/** * Tests the transform algorithm in profileStorage. */ "use strict"; let FormAutofillStorage; add_setup(async () => { ({ FormAutofillStorage } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://autofill/FormAutofillStorage.sys.mjs" )); }); const TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME = "test-profile.json"; const ADDRESS_COMPUTE_TESTCASES = [ // Name { description: "Has split names", address: { "given-name": "Timothy", "additional-name": "John", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", }, expectedResult: { "given-name": "Timothy", "additional-name": "John", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", }, }, { description: "Has split CJK names", address: { "given-name": "德明", "family-name": "孫", }, expectedResult: { "given-name": "德明", "family-name": "孫", name: "孫德明", }, }, // Address { description: '"street-address" with single line', address: { "street-address": "single line", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "single line", "address-line1": "single line", }, }, { description: '"street-address" with multiple lines', address: { "street-address": "line1\nline2\nline3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1\nline2\nline3", "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3", }, }, { description: '"street-address" with multiple lines but line2 is omitted', address: { "street-address": "line1\n\nline3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1\n\nline3", "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": undefined, "address-line3": "line3", }, }, { description: '"street-address" with 4 lines', address: { "street-address": "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4", "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3 line4", }, }, { description: '"street-address" with blank lines', address: { "street-address": "line1\n \nline3\n \nline5", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1\n \nline3\n \nline5", "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": undefined, "address-line3": "line3 line5", }, }, // Country { description: 'Has "country"', address: { country: "US", name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", "country-name": "United States", }, }, // Tel { description: '"tel" with US country code', address: { tel: "+16172535702", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+16172535702", "tel-country-code": "+1", "tel-national": "6172535702", "tel-area-code": "617", "tel-local": "2535702", "tel-local-prefix": "253", "tel-local-suffix": "5702", }, }, { description: '"tel" with TW country code (the components won\'t be parsed)', address: { tel: "+886212345678", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+886212345678", "tel-country-code": "+886", "tel-national": "0212345678", "tel-area-code": undefined, "tel-local": undefined, "tel-local-prefix": undefined, "tel-local-suffix": undefined, }, }, { description: '"tel" without country code so use "US" as default resion', address: { tel: "6172535702", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+16172535702", "tel-country-code": "+1", "tel-national": "6172535702", "tel-area-code": "617", "tel-local": "2535702", "tel-local-prefix": "253", "tel-local-suffix": "5702", }, }, { description: '"tel" without country code but "country" is "TW"', address: { tel: "0212345678", country: "TW", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+886212345678", "tel-country-code": "+886", "tel-national": "0212345678", "tel-area-code": undefined, "tel-local": undefined, "tel-local-prefix": undefined, "tel-local-suffix": undefined, }, }, { description: '"tel" can\'t be parsed so leave it as-is', address: { tel: "12345", }, expectedResult: { tel: "12345", "tel-country-code": undefined, "tel-national": "12345", "tel-area-code": undefined, "tel-local": undefined, "tel-local-prefix": undefined, "tel-local-suffix": undefined, }, }, ]; const ADDRESS_NORMALIZE_TESTCASES = [ // Name { description: 'Has "name", and the split names are omitted', address: { name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", }, expectedResult: { name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", }, }, { description: 'Has both "name" and split names', address: { name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", "given-name": "John", "family-name": "Doe", }, expectedResult: { name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", }, }, { description: 'Has "name", and some of split names are omitted', address: { name: "John Doe", "given-name": "Timothy", }, expectedResult: { name: "John Doe", }, }, { description: 'Does not have "name", and has split names', address: { "given-name": "Timothy", "additional-name": "John", "family-name": "Berners-Lee", }, expectedResult: { name: "Timothy John Berners-Lee", }, }, { description: 'Does not have "name", and has some split names', address: { "given-name": "John", "family-name": "Doe", }, expectedResult: { name: "John Doe", }, }, { description: 'Does not have "name" and split names', address: { organization: "Mozilla", }, expectedResult: { name: undefined, organization: "Mozilla", }, }, // Address { description: 'Has "address-line1~3" and "street-address" is omitted', address: { "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1\nline2\nline3", }, }, { description: 'Has both "address-line1~3" and "street-address"', address: { "street-address": "street address", "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "street address", }, }, { description: 'Has "address-line2~3" and single-line "street-address"', address: { "street-address": "street address", "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "street address\nline2\nline3", }, }, { description: 'Has "address-line2~3" and multiple-line "street-address"', address: { "street-address": "street address\nstreet address line 2", "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "street address\nstreet address line 2", }, }, { description: 'Has only "address-line1~2"', address: { "address-line1": "line1", "address-line2": "line2", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1\nline2", }, }, { description: 'Has only "address-line1"', address: { "address-line1": "line1", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "line1", }, }, { description: 'Has only "address-line2~3"', address: { "address-line2": "line2", "address-line3": "line3", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "\nline2\nline3", }, }, { description: 'Has only "address-line2"', address: { "address-line2": "line2", }, expectedResult: { "street-address": "\nline2", }, }, // Country { description: 'Has "country" in lowercase', address: { country: "us", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has unknown "country"', address: { "given-name": "John", // Make sure it won't be an empty record. country: "AA", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", }, }, { description: 'Has "country-name"', address: { "country-name": "united states", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has alternative "country-name"', address: { "country-name": "america", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has "country-name" as a substring', address: { "country-name": "test america test", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has "country-name" as part of a word', address: { "country-name": "TRUST", name: "name", // Make sure it won't be an empty record. }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has unknown "country-name"', address: { "country-name": "unknown country name", name: "name", // Make sure it won't be an empty record. }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has "country" and unknown "country-name"', address: { country: "us", "country-name": "unknown country name", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has "country-name" and unknown "country"', address: { country: "AA", "country-name": "united states", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, { description: 'Has unsupported "country"', address: { country: "XX", name: "name", }, expectedResult: { country: "US", "country-name": "United States", name: "name", }, }, // Tel { description: 'Has "tel" with country code', address: { tel: "+16172535702", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+16172535702", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel" without country code but "country" is set', address: { tel: "0212345678", country: "TW", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+886212345678", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel" without country code and "country" so use "US" as default region', address: { tel: "6172535702", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+16172535702", }, }, { description: '"tel" can\'t be parsed so leave it as-is', address: { tel: "12345", }, expectedResult: { tel: "12345", }, }, { description: 'Has a valid tel-local format "tel"', address: { tel: "1234567", }, expectedResult: { tel: "1234567", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel-national" and "tel-country-code"', address: { "tel-national": "0212345678", "tel-country-code": "+886", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+886212345678", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel-national" and "country"', address: { "tel-national": "0212345678", country: "TW", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+886212345678", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel-national", "tel-country-code" and "country"', address: { "tel-national": "0212345678", "tel-country-code": "+886", country: "US", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+886212345678", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel-area-code" and "tel-local"', address: { "tel-area-code": "617", "tel-local": "2535702", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+16172535702", }, }, { description: 'Has "tel-area-code", "tel-local-prefix" and "tel-local-suffix"', address: { "tel-area-code": "617", "tel-local-prefix": "253", "tel-local-suffix": "5702", }, expectedResult: { tel: "+16172535702", }, }, ]; const CREDIT_CARD_COMPUTE_TESTCASES = [ // Name { description: 'Has "cc-name"', creditCard: { "cc-name": "Timothy John Berners-Lee", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-name": "Timothy John Berners-Lee", "cc-number": "************1045", "cc-given-name": "Timothy", "cc-additional-name": "John", "cc-family-name": "Berners-Lee", }, }, // Card Number { description: "Number should be encrypted and masked", creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-number": "************1045", }, }, // Expiration Date { description: 'Has "cc-exp-year" and "cc-exp-month"', creditCard: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-exp": "2022-12", "cc-number": "************1045", }, }, { description: 'Has only "cc-exp-month"', creditCard: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp": undefined, "cc-number": "************1045", }, }, { description: 'Has only "cc-exp-year"', creditCard: { "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-exp": undefined, "cc-number": "************1045", }, }, ]; const CREDIT_CARD_NORMALIZE_TESTCASES = [ // Name { description: 'Has both "cc-name" and the split name fields', creditCard: { "cc-name": "Timothy John Berners-Lee", "cc-given-name": "John", "cc-family-name": "Doe", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-name": "Timothy John Berners-Lee", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: "Has only the split name fields", creditCard: { "cc-given-name": "John", "cc-family-name": "Doe", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-name": "John Doe", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, // Card Number { description: "Regular number", creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: "Number with spaces", creditCard: { "cc-number": "4111 1111 1111 1111", }, expectedResult: { "cc-number": "4111111111111111", }, }, { description: "Number with hyphens", creditCard: { "cc-number": "4111-1111-1111-1111", }, expectedResult: { "cc-number": "4111111111111111", }, }, // Expiration Date { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yyyy-mm"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "2022-12", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yyyy/mm"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "2022/12", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yyyy-m"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "2022-3", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yyyy/m"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "2022/3", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "mm-yyyy"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "12-2022", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "mm/yyyy"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "12/2022", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "m-yyyy"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "3-2022", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "m/yyyy"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "3/2022", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "mm-yy"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "12-22", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "mm/yy"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "12/22", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yy-mm"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4929001587121045", "cc-exp": "22-12", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yy/mm"', creditCard: { "cc-exp": "22/12", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "mmyy"', creditCard: { "cc-exp": "1222", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" formatted "yymm"', creditCard: { "cc-exp": "2212", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has "cc-exp" with spaces', creditCard: { "cc-exp": " 2033-11 ", "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 11, "cc-exp-year": 2033, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has invalid "cc-exp"', creditCard: { "cc-number": "4111111111111111", // Make sure it won't be an empty record. "cc-exp": "99-9999", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": undefined, "cc-exp-year": undefined, }, }, { description: 'Has both "cc-exp-*" and "cc-exp"', creditCard: { "cc-exp": "2022-12", "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-exp-year": 2030, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-exp-year": 2030, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has only "cc-exp-year" and "cc-exp"', creditCard: { "cc-exp": "2022-12", "cc-exp-year": 2030, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, { description: 'Has only "cc-exp-month" and "cc-exp"', creditCard: { "cc-exp": "2022-12", "cc-exp-month": 3, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, expectedResult: { "cc-exp-month": 12, "cc-exp-year": 2022, "cc-number": "4929001587121045", }, }, ]; let do_check_record_matches = (expectedRecord, record) => { for (let key in expectedRecord) { Assert.equal(expectedRecord[key], record[key]); } }; add_task(async function test_computeAddressFields() { let path = getTempFile(TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME).path; let profileStorage = new FormAutofillStorage(path); await profileStorage.initialize(); for (let testcase of ADDRESS_COMPUTE_TESTCASES) { info("Verify testcase: " + testcase.description); let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(testcase.address); let address = await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid); do_check_record_matches(testcase.expectedResult, address); profileStorage.addresses.remove(guid); } await profileStorage._finalize(); }); add_task(async function test_normalizeAddressFields() { let path = getTempFile(TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME).path; let profileStorage = new FormAutofillStorage(path); await profileStorage.initialize(); for (let testcase of ADDRESS_NORMALIZE_TESTCASES) { info("Verify testcase: " + testcase.description); let guid = await profileStorage.addresses.add(testcase.address); let address = await profileStorage.addresses.get(guid); do_check_record_matches(testcase.expectedResult, address); profileStorage.addresses.remove(guid); } await profileStorage._finalize(); }); add_task(async function test_computeCreditCardFields() { let path = getTempFile(TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME).path; let profileStorage = new FormAutofillStorage(path); await profileStorage.initialize(); for (let testcase of CREDIT_CARD_COMPUTE_TESTCASES) { info("Verify testcase: " + testcase.description); let guid = await profileStorage.creditCards.add(testcase.creditCard); let creditCard = await profileStorage.creditCards.get(guid); do_check_record_matches(testcase.expectedResult, creditCard); profileStorage.creditCards.remove(guid); } await profileStorage._finalize(); }); add_task(async function test_normalizeCreditCardFields() { let path = getTempFile(TEST_STORE_FILE_NAME).path; let profileStorage = new FormAutofillStorage(path); await profileStorage.initialize(); for (let testcase of CREDIT_CARD_NORMALIZE_TESTCASES) { info("Verify testcase: " + testcase.description); let guid = await profileStorage.creditCards.add(testcase.creditCard); let creditCard = await profileStorage.creditCards.get(guid, { rawData: true, }); do_check_record_matches(testcase.expectedResult, creditCard); profileStorage.creditCards.remove(guid); } await profileStorage._finalize(); });