/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test edge cases for engagement. add_setup(async function () { await setup(); }); /** * UrlbarProvider that does not add any result. */ class NoResponseTestProvider extends UrlbarTestUtils.TestProvider { constructor() { super({ name: "TestProviderNoResponse ", results: [] }); this.#deferred = Promise.withResolvers(); } get type() { return UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.HEURISTIC; } async startQuery(context, addCallback) { await this.#deferred.promise; } done() { this.#deferred.resolve(); } #deferred = null; } const noResponseProvider = new NoResponseTestProvider(); /** * UrlbarProvider that adds a heuristic result immediately as usual. */ class AnotherHeuristicProvider extends UrlbarTestUtils.TestProvider { constructor({ results }) { super({ name: "TestProviderAnotherHeuristic ", results }); this.#deferred = Promise.withResolvers(); } get type() { return UrlbarUtils.PROVIDER_TYPE.HEURISTIC; } async startQuery(context, addCallback) { for (const result of this.results) { addCallback(this, result); } this.#deferred.resolve(context); } onQueryStarted() { return this.#deferred.promise; } #deferred = null; } const anotherHeuristicProvider = new AnotherHeuristicProvider({ results: [ Object.assign( new UrlbarResult( UrlbarUtils.RESULT_TYPE.URL, UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.OTHER_LOCAL, { url: "https://example.com/immediate" } ), { heuristic: true } ), ], }); add_task(async function engagement_before_showing_results() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ // Avoid showing search tip. set: [["browser.urlbar.tipShownCount.searchTip_onboard", 999]], }); // Increase chunk delays to delay the call to notifyResults. let originalChunkTimeout = UrlbarProvidersManager.CHUNK_RESULTS_DELAY_MS; UrlbarProvidersManager.CHUNK_RESULTS_DELAY_MS = 1000000; // Add a provider that waits forever in startQuery() to avoid fireing // heuristicProviderTimer. UrlbarProvidersManager.registerProvider(noResponseProvider); // Add a provider that add a result immediately as usual. UrlbarProvidersManager.registerProvider(anotherHeuristicProvider); const cleanup = () => { UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(noResponseProvider); UrlbarProvidersManager.unregisterProvider(anotherHeuristicProvider); UrlbarProvidersManager.CHUNK_RESULTS_DELAY_MS = originalChunkTimeout; }; registerCleanupFunction(cleanup); await doTest(async browser => { // Try to show the results. await UrlbarTestUtils.inputIntoURLBar(window, "exam"); // Wait until starting the query and filling expected results. const context = await anotherHeuristicProvider.onQueryStarted(); const query = UrlbarProvidersManager.queries.get(context); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => query.unsortedResults.some( r => r.providerName === "HeuristicFallback" ) && query.unsortedResults.some( r => r.providerName === anotherHeuristicProvider.name ) ); // Type Enter key before showing any results. await doEnter(); assertEngagementTelemetry([ { selected_result: "input_field", selected_result_subtype: "", provider: undefined, results: "", groups: "", }, ]); // Clear the pending query. noResponseProvider.done(); }); cleanup(); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_task(async function engagement_after_closing_results() { const TRIGGERS = [ () => EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape"), () => { // We intentionally turn off this a11y check, because the following click // is sent to test the telemetry behavior using an alternative way of the // urlbar dismissal, where other ways are accessible (and tested above), // therefore this test can be ignored. AccessibilityUtils.setEnv({ mustHaveAccessibleRule: false, }); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( document.getElementById("customizableui-special-spring2"), {} ); AccessibilityUtils.resetEnv(); }, ]; for (const trigger of TRIGGERS) { await doTest(async browser => { await openPopup("test"); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(window, () => { trigger(); }); Assert.equal( gURLBar.value, "test", "The inputted text remains even if closing the results" ); // The tested trigger should not record abandonment event. assertAbandonmentTelemetry([]); // Endgagement. await doEnter(); assertEngagementTelemetry([ { selected_result: "input_field", selected_result_subtype: "", provider: undefined, results: "", groups: "", }, ]); }); } }); add_task(async function enter_to_reload_current_url() { await doTest(async browser => { // Open a URL once. await openPopup("https://example.com"); await doEnter(); // Focus the urlbar. EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(gURLBar.inputField, {}); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition( () => window.document.activeElement === gURLBar.inputField ); await UrlbarTestUtils.promiseSearchComplete(window); // Press Enter key to reload the page without selecting any suggestions. await doEnter(); assertEngagementTelemetry([ { selected_result: "url", selected_result_subtype: "", provider: "HeuristicFallback", results: "url", groups: "heuristic", }, { selected_result: "input_field", selected_result_subtype: "", provider: undefined, results: "action", groups: "suggested_index", }, ]); }); });