/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const REDIRECT_FROM = `${TEST_BASE_URL}redirect_error.sjs`; const REDIRECT_TO = "https://www.bank1.com/"; // Bad-cert host. function isRedirectedURISpec(aURISpec) { return isRedirectedURI(Services.io.newURI(aURISpec)); } function isRedirectedURI(aURI) { // Compare only their before-hash portion. return Services.io.newURI(REDIRECT_TO).equalsExceptRef(aURI); } /* Test. 1. Load redirect_bug623155.sjs#BG in a background tab. 2. The redirected URI is , which displayes a cert error page. 3. Switch the tab to foreground. 4. Check the URLbar's value, expecting 5. Load redirect_bug623155.sjs#FG in the foreground tab. 6. The redirected URI is . And this is also a cert-error page. 7. Check the URLbar's value, expecting 8. End. */ var gNewTab; function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); // Load a URI in the background. gNewTab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, REDIRECT_FROM + "#BG"); gBrowser .getBrowserForTab(gNewTab) .webProgress.addProgressListener( gWebProgressListener, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION ); } var gWebProgressListener = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIWebProgressListener", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTIFY_LOCATION mode should work fine without these methods. // // onStateChange: function() {}, // onStatusChange: function() {}, // onProgressChange: function() {}, // onSecurityChange: function() {}, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- onLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation) { if (!aRequest) { // This is bug 673752, or maybe initial "about:blank". return; } ok(gNewTab, "There is a new tab."); ok( isRedirectedURI(aLocation), "onLocationChange catches only redirected URI." ); if (aLocation.ref == "BG") { // This is background tab's request. isnot(gNewTab, gBrowser.selectedTab, "This is a background tab."); } else if (aLocation.ref == "FG") { // This is foreground tab's request. is(gNewTab, gBrowser.selectedTab, "This is a foreground tab."); } else { // We shonuld not reach here. ok(false, "This URI hash is not expected:" + aLocation.ref); } let isSelectedTab = gNewTab.selected; setTimeout(delayed, 0, isSelectedTab); }, }; function delayed(aIsSelectedTab) { // Switch tab and confirm URL bar. if (!aIsSelectedTab) { gBrowser.selectedTab = gNewTab; } let currentURI = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec; ok( isRedirectedURISpec(currentURI), "The content area is redirected. aIsSelectedTab:" + aIsSelectedTab ); is( gURLBar.value, UrlbarTestUtils.trimURL(currentURI), "The URL bar shows the content URI. aIsSelectedTab:" + aIsSelectedTab ); if (!aIsSelectedTab) { // If this was a background request, go on a foreground request. BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, REDIRECT_FROM + "#FG" ); } else { // Othrewise, nothing to do remains. finish(); } } /* Cleanup */ registerCleanupFunction(function () { if (gNewTab) { gBrowser .getBrowserForTab(gNewTab) .webProgress.removeProgressListener(gWebProgressListener); gBrowser.removeTab(gNewTab); } gNewTab = null; });