/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * This test is designed to ensure that the correct command/operation happens * when pressing Enter, or clicking the Go button, with various key * combinations in the urlbar. */ const TEST_VALUE = "http://example.com"; const START_VALUE = "example.org"; add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["browser.altClickSave", true], ["browser.urlbar.autoFill", false], ], }); }); add_task(async function alt_left_click_test() { info("Running test: Alt left click"); // Monkey patch saveURL() to avoid dealing with file save code paths. let oldSaveURL = saveURL; let saveURLPromise = new Promise(resolve => { saveURL = () => { // Restore old saveURL() value. saveURL = oldSaveURL; resolve(); }; }); await typeAndCommand("click", { altKey: true }); await saveURLPromise; ok(true, "SaveURL was called"); is(gURLBar.value, "", "Urlbar reverted to original value"); }); add_task(async function shift_left_click_test() { info("Running test: Shift left click"); let destinationURL = TEST_VALUE + "/"; let newWindowPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow({ url: destinationURL, }); await typeAndCommand("click", { shiftKey: true }); let win = await newWindowPromise; info("URL should be loaded in a new window"); is(gURLBar.value, "", "Urlbar reverted to original value"); await promiseCheckChildNoFocusedElement(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( document.activeElement, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Content window should be focused" ); is( win.gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "New URL is loaded in new window" ); // Cleanup. let ourWindowRefocusedPromise = Promise.all([ BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(window, "activate"), BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(window, "focus", true), ]); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); await ourWindowRefocusedPromise; }); add_task(async function right_click_test() { info("Running test: Right click on go button"); // Add a new tab. await promiseOpenNewTab(); await typeAndCommand("click", { button: 2 }); // Right click should do nothing (context menu will be shown). is(gURLBar.value, TEST_VALUE, "Urlbar still has the value we entered"); // Cleanup. gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); add_task(async function shift_accel_left_click_test() { info("Running test: Shift+Ctrl/Cmd left click on go button"); // Add a new tab. let tab = await promiseOpenNewTab(); let loadStartedPromise = promiseLoadStarted(); await typeAndCommand("click", { accelKey: true, shiftKey: true }); await loadStartedPromise; // Check the load occurred in a new background tab. info("URL should be loaded in a new background tab"); is(gURLBar.value, "", "Urlbar reverted to original value"); ok(!gURLBar.focused, "Urlbar is no longer focused after urlbar command"); is(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab, "Focus did not change to the new tab"); // Select the new background tab gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.selectedTab.nextElementSibling; is( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "New URL is loaded in new tab" ); // Cleanup. gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); add_task(async function load_in_current_tab_test() { let tests = [ { desc: "Simple return keypress", type: "keypress", }, { desc: "Left click on go button", type: "click", }, { desc: "Ctrl/Cmd+Return keypress", type: "keypress", details: { accelKey: true }, }, { desc: "Alt+Return keypress in a blank tab", type: "keypress", details: { altKey: true }, }, { desc: "AltGr+Return keypress in a blank tab", type: "keypress", details: { altGraphKey: true }, }, ]; for (let { desc, type, details } of tests) { info(`Running test: ${desc}`); // Add a new tab. let tab = await promiseOpenNewTab(); // Trigger a load and check it occurs in the current tab. let loadStartedPromise = promiseLoadStarted(); await typeAndCommand(type, details); await loadStartedPromise; info("URL should be loaded in the current tab"); is( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "Urlbar still has the value we entered" ); await promiseCheckChildNoFocusedElement(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( document.activeElement, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Content window should be focused" ); is(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab, "New URL was loaded in the current tab"); // Cleanup. gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); } }); add_task(async function load_in_new_tab_test() { let tests = [ { desc: "Ctrl/Cmd left click on go button", type: "click", details: { accelKey: true }, url: "about:blank", }, { desc: "Alt+Return keypress in a dirty tab", type: "keypress", details: { altKey: true }, url: START_VALUE, }, { desc: "AltGr+Return keypress in a dirty tab", type: "keypress", details: { altGraphKey: true }, url: START_VALUE, }, ]; for (let { desc, type, details, url } of tests) { info(`Running test: ${desc}`); // Add a new tab. let tab = await promiseOpenNewTab(url); // Trigger a load and check it occurs in a new tab. let tabSwitchedPromise = promiseNewTabSwitched(); await typeAndCommand(type, details); await tabSwitchedPromise; // Check the load occurred in a new tab. info("URL should be loaded in a new focused tab"); is( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "Urlbar still has the value we entered" ); await promiseCheckChildNoFocusedElement(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( document.activeElement, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Content window should be focused" ); isnot(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab, "New URL was loaded in a new tab"); // Cleanup. gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); } }); add_task(async function go_button_after_tab_switch() { // Add a new tab. let tab = await promiseOpenNewTab(); await UrlbarTestUtils.inputIntoURLBar(window, TEST_VALUE); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, gBrowser.visibleTabs[0]); isnot( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "Urlbar does not have the entered value after switching to a different tab" ); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab); is( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "Urlbar still has the entered value restored after switching back to the new tab" ); // Trigger a load and check it occurs in the current tab. let loadStartedPromise = promiseLoadStarted(); await triggerCommand("click"); await loadStartedPromise; info("URL should be loaded in the current tab"); is( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(TEST_VALUE), "Urlbar still has the value we entered" ); await promiseCheckChildNoFocusedElement(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( document.activeElement, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Content window should be focused" ); is(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab, "New URL was loaded in the current tab"); // Cleanup. gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); async function typeAndCommand(eventType, details = {}) { await UrlbarTestUtils.inputIntoURLBar(window, TEST_VALUE); await triggerCommand(eventType, details); } async function triggerCommand(eventType, details = {}) { Assert.equal( await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseUserContextId(window), gBrowser.selectedTab.getAttribute("usercontextid"), "userContextId must be the same as the originating tab" ); switch (eventType) { case "click": ok( gURLBar.hasAttribute("usertyping"), "usertyping attribute must be set for the go button to be visible" ); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(gURLBar.goButton, details); break; case "keypress": EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter", details); break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported event type"); } } function promiseLoadStarted() { return new Promise(resolve => { gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener({ onStateChange(browser, webProgress, req, flags, status) { if (flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START) { gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this); resolve(); } }, }); }); } let gUserContextIdSerial = 1; async function promiseOpenNewTab(url = "about:blank") { let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, url, { userContextId: gUserContextIdSerial++, }); let tabSwitchPromise = BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, tab); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); await tabSwitchPromise; return tab; } function promiseNewTabSwitched() { return new Promise(resolve => { gBrowser.addEventListener( "TabSwitchDone", function () { executeSoon(resolve); }, { once: true } ); }); } function promiseCheckChildNoFocusedElement(browser) { if (!gMultiProcessBrowser) { Assert.equal( Services.focus.focusedElement, null, "There should be no focused element" ); return null; } return ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, async function () { Assert.equal( Services.focus.focusedElement, null, "There should be no focused element" ); }); }