/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests best match rows in the view. "use strict"; // Tests a non-sponsored best match row. add_task(async function nonsponsored() { let result = makeBestMatchResult(); await withProvider(result, async () => { await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({ window, value: "test", }); await checkBestMatchRow({ result }); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window); }); }); // Tests a non-sponsored best match row with a help button. add_task(async function nonsponsoredHelpButton() { let result = makeBestMatchResult({ helpUrl: "https://example.com/help" }); await withProvider(result, async () => { await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({ window, value: "test", }); await checkBestMatchRow({ result, hasHelpUrl: true }); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window); }); }); // Tests a sponsored best match row. add_task(async function sponsored() { let result = makeBestMatchResult({ isSponsored: true }); await withProvider(result, async () => { await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({ window, value: "test", }); await checkBestMatchRow({ result, isSponsored: true }); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window); }); }); // Tests a sponsored best match row with a help button. add_task(async function sponsoredHelpButton() { let result = makeBestMatchResult({ isSponsored: true, helpUrl: "https://example.com/help", }); await withProvider(result, async () => { await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({ window, value: "test", }); await checkBestMatchRow({ result, isSponsored: true, hasHelpUrl: true }); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window); }); }); // Tests keyboard selection. add_task(async function keySelection() { let result = makeBestMatchResult({ isSponsored: true, helpUrl: "https://example.com/help", }); await withProvider(result, async () => { // Ordered list of class names of the elements that should be selected. let expectedClassNames = ["urlbarView-row-inner", "urlbarView-button-menu"]; await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseAutocompleteResultPopup({ window, value: "test", }); await checkBestMatchRow({ result, isSponsored: true, hasHelpUrl: true, }); // Test with the tab key in order vs. reverse order. for (let reverse of [false, true]) { info("Doing TAB key selection: " + JSON.stringify({ reverse })); let classNames = [...expectedClassNames]; if (reverse) { classNames.reverse(); } let sendKey = () => { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: reverse }); }; // Move selection through each expected element. for (let className of classNames) { info("Expecting selection: " + className); sendKey(); Assert.ok(gURLBar.view.isOpen, "View remains open"); let { selectedElement } = gURLBar.view; Assert.ok(selectedElement, "Selected element exists"); Assert.ok( selectedElement.classList.contains(className), "Expected element is selected" ); } sendKey(); Assert.ok( gURLBar.view.isOpen, "View remains open after keying through best match row" ); } await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window); }); }); async function checkBestMatchRow({ result, hasHelpUrl = false }) { Assert.equal( UrlbarTestUtils.getResultCount(window), 1, "One result is present" ); let details = await UrlbarTestUtils.getDetailsOfResultAt(window, 0); let { row } = details.element; let favicon = row._elements.get("favicon"); Assert.ok(favicon, "Row has a favicon"); let title = row._elements.get("title"); Assert.ok(title, "Row has a title"); Assert.ok(title.textContent, "Row title has non-empty textContext"); Assert.equal(title.textContent, result.payload.title, "Row title is correct"); let url = row._elements.get("url"); Assert.ok(url, "Row has a URL"); Assert.ok(url.textContent, "Row URL has non-empty textContext"); Assert.equal( url.textContent, result.payload.displayUrl, "Row URL is correct" ); let button = row._buttons.get("menu"); Assert.equal( !!result.payload.helpUrl, hasHelpUrl, "Sanity check: Row's expected hasHelpUrl matches result" ); if (hasHelpUrl) { Assert.ok(button, "Row with helpUrl has a help or menu button"); } else { Assert.ok( !button, "Row without helpUrl does not have a help or menu button" ); } } async function withProvider(result, callback) { let provider = new UrlbarTestUtils.TestProvider({ results: [result], priority: Infinity, }); UrlbarProvidersManager.registerProvider(provider); try { await callback(); } finally { UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(provider); } } function makeBestMatchResult(payloadExtra = {}) { return Object.assign( new UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, ...UrlbarResult.payloadAndSimpleHighlights([], { title: "Test best match", url: "https://example.com/best-match", ...payloadExtra, }) ), { isBestMatch: true } ); }