/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Tests ingest in the Rust backend. "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); // These consts are copied from the update timer manager test. See // `initUpdateTimerManager()`. const PREF_APP_UPDATE_TIMERMINIMUMDELAY = "app.update.timerMinimumDelay"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_TIMERFIRSTINTERVAL = "app.update.timerFirstInterval"; const MAIN_TIMER_INTERVAL = 1000; // milliseconds const CATEGORY_UPDATE_TIMER = "update-timer"; const REMOTE_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION = { id: 1, url: "http://example.com/amp", title: "AMP Suggestion", keywords: ["amp"], click_url: "http://example.com/amp-click", impression_url: "http://example.com/amp-impression", advertiser: "Amp", iab_category: "22 - Shopping", icon: "1234", }; add_setup(async function () { initUpdateTimerManager(); await QuickSuggestTestUtils.ensureQuickSuggestInit({ remoteSettingsRecords: [ { type: "data", attachment: [REMOTE_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION], }, ], prefs: [ ["suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", true], ["quicksuggest.rustEnabled", false], ], }); }); // IMPORTANT: This task must run first! // // This simulates the first time the Rust backend is enabled in a profile. The // backend should perform ingestion immediately. add_task(async function firstRun() { Assert.ok( !UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.rustEnabled"), "rustEnabled pref is initially false (this task must run first!)" ); Assert.strictEqual( QuickSuggest.rustBackend.isEnabled, false, "Rust backend is initially disabled (this task must run first!)" ); Assert.ok( !QuickSuggest.rustBackend.ingestPromise, "No ingest has been performed yet (this task must run first!)" ); info("Enabling the Rust backend"); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustEnabled", true); Assert.ok(QuickSuggest.rustBackend.isEnabled, "Rust backend is now enabled"); // An ingest should start. let { ingestPromise } = await waitForIngestStart(null); info("Awaiting ingest promise"); await ingestPromise; info("Done awaiting ingest promise"); await checkSuggestions(); // Disable and re-enable the backend. Another ingest should start immediately // since ingest is done every time the backend is re-enabled. UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustEnabled", false); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustEnabled", true); ({ ingestPromise } = await waitForIngestStart(ingestPromise)); info("Awaiting ingest promise"); await ingestPromise; info("Done awaiting ingest promise"); await checkSuggestions(); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustEnabled", false); }); // Ingestion should be performed according to the defined interval. add_task(async function interval() { let { ingestPromise } = QuickSuggest.rustBackend; Assert.ok( ingestPromise, "Sanity check: An ingest has already been performed" ); Assert.ok( !UrlbarPrefs.get("quicksuggest.rustEnabled"), "Sanity check: Rust backend is initially disabled" ); // Set a small interval and enable the backend. A new ingest will immediately // start. let intervalSecs = 1; UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustIngestIntervalSeconds", intervalSecs); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustEnabled", true); ({ ingestPromise } = await waitForIngestStart(ingestPromise)); info("Awaiting ingest promise"); await ingestPromise; info("Done awaiting ingest promise"); // Wait for a few ingests to happen due to the timer firing. for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { info("Preparing for ingest at index " + i); // Set a new suggestion so we can make sure ingest really happened. let suggestion = { ...REMOTE_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION, url: REMOTE_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION.url + "/" + i, }; await QuickSuggestTestUtils.setRemoteSettingsRecords( [ { type: "data", attachment: [suggestion], }, ], // Don't force sync since the whole point here is to make sure the backend // ingests on its own! { forceSync: false } ); // Wait for ingest to start and finish. info("Waiting for ingest to start at index " + i); ({ ingestPromise } = await waitForIngestStart(ingestPromise)); info("Waiting for ingest to finish at index " + i); await ingestPromise; await checkSuggestions([suggestion]); } // In the loop above, there was one additional async call after awaiting the // ingest promise, to `checkSuggestions()`. It's possible, though unlikely, // that call took so long that another ingest has started. To be sure, wait // for one final ingest to start before continuing. ({ ingestPromise } = await waitForIngestStart(ingestPromise)); // Now immediately disable the backend. New ingests should not start, but the // final one will still be ongoing. info("Disabling the backend"); UrlbarPrefs.set("quicksuggest.rustEnabled", false); info("Awaiting final ingest promise"); await ingestPromise; // Wait a few seconds. let waitSecs = 3 * intervalSecs; info(`Waiting ${waitSecs}s...`); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000 * waitSecs)); // No new ingests should have started. Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.rustBackend.ingestPromise, ingestPromise, "No new ingest started after disabling the backend" ); UrlbarPrefs.clear("quicksuggest.rustIngestIntervalSeconds"); }); async function waitForIngestStart(oldIngestPromise) { let newIngestPromise; await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { let { ingestPromise } = QuickSuggest.rustBackend; if ( (oldIngestPromise && ingestPromise != oldIngestPromise) || (!oldIngestPromise && ingestPromise) ) { newIngestPromise = ingestPromise; return true; } return false; }, "Waiting for a new ingest to start"); Assert.equal( QuickSuggest.rustBackend.ingestPromise, newIngestPromise, "Sanity check: ingestPromise hasn't changed since waitForCondition returned" ); // A bare promise can't be returned because it will cause the awaiting caller // to await that promise! We're simply trying to return the promise, which the // caller can later await. return { ingestPromise: newIngestPromise }; } async function checkSuggestions(expected = [REMOTE_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION]) { let actual = await QuickSuggest.rustBackend.query("amp"); Assert.deepEqual( actual.map(s => s.url), expected.map(s => s.url), "Backend should be serving the expected suggestions" ); } /** * Sets up the update timer manager for testing: makes it fire more often, * removes all existing timers, and initializes it for testing. The body of this * function is copied from: * https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/toolkit/components/timermanager/tests/unit/consumerNotifications.js */ function initUpdateTimerManager() { // Set the timer to fire every second Services.prefs.setIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_TIMERMINIMUMDELAY, MAIN_TIMER_INTERVAL / 1000 ); Services.prefs.setIntPref( PREF_APP_UPDATE_TIMERFIRSTINTERVAL, MAIN_TIMER_INTERVAL ); // Remove existing update timers to prevent them from being notified for (let { data: entry } of Services.catMan.enumerateCategory( CATEGORY_UPDATE_TIMER )) { Services.catMan.deleteCategoryEntry(CATEGORY_UPDATE_TIMER, entry, false); } Cc["@mozilla.org/updates/timer-manager;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIUpdateTimerManager) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver) .observe(null, "utm-test-init", ""); }