/* import-globals-from ../../../../../testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../../testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../../toolkit/components/satchel/test/satchel_common.js */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ "use strict"; let formFillChromeScript; let defaultTextColor; let defaultDisabledTextColor; let expectingPopup = null; const { FormAutofillUtils } = SpecialPowers.ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillUtils.sys.mjs" ); async function sleep(ms = 500, reason = "Intentionally wait for UI ready") { SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout(reason); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function focusAndWaitForFieldsIdentified( input, mustBeIdentified = false ) { info("expecting the target input being focused and indentified"); if (typeof input === "string") { input = document.querySelector(input); } const rootElement = input.form || input.ownerDocument.documentElement; const previouslyFocused = input != document.activeElement; input.focus(); if (mustBeIdentified) { rootElement.removeAttribute("test-formautofill-identified"); } if (rootElement.hasAttribute("test-formautofill-identified")) { return; } if (!previouslyFocused) { await new Promise(resolve => { formFillChromeScript.addMessageListener( "FormAutofillTest:FieldsIdentified", function onIdentified() { formFillChromeScript.removeMessageListener( "FormAutofillTest:FieldsIdentified", onIdentified ); resolve(); } ); }); } // In order to ensure that "markAsAutofillField" is fully executed, a short period // of timeout is still required. await sleep(300, "Guarantee asynchronous identifyAutofillFields is invoked"); rootElement.setAttribute("test-formautofill-identified", "true"); } async function setInput(selector, value, userInput = false) { const input = document.querySelector("input" + selector); if (userInput) { SpecialPowers.wrap(input).setUserInput(value); } else { input.value = value; } await focusAndWaitForFieldsIdentified(input); return input; } function clickOnElement(selector) { let element = document.querySelector(selector); if (!element) { throw new Error("Can not find the element"); } SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => element.click()); } // The equivalent helper function to getAdaptedProfiles in FormAutofillHandler.jsm that // transforms the given profile to expected filled profile. function _getAdaptedProfile(profile) { const adaptedProfile = Object.assign({}, profile); if (profile["street-address"]) { adaptedProfile["street-address"] = FormAutofillUtils.toOneLineAddress( profile["street-address"] ); } return adaptedProfile; } async function checkFieldHighlighted(elem, expectedValue) { let isHighlightApplied; await SimpleTest.promiseWaitForCondition(function checkHighlight() { isHighlightApplied = elem.matches(":autofill"); return isHighlightApplied === expectedValue; }, `Checking #${elem.id} highlight style`); is(isHighlightApplied, expectedValue, `Checking #${elem.id} highlight style`); } async function checkFormFieldsStyle(profile, isPreviewing = true) { const elems = document.querySelectorAll("input, select"); for (const elem of elems) { let fillableValue; let previewValue; let isElementEligible = FormAutofillUtils.isCreditCardOrAddressFieldType(elem) && FormAutofillUtils.isFieldAutofillable(elem); if (!isElementEligible) { fillableValue = ""; previewValue = ""; } else { fillableValue = profile && profile[elem.id]; previewValue = (isPreviewing && fillableValue?.toString().replaceAll("*", "•")) || ""; } await checkFieldHighlighted(elem, !!fillableValue); } } function checkFieldValue(elem, expectedValue) { if (typeof elem === "string") { elem = document.querySelector(elem); } is(elem.value, String(expectedValue), "Checking " + elem.id + " field"); } async function triggerAutofillAndCheckProfile(profile) { let adaptedProfile = _getAdaptedProfile(profile); const promises = []; for (const [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(adaptedProfile)) { info(`triggerAutofillAndCheckProfile: ${fieldName}`); const element = document.getElementById(fieldName); const expectingEvent = document.activeElement == element ? "input" : "change"; const checkFieldAutofilled = Promise.all([ new Promise(resolve => { let beforeInputFired = false; let hadEditor = SpecialPowers.wrap(element).hasEditor; element.addEventListener( "beforeinput", event => { beforeInputFired = true; is( event.inputType, "insertReplacementText", 'inputType value should be "insertReplacementText"' ); is( event.data, String(value), `data value of "beforeinput" should be "${value}"` ); is( event.dataTransfer, null, 'dataTransfer of "beforeinput" should be null' ); is( event.getTargetRanges().length, 0, 'getTargetRanges() of "beforeinput" should return empty array' ); is( event.cancelable, SpecialPowers.getBoolPref( "dom.input_event.allow_to_cancel_set_user_input" ), `"beforeinput" event should be cancelable on ${element.tagName} unless it's suppressed by the pref` ); is( event.bubbles, true, `"beforeinput" event should always bubble on ${element.tagName}` ); resolve(); }, { once: true } ); element.addEventListener( "input", event => { if (element.tagName == "INPUT" && element.type == "text") { if (hadEditor) { ok( beforeInputFired, `"beforeinput" event should've been fired before "input" event on ${element.tagName}` ); } else { ok( beforeInputFired, `"beforeinput" event should've been fired before "input" event on ${element.tagName}` ); } ok( event instanceof InputEvent, `"input" event should be dispatched with InputEvent interface on ${element.tagName}` ); is( event.inputType, "insertReplacementText", 'inputType value should be "insertReplacementText"' ); is(event.data, String(value), `data value should be "${value}"`); is(event.dataTransfer, null, "dataTransfer should be null"); is( event.getTargetRanges().length, 0, "getTargetRanges() should return empty array" ); } else { ok( !beforeInputFired, `"beforeinput" event shouldn't be fired on ${element.tagName}` ); ok( event instanceof Event && !(event instanceof UIEvent), `"input" event should be dispatched with Event interface on ${element.tagName}` ); } is( event.cancelable, false, `"input" event should be never cancelable on ${element.tagName}` ); is( event.bubbles, true, `"input" event should always bubble on ${element.tagName}` ); resolve(); }, { once: true } ); }), new Promise(resolve => element.addEventListener(expectingEvent, resolve, { once: true }) ), ]).then(() => checkFieldValue(element, value)); promises.push(checkFieldAutofilled); } // Press Enter key and trigger form autofill. synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter"); return Promise.all(promises); } async function onStorageChanged(type) { info(`expecting the storage changed: ${type}`); return new Promise(resolve => { formFillChromeScript.addMessageListener( "formautofill-storage-changed", function onChanged(data) { formFillChromeScript.removeMessageListener( "formautofill-storage-changed", onChanged ); is(data.data, type, `Receive ${type} storage changed event`); resolve(); } ); }); } function checkMenuEntries(expectedValues, isFormAutofillResult = true) { let actualValues = getMenuEntries(); // Expect one more item would appear at the bottom as the footer if the result is from form autofill. let expectedLength = isFormAutofillResult ? expectedValues.length + 1 : expectedValues.length; is(actualValues.length, expectedLength, " Checking length of expected menu"); for (let i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) { is(actualValues[i], expectedValues[i], " Checking menu entry #" + i); } } function invokeAsyncChromeTask(message, payload = {}) { info(`expecting the chrome task finished: ${message}`); return formFillChromeScript.sendQuery(message, payload); } async function addAddress(address) { await invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:AddAddress", { address }); await sleep(); } async function removeAddress(guid) { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:RemoveAddress", { guid }); } async function updateAddress(guid, address) { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:UpdateAddress", { address, guid, }); } async function checkAddresses(expectedAddresses) { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:CheckAddresses", { expectedAddresses, }); } async function cleanUpAddresses() { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:CleanUpAddresses"); } async function addCreditCard(creditcard) { await invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:AddCreditCard", { creditcard }); await sleep(); } async function removeCreditCard(guid) { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:RemoveCreditCard", { guid }); } async function checkCreditCards(expectedCreditCards) { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:CheckCreditCards", { expectedCreditCards, }); } async function cleanUpCreditCards() { return invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:CleanUpCreditCards"); } async function cleanUpStorage() { await cleanUpAddresses(); await cleanUpCreditCards(); } async function canTestOSKeyStoreLogin() { let { canTest } = await invokeAsyncChromeTask( "FormAutofillTest:CanTestOSKeyStoreLogin" ); return canTest; } async function waitForOSKeyStoreLogin(login = false) { await invokeAsyncChromeTask("FormAutofillTest:OSKeyStoreLogin", { login }); } function patchRecordCCNumber(record) { const ccNumberFmt = "****" + record.cc["cc-number"].substr(-4); return { cc: Object.assign({}, record.cc, { ccNumberFmt }), expected: record.expected, }; } // Utils for registerPopupShownListener(in satchel_common.js) that handles dropdown popup // Please call "initPopupListener()" in your test and "await expectPopup()" // if you want to wait for dropdown menu displayed. function expectPopup() { info("expecting a popup"); return new Promise(resolve => { expectingPopup = resolve; }); } function notExpectPopup(ms = 500) { info("not expecting a popup"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { expectingPopup = reject.bind(this, "Unexpected Popup"); // TODO: We don't have an event to notify no popup showing, so wait for 500 // ms (in default) to predict any unexpected popup showing. setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } function popupShownListener() { info("popup shown for test "); if (expectingPopup) { expectingPopup(); expectingPopup = null; } } function initPopupListener() { registerPopupShownListener(popupShownListener); } async function triggerPopupAndHoverItem(fieldSelector, selectIndex) { await focusAndWaitForFieldsIdentified(fieldSelector); synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); await expectPopup(); for (let i = 0; i <= selectIndex; i++) { synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); } await notifySelectedIndex(selectIndex); } function formAutoFillCommonSetup() { // Remove the /creditCard path segement when referenced from the 'creditCard' subdirectory. let chromeURL = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL( "formautofill_parent_utils.js" ).replace(/\/creditCard/, ""); formFillChromeScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(chromeURL); formFillChromeScript.addMessageListener("onpopupshown", ({ results }) => { gLastAutoCompleteResults = results; if (gPopupShownListener) { gPopupShownListener({ results }); } }); add_setup(async () => { info(`expecting the storage setup`); await formFillChromeScript.sendQuery("setup"); }); SimpleTest.registerCleanupFunction(async () => { info(`expecting the storage cleanup`); await formFillChromeScript.sendQuery("cleanup"); formFillChromeScript.destroy(); expectingPopup = null; }); document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function () { defaultTextColor = window .getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("input")) .getPropertyValue("color"); // This is needed for test_formautofill_preview_highlight.html to work properly let disabledInput = document.querySelector(`input[disabled]`); if (disabledInput) { defaultDisabledTextColor = window .getComputedStyle(disabledInput) .getPropertyValue("color"); } }, { once: true } ); } /* * Extremely over-simplified detection of card type from card number just for * our tests. This is needed to test the aria-label of credit card menu entries. */ function getCCTypeName(creditCard) { return creditCard["cc-number"][0] == "4" ? "Visa" : "MasterCard"; } formAutoFillCommonSetup();