"use strict"; const VALID_TESTS = [ { region: "US" }, ["1234", false], // too short ["12345", true], ["123456", false], // too long ["1234A", false], // contain non-digit character ["12345-123", false], ["12345-1234", true], ["12345-12345", false], ["12345-1234A", false], ["12345 1234", true], // Do we want to allow this? ["12345_1234", false], // Do we want to allow this? { region: "CA" }, ["M5T 1R5", true], ["M5T1R5", true], // no space between the first and second parts is allowed ["S4S 6X3", true], ["M5T", false], // Only the first part ["1R5", false], // Only the second part ["D1B 1A1", false], // invalid first character, D ["M5T 1R5A", false], // extra character at the end ["M5T 1R5-", false], // extra character at the end ["M5T-1R5", false], // hyphen in the wrong place ["MT5 1R5", false], // missing letter in the first part ["M5T 1R", false], // missing letter in the second part ["M5T 1R55", false], // extra digit at the end ["M5T 1R", false], // missing digit in the second part ["M5T 1R5Q", false], // invalid second-to-last letter, Q ]; const COMPARE_TESTS = [ { region: "US" }, ["12345", "12345", SAME], ["M5T 1R5", "m5t 1r5", SAME], ["12345-1234", "12345 1234", SAME], ["12345-1234", "12345", A_CONTAINS_B], ["12345-1234", "12345#1234", SAME], // B is invalid ["12345-1234", "1234", A_CONTAINS_B], // B is invalid ]; const TEST_FIELD_NAME = "postal-code"; add_setup(async () => {}); add_task(async function test_isValid() { runIsValidTest(VALID_TESTS, TEST_FIELD_NAME, value => { return { "postal-code": value }; }); }); add_task(async function test_compare() { runCompareTest(COMPARE_TESTS, TEST_FIELD_NAME, value => { return { "postal-code": value }; }); });