/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This module exports a provider, returning open tabs matches for the urlbar. * It is also used to register and unregister open tabs. */ import { UrlbarProvider, UrlbarUtils, } from "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", UrlbarProvidersManager: "resource:///modules/UrlbarProvidersManager.sys.mjs", UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logger", () => UrlbarUtils.getLogger({ prefix: "Provider.OpenTabs" }) ); const PRIVATE_USER_CONTEXT_ID = -1; /** * Maps the open tabs by userContextId. * Each entry is a Map of url => count. */ var gOpenTabUrls = new Map(); /** * Class used to create the provider. */ export class UrlbarProviderOpenTabs extends UrlbarProvider { constructor() { super(); } /** * Returns the name of this provider. * * @returns {string} the name of this provider. */ get name() { return "OpenTabs"; } /** * Returns the type of this provider. * * @returns {integer} one of the types from UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.* */ get type() { return UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.PROFILE; } /** * Whether this provider should be invoked for the given context. * If this method returns false, the providers manager won't start a query * with this provider, to save on resources. * * @returns {boolean} Whether this provider should be invoked for the search. */ isActive() { // For now we don't actually use this provider to query open tabs, instead // we join the temp table in UrlbarProviderPlaces. return false; } /** * Tracks whether the memory tables have been initialized yet. Until this * happens tabs are only stored in openTabs and later copied over to the * memory table. */ static memoryTableInitialized = false; /** * Return unique urls that are open for given user context id. * * @param {integer|string} userContextId Containers user context id * @param {boolean} [isInPrivateWindow] In private browsing window or not * @returns {Array} urls */ static getOpenTabUrlsForUserContextId( userContextId, isInPrivateWindow = false ) { // It's fairly common to retrieve the value from an HTML attribute, that // means we're getting sometimes a string, sometimes an integer. As we're // using this as key of a Map, we must treat it consistently. userContextId = parseInt(userContextId); userContextId = UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.getUserContextIdForOpenPagesTable( userContextId, isInPrivateWindow ); return Array.from(gOpenTabUrls.get(userContextId)?.keys() ?? []); } /** * Return unique urls that are open, along with their user context id. * * @param {boolean} [isInPrivateWindow] Whether it's for a private browsing window * @returns {Map} { url => Set({userContextIds}) } */ static getOpenTabUrls(isInPrivateWindow = false) { let uniqueUrls = new Map(); if (isInPrivateWindow) { let urls = UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.getOpenTabUrlsForUserContextId( PRIVATE_USER_CONTEXT_ID, true ); for (let url of urls) { uniqueUrls.set(url, new Set([PRIVATE_USER_CONTEXT_ID])); } } else { for (let [userContextId, urls] of gOpenTabUrls) { if (userContextId == PRIVATE_USER_CONTEXT_ID) { continue; } for (let url of urls.keys()) { let userContextIds = uniqueUrls.get(url); if (!userContextIds) { userContextIds = new Set(); uniqueUrls.set(url, userContextIds); } userContextIds.add(userContextId); } } } return uniqueUrls; } /** * Return urls registered in the memory table. * This is mostly for testing purposes. * * @returns {Array} Array of {url, userContextId, count} objects. */ static async getDatabaseRegisteredOpenTabsForTests() { let conn = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection(); let rows = await conn.execute( "SELECT url, userContextId, open_count FROM moz_openpages_temp" ); return rows.map(r => ({ url: r.getResultByIndex(0), userContextId: r.getResultByIndex(1), count: r.getResultByIndex(2), })); } /** * Return userContextId that is used in the moz_openpages_temp table and * returned as part of the payload. It differs only for private windows. * * @param {integer} userContextId Containers user context id * @param {boolean} isInPrivateWindow In private browsing window or not * @returns {interger} userContextId */ static getUserContextIdForOpenPagesTable(userContextId, isInPrivateWindow) { return isInPrivateWindow ? PRIVATE_USER_CONTEXT_ID : userContextId; } /** * Return whether the provided userContextId is for a non-private tab. * * @param {integer} userContextId the userContextId to evaluate * @returns {boolean} */ static isNonPrivateUserContextId(userContextId) { return userContextId != PRIVATE_USER_CONTEXT_ID; } /** * Return whether the provided userContextId is for a container. * * @param {integer} userContextId the userContextId to evaluate * @returns {boolean} */ static isContainerUserContextId(userContextId) { return userContextId > 0; } /** * Copy over cached open tabs to the memory table once the Urlbar * connection has been initialized. */ static promiseDBPopulated = lazy.PlacesUtils.largeCacheDBConnDeferred.promise.then(async () => { // Must be set before populating. UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.memoryTableInitialized = true; // Populate the table with the current cached tabs. for (let [userContextId, entries] of gOpenTabUrls) { for (let [url, count] of entries) { await addToMemoryTable(url, userContextId, count).catch( console.error ); } } }); /** * Registers a tab as open. * * @param {string} url Address of the tab * @param {integer|string} userContextId Containers user context id * @param {boolean} isInPrivateWindow In private browsing window or not */ static async registerOpenTab(url, userContextId, isInPrivateWindow) { // It's fairly common to retrieve the value from an HTML attribute, that // means we're getting sometimes a string, sometimes an integer. As we're // using this as key of a Map, we must treat it consistently. userContextId = parseInt(userContextId); if (!Number.isInteger(userContextId)) { lazy.logger.error("Invalid userContextId while registering openTab: ", { url, userContextId, isInPrivateWindow, }); return; } lazy.logger.info("Registering openTab: ", { url, userContextId, isInPrivateWindow, }); userContextId = UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.getUserContextIdForOpenPagesTable( userContextId, isInPrivateWindow ); let entries = gOpenTabUrls.get(userContextId); if (!entries) { entries = new Map(); gOpenTabUrls.set(userContextId, entries); } entries.set(url, (entries.get(url) ?? 0) + 1); await addToMemoryTable(url, userContextId).catch(console.error); } /** * Unregisters a previously registered open tab. * * @param {string} url Address of the tab * @param {integer|string} userContextId Containers user context id * @param {boolean} isInPrivateWindow In private browsing window or not */ static async unregisterOpenTab(url, userContextId, isInPrivateWindow) { // It's fairly common to retrieve the value from an HTML attribute, that // means we're getting sometimes a string, sometimes an integer. As we're // using this as key of a Map, we must treat it consistently. userContextId = parseInt(userContextId); lazy.logger.info("Unregistering openTab: ", { url, userContextId, isInPrivateWindow, }); userContextId = UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.getUserContextIdForOpenPagesTable( userContextId, isInPrivateWindow ); let entries = gOpenTabUrls.get(userContextId); if (entries) { let oldCount = entries.get(url); if (oldCount == 0) { console.error("Tried to unregister a non registered open tab"); return; } if (oldCount == 1) { entries.delete(url); // Note: `entries` might be an empty Map now, though we don't remove it // from `gOpenTabUrls` as it's likely to be reused later. } else { entries.set(url, oldCount - 1); } await removeFromMemoryTable(url, userContextId).catch(console.error); } } /** * Starts querying. * * @param {object} queryContext The query context object * @param {Function} addCallback Callback invoked by the provider to add a new * match. * @returns {Promise} resolved when the query stops. */ async startQuery(queryContext, addCallback) { // Note: this is not actually expected to be used as an internal provider, // because normal history search will already coalesce with the open tabs // temp table to return proper frecency. // TODO: // * properly search and handle tokens, this is just a mock for now. let instance = this.queryInstance; let conn = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection(); await UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.promiseDBPopulated; await conn.executeCached( ` SELECT url, userContextId FROM moz_openpages_temp `, {}, (row, cancel) => { if (instance != this.queryInstance) { cancel(); return; } addCallback( this, new lazy.UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.TAB_SWITCH, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.TABS, { url: row.getResultByName("url"), userContextId: row.getResultByName("userContextId"), } ) ); } ); } } /** * Adds an open page to the memory table. * * @param {string} url Address of the page * @param {number} userContextId Containers user context id * @param {number} [count] The number of times the page is open * @returns {Promise} resolved after the addition. */ async function addToMemoryTable(url, userContextId, count = 1) { if (!UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.memoryTableInitialized) { return; } await lazy.UrlbarProvidersManager.runInCriticalSection(async () => { let conn = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection(); await conn.executeCached( ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO moz_openpages_temp (url, userContextId, open_count) VALUES ( :url, :userContextId, IFNULL( ( SELECT open_count + 1 FROM moz_openpages_temp WHERE url = :url AND userContextId = :userContextId ), :count ) ) `, { url, userContextId, count } ); }); } /** * Removes an open page from the memory table. * * @param {string} url Address of the page * @param {number} userContextId Containers user context id * @returns {Promise} resolved after the removal. */ async function removeFromMemoryTable(url, userContextId) { if (!UrlbarProviderOpenTabs.memoryTableInitialized) { return; } await lazy.UrlbarProvidersManager.runInCriticalSection(async () => { let conn = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection(); await conn.executeCached( ` UPDATE moz_openpages_temp SET open_count = open_count - 1 WHERE url = :url AND userContextId = :userContextId `, { url, userContextId } ); }); }