they have currently typed so they can navigate directly. */ class ProviderCalculator extends UrlbarProvider { constructor() { super(); lazy.UrlbarResult.addDynamicResultType(DYNAMIC_RESULT_TYPE); lazy.UrlbarView.addDynamicViewTemplate(DYNAMIC_RESULT_TYPE, VIEW_TEMPLATE); } /** * Returns the name of this provider. * * @returns {string} the name of this provider. */ get name() { return DYNAMIC_RESULT_TYPE; } /** * The type of the provider. * * @returns {UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE} */ get type() { return UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.PROFILE; } /** * Whether this provider should be invoked for the given context. * If this method returns false, the providers manager won't start a query * with this provider, to save on resources. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query context object * @returns {boolean} Whether this provider should be invoked for the search. */ isActive(queryContext) { return ( queryContext.trimmedSearchString && !queryContext.searchMode && lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get(ENABLED_PREF) ); } /** * Starts querying. Extended classes should return a Promise resolved when the * provider is done searching AND returning results. * * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext The query context object * @param {Function} addCallback Callback invoked by the provider to add a new * result. A UrlbarResult should be passed to it. */ async startQuery(queryContext, addCallback) { try { // Calculator will throw when given an invalid expression, therefore // addCallback will never be called. let postfix = Calculator.infix2postfix(queryContext.searchString); if (postfix.length < MIN_EXPRESSION_LENGTH) { return; } let value = Calculator.evaluatePostfix(postfix); const result = new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.DYNAMIC, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.OTHER_LOCAL, { value, input: queryContext.searchString, dynamicType: DYNAMIC_RESULT_TYPE, } ); result.suggestedIndex = 1; addCallback(this, result); } catch (e) {} } getViewUpdate(result) { const viewUpdate = { icon: { attributes: { src: "chrome://global/skin/icons/edit-copy.svg", }, }, input: { l10n: { id: "urlbar-result-action-calculator-result", args: { result: result.payload.value }, }, }, action: { l10n: { id: "urlbar-result-action-copy-to-clipboard" }, }, }; return viewUpdate; } onEngagement(state, queryContext, details) { let { result } = details; if (result?.providerName == this.name) { lazy.ClipboardHelper.copyString(result.payload.value); } } } /** * Base implementation of a basic calculator. */ class BaseCalculator { // Holds the current symbols for calculation stack = []; numberSystems = []; addNumberSystem(system) { this.numberSystems.push(system); } isNumeric(value) { return value - 0 == value && value.length; } isOperator(value) { return this.numberSystems.some(sys => sys.isOperator(value)); } isNumericToken(char) { return this.numberSystems.some(sys => sys.isNumericToken(char)); } parsel10nFloat(num) { for (const system of this.numberSystems) { num = system.transformNumber(num); } return parseFloat(num, 10); } precedence(val) { if (["-", "+"].includes(val)) { return 2; } if (["*", "/"].includes(val)) { return 3; } return null; } // This is a basic implementation of the shunting yard algorithm // described http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunting-yard_algorithm // Currently functions are unimplemented and only operators with // left association are used infix2postfix(infix) { let parser = new Parser(infix, this); let tokens = parser.parse(infix); let output = []; let stack = []; tokens.forEach(token => { if (token.number) { output.push(this.parsel10nFloat(token.value, 10)); } if (this.isOperator(token.value)) { let i = this.precedence; while ( stack.length && this.isOperator(stack[stack.length - 1]) && i(token.value) <= i(stack[stack.length - 1]) ) { output.push(stack.pop()); } stack.push(token.value); } if (token.value === "(") { stack.push(token.value); } if (token.value === ")") { while (stack.length && stack[stack.length - 1] !== "(") { output.push(stack.pop()); } // This is the ( stack.pop(); } }); while (stack.length) { output.push(stack.pop()); } return output; } evaluate = { "*": (a, b) => a * b, "+": (a, b) => a + b, "-": (a, b) => a - b, "/": (a, b) => a / b, }; evaluatePostfix(postfix) { let stack = []; postfix.forEach(token => { if (!this.isOperator(token)) { stack.push(token); } else { let op2 = stack.pop(); let op1 = stack.pop(); let result = this.evaluate[token](op1, op2); if (isNaN(result)) { throw new Error("Value is " + result); } stack.push(result); } }); let finalResult = stack.pop(); if (isNaN(finalResult)) { throw new Error("Value is " + finalResult); } return finalResult; } } function Parser(input, calculator) { this.calculator = calculator; this.init(input); } Parser.prototype = { init(input) { // No spaces. input = input.replace(/[ \t\v\n]/g, ""); // String to array: this._chars = []; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { this._chars.push(input[i]); } this._tokens = []; }, // This method returns an array of objects with these properties: // - number: true/false // - value: the token value parse() { // The input must be a "block" without any digit left. if (!this._tokenizeBlock() || this._chars.length) { throw new Error("Wrong input"); } return this._tokens; }, _tokenizeBlock() { if (!this._chars.length) { return false; } // "(" + something + ")" if (this._chars[0] == "(") { this._tokens.push({ number: false, value: this._chars[0] }); this._chars.shift(); if (!this._tokenizeBlock()) { return false; } if (!this._chars.length || this._chars[0] != ")") { return false; } this._chars.shift(); this._tokens.push({ number: false, value: ")" }); } else if (!this._tokenizeNumber()) { // number + ... return false; } if (!this._chars.length || this._chars[0] == ")") { return true; } while (this._chars.length && this._chars[0] != ")") { if (!this._tokenizeOther()) { return false; } if (!this._tokenizeBlock()) { return false; } } return true; }, // This is a simple float parser. _tokenizeNumber() { if (!this._chars.length) { return false; } // {+,-}something let number = []; if (/[+-]/.test(this._chars[0])) { number.push(this._chars.shift()); } let tokenizeNumberInternal = () => { if ( !this._chars.length || !this.calculator.isNumericToken(this._chars[0]) ) { return false; } while ( this._chars.length && this.calculator.isNumericToken(this._chars[0]) ) { number.push(this._chars.shift()); } return true; }; if (!tokenizeNumberInternal()) { return false; } // 123{e...} if (!this._chars.length || this._chars[0] != "e") { this._tokens.push({ number: true, value: number.join("") }); return true; } number.push(this._chars.shift()); // 123e{+,-} if (/[+-]/.test(this._chars[0])) { number.push(this._chars.shift()); } if (!this._chars.length) { return false; } // the number if (!tokenizeNumberInternal()) { return false; } this._tokens.push({ number: true, value: number.join("") }); return true; }, _tokenizeOther() { if (!this._chars.length) { return false; } if (this.calculator.isOperator(this._chars[0])) { this._tokens.push({ number: false, value: this._chars.shift() }); return true; } return false; }, }; export let Calculator = new BaseCalculator(); Calculator.addNumberSystem({ isOperator: char => ["÷", "×", "-", "+", "*", "/"].includes(char), isNumericToken: char => /^[0-9\.,]/.test(char), // parseFloat will only handle numbers that use periods as decimal // seperators, various countries use commas. This function attempts // to fixup the number so parseFloat will accept it. transformNumber: num => { let firstComma = num.indexOf(","); let firstPeriod = num.indexOf("."); if (firstPeriod != -1 && firstComma != -1 && firstPeriod < firstComma) { // Contains both a period and a comma and the period came first // so using comma as decimal seperator, strip . and replace , with . // (ie 1.999,5). num = num.replace(/\./g, ""); num = num.replace(/,/g, "."); } else if (firstPeriod != -1 && firstComma != -1) { // Contains both a period and a comma and the comma came first // so strip the comma (ie 1,999.5). num = num.replace(/,/g, ""); } else if (firstComma != -1) { // Has commas but no periods so treat comma as decimal seperator num = num.replace(/,/g, "."); } return num; }, }); export var UrlbarProviderCalculator = new ProviderCalculator();