/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { BaseFeature } from "resource:///modules/urlbar/private/BaseFeature.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { QuickSuggest: "resource:///modules/QuickSuggest.sys.mjs", MerinoClient: "resource:///modules/MerinoClient.sys.mjs", UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.sys.mjs", UrlbarResult: "resource:///modules/UrlbarResult.sys.mjs", UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.sys.mjs", }); const RESULT_MENU_COMMAND = { HELP: "help", INACCURATE_LOCATION: "inaccurate_location", NOT_INTERESTED: "not_interested", NOT_RELEVANT: "not_relevant", SHOW_LESS_FREQUENTLY: "show_less_frequently", }; /** * A feature for Yelp suggestions. */ export class YelpSuggestions extends BaseFeature { get shouldEnable() { return ( lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored") && lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpFeatureGate") && lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.yelp") ); } get enablingPreferences() { return ["suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", "suggest.yelp"]; } get rustSuggestionTypes() { return ["Yelp"]; } get showLessFrequentlyCount() { const count = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelp.showLessFrequentlyCount") || 0; return Math.max(count, 0); } get canShowLessFrequently() { const cap = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpShowLessFrequentlyCap") || lazy.QuickSuggest.backend.config?.showLessFrequentlyCap || 0; return !cap || this.showLessFrequentlyCount < cap; } getSuggestionTelemetryType() { return "yelp"; } enable(enabled) { if (!enabled) { this.#merino = null; } } async makeResult(queryContext, suggestion, searchString) { // If the user clicked "Show less frequently" at least once or if the // subject wasn't typed in full, then apply the min length threshold and // return null if the entire search string is too short. if ( (this.showLessFrequentlyCount || !suggestion.subjectExactMatch) && searchString.length < this.#minKeywordLength ) { return null; } suggestion.is_top_pick = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpSuggestPriority"); let url = new URL(suggestion.url); let title = suggestion.title; if (!url.searchParams.has(suggestion.locationParam)) { let city = await this.#fetchCity(); // If we can't get city from Merino, rely on Yelp own. if (city) { url.searchParams.set(suggestion.locationParam, city); if (!suggestion.hasLocationSign) { title += " in"; } title += ` ${city}`; } } url.searchParams.set("utm_medium", "partner"); url.searchParams.set("utm_source", "mozilla"); let resultProperties = { isRichSuggestion: true, richSuggestionIconSize: 38, showFeedbackMenu: true, }; if (!suggestion.is_top_pick) { resultProperties.richSuggestionIconSize = 16; resultProperties.isSuggestedIndexRelativeToGroup = true; resultProperties.suggestedIndex = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get( "yelpSuggestNonPriorityIndex" ); } return Object.assign( new lazy.UrlbarResult( lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, lazy.UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, ...lazy.UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights(queryContext.tokens, { url: url.toString(), originalUrl: suggestion.url, title: [title, lazy.UrlbarUtils.HIGHLIGHT.TYPED], shouldShowUrl: true, bottomTextL10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-yelp-bottom-text" }, }) ), resultProperties ); } getResultCommands() { let commands = [ { name: RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.INACCURATE_LOCATION, l10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-weather-command-inaccurate-location", }, }, ]; if (this.canShowLessFrequently) { commands.push({ name: RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.SHOW_LESS_FREQUENTLY, l10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-command-show-less-frequently", }, }); } commands.push( { l10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-command-dont-show-this", }, children: [ { name: RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.NOT_RELEVANT, l10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-command-not-relevant", }, }, { name: RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.NOT_INTERESTED, l10n: { id: "firefox-suggest-command-not-interested", }, }, ], }, { name: "separator" }, { name: RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.HELP, l10n: { id: "urlbar-result-menu-learn-more-about-firefox-suggest", }, } ); return commands; } handleCommand(view, result, selType, searchString) { switch (selType) { case RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.HELP: // "help" is handled by UrlbarInput, no need to do anything here. break; case RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.INACCURATE_LOCATION: // Currently the only way we record this feedback is in the Glean // engagement event. As with all commands, it will be recorded with an // `engagement_type` value that is the command's name, in this case // `inaccurate_location`. view.acknowledgeFeedback(result); break; // selType == "dismiss" when the user presses the dismiss key shortcut. case "dismiss": case RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.NOT_RELEVANT: lazy.QuickSuggest.blockedSuggestions.add(result.payload.originalUrl); result.acknowledgeDismissalL10n = { id: "firefox-suggest-dismissal-acknowledgment-one-yelp", }; view.controller.removeResult(result); break; case RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.NOT_INTERESTED: lazy.UrlbarPrefs.set("suggest.yelp", false); result.acknowledgeDismissalL10n = { id: "firefox-suggest-dismissal-acknowledgment-all-yelp", }; view.controller.removeResult(result); break; case RESULT_MENU_COMMAND.SHOW_LESS_FREQUENTLY: view.acknowledgeFeedback(result); this.incrementShowLessFrequentlyCount(); if (!this.canShowLessFrequently) { view.invalidateResultMenuCommands(); } lazy.UrlbarPrefs.set("yelp.minKeywordLength", searchString.length + 1); break; } } incrementShowLessFrequentlyCount() { if (this.canShowLessFrequently) { lazy.UrlbarPrefs.set( "yelp.showLessFrequentlyCount", this.showLessFrequentlyCount + 1 ); } } get #minKeywordLength() { let minLength = lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelp.minKeywordLength") || lazy.UrlbarPrefs.get("yelpMinKeywordLength") || 0; return Math.max(minLength, 0); } async #fetchCity() { if (!this.#merino) { this.#merino = new lazy.MerinoClient(this.constructor.name); } let results = await this.#merino.fetch({ providers: ["geolocation"], query: "", }); if (!results.length) { return null; } let { city, region } = results[0].custom_details.geolocation; return [city, region].filter(loc => !!loc).join(", "); } #merino = null; }