/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * Bug 1713721 - Shim Cxense * * Sites relying on window.cX can experience breakage if it is blocked. * Stubbing out the API in a shim can mitigate this breakage. There are * two versions of the API, one including window.cX.CCE, but both appear * to be very similar so we use one shim for both. */ if (window.cX?.getUserSegmentIds === undefined) { const callQueue = window.cX?.callQueue || []; const callQueueCCE = window.cX?.CCE?.callQueue || []; function getRandomString(l = 16) { const v = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(l)); const s = Array.from(v, c => c.toString(16)).join(""); return s.slice(0, l); } const call = (cb, ...args) => { if (typeof cb !== "function") { return; } try { cb(...args); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; const invokeOn = lib => { return (fn, ...args) => { try { lib[fn](...args); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; }; const userId = getRandomString(); const cxUserId = `cx:${getRandomString(25)}:${getRandomString(12)}`; const topLeft = { left: 0, top: 0 }; const margins = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; const ccePushUrl = "https://comcluster.cxense.com/cce/push?callback={{callback}}"; const displayWidget = (divId, a, ctx, callback) => call(callback, ctx, divId); const getUserSegmentIds = a => call(a?.callback, a?.defaultValue || []); const init = (a, b, c, d, callback) => call(callback); const render = (a, data, ctx, callback) => call(callback, data, ctx); const run = (params, ctx, callback) => call(callback, params, ctx); const runCtrlVersion = (a, b, callback) => call(callback); const runCxVersion = (a, data, b, ctx, callback) => call(callback, data, ctx); const runTest = (a, divId, b, c, ctx, callback) => call(callback, divId, ctx); const sendConversionEvent = (a, options) => call(options?.callback, {}); const sendEvent = (a, b, args) => call(args?.callback, {}); const getDivId = className => { const e = document.querySelector(`.${className}`); if (e) { return `${className}-01`; } return null; }; const getDocumentSize = () => { const width = document.body.clientWidth; const height = document.body.clientHeight; return { width, height }; }; const getNowSeconds = () => { return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); }; const getPageContext = () => { return { location: location.href, pageViewRandom: "", userId, }; }; const getWindowSize = () => { const width = window.innerWidth; const height = window.innerHeight; return { width, height }; }; const isObject = i => { return typeof i === "object" && i !== null && !Array.isArray(i); }; const runMulti = widgets => { widgets?.forEach(({ widgetParams, widgetContext, widgetCallback }) => { call(widgetCallback, widgetParams, widgetContext); }); }; let testGroup = -1; let snapPoints = []; const startTime = new Date(); const library = { addCustomerScript() {}, addEventListener() {}, addExternalId() {}, afterInitializePage() {}, allUserConsents() {}, backends: { production: { baseAdDeliveryUrl: "http://adserver.cxad.cxense.com/adserver/search", secureBaseAdDeliveryUrl: "https://s-adserver.cxad.cxense.com/adserver/search", }, sandbox: { baseAdDeliveryUrl: "http://adserver.sandbox.cxad.cxense.com/adserver/search", secureBaseAdDeliveryUrl: "https://s-adserver.sandbox.cxad.cxense.com/adserver/search", }, }, calculateAdSpaceSize(adCount, adUnitSize, marginA, marginB) { return adCount * (adUnitSize + marginA + marginB); }, cdn: { template: { direct: { http: "http://cdn.cxpublic.com/", https: "https://cdn.cxpublic.com/", }, mapped: { http: "http://cdn-templates.cxpublic.com/", https: "https://cdn-templates.cxpublic.com/", }, }, }, cint() {}, cleanUpGlobalIds: [], clearBaseUrl: "https://scdn.cxense.com/sclear.html", clearCustomParameters() {}, clearIdUrl: "https://scomcluster.cxense.com/public/clearid", clearIds() {}, clickTracker: (a, b, callback) => call(callback), clientStorageUrl: "https://clientstorage.cxense.com", combineArgs: () => Object.create(), combineKeywordsIntoArray: () => [], consentClasses: ["pv", "segment", "ad", "recs"], consentClassesV2: ["geo", "device"], cookieSyncRUrl: "csyn-r.cxense.com", createDelegate() {}, csdUrls: { domainScriptUrl: "//csd.cxpublic.com/d/", customerScriptUrl: "//csd.cxpublic.com/t/", }, cxenseGlobalIdIframeUrl: "https://scdn.cxense.com/sglobal.html", cxenseUserIdUrl: "https://id.cxense.com/public/user/id", decodeUrlEncodedNameValuePairs: () => Object.create(), defaultAdRenderer: () => "", deleteCookie() {}, denyWithoutConsent: { addExternalId: "pv", getUserSegmentIds: "segment", insertAdSpace: "ad", insertMultipleAdSpaces: "ad", sendEvent: "pv", sendPageViewEvent: "pv", sync: "ad", }, dmpPushUrl: "https://comcluster.cxense.com/dmp/push?callback={{callback}}", emptyWidgetUrl: "https://scdn.cxense.com/empty.html", eventReceiverBaseUrl: "https://scomcluster.cxense.com/Repo/rep.html", eventReceiverBaseUrlGif: "https://scomcluster.cxense.com/Repo/rep.gif", getAllText: () => "", getClientStorageVariable() {}, getCookie: () => null, getCxenseUserId: () => cxUserId, getDocumentSize, getElementPosition: () => topLeft, getHashFragment: () => location.hash.substr(1), getLocalStats: () => Object.create(), getNodeValue: n => n.nodeValue, getNowSeconds, getPageContext, getRandomString, getScrollPos: () => topLeft, getSessionId: () => "", getSiteId: () => "", getTimezoneOffset: () => new Date().getTimezoneOffset(), getTopLevelDomain: () => location.hostname, getUserId: () => userId, getUserSegmentIds, getWindowSize, hasConsent: () => true, hasHistory: () => true, hasLocalStorage: () => true, hasPassiveEventListeners: () => true, hasPostMessage: () => true, hasSessionStorage() {}, initializePage() {}, insertAdSpace() {}, insertMultipleAdSpaces() {}, insertWidget() {}, invoke: invokeOn(library), isAmpIFrame() {}, isArray() {}, isCompatModeActive() {}, isConsentRequired() {}, isEdge: () => false, isFirefox: () => true, isIE6Or7: () => false, isObject, isRecsDestination: () => false, isSafari: () => false, isTextNode: n => n?.nodeType === 3, isTopWindow: () => window === top, jsonpRequest: () => false, loadScript() {}, m_accountId: "0", m_activityEvents: false, m_activityState: { activeTime: startTime, currScrollLeft: 0, currScrollTop: 0, exitLink: "", hadHIDActivity: false, maxViewLeft: 1, maxViewTop: 1, parentMetrics: undefined, prevActivityTime: startTime + 2, prevScreenX: 0, prevScreenY: 0, prevScrollLeft: 0, prevScrollTop: 0, prevTime: startTime + 1, prevWindowHeight: 1, prevWindowWidth: 1, scrollDepthPercentage: 0, scrollDepthPixels: 0, }, m_atfr: null, m_c1xTpWait: 0, m_clientStorage: { iframeEl: null, iframeIsLoaded: false, iframeOrigin: "https://clientstorage.cxense.com", iframePath: "/clientstorage_v2.html", messageContexts: {}, messageQueue: [], }, m_compatMode: {}, m_compatModeActive: false, m_compatPvSent: false, m_consentVersion: 1, m_customParameters: [], m_documentSizeRequestedFromChild: false, m_externalUserIds: [], m_globalIdLoading: { globalIdIFrameEl: null, globalIdIFrameElLoaded: false, }, m_isSpaRecsDestination: false, m_knownMessageSources: [], m_p1Complete: false, m_prevLocationHash: "", m_previousPageViewReport: null, m_rawCustomParameters: {}, m_rnd: getRandomString(), m_scriptStartTime: startTime, m_siteId: "0", m_spaRecsClickUrl: null, m_thirdPartyIds: true, m_usesConsent: false, m_usesIabConsent: false, m_usesSecureCookies: true, m_usesTcf20Consent: false, m_widgetSpecs: {}, Object, onClearIds() {}, onFFP1() {}, onP1() {}, p1BaseUrl: "https://scdn.cxense.com/sp1.html", p1JsUrl: "https://p1cluster.cxense.com/p1.js", parseHashArgs: () => Object.create(), parseMargins: () => margins, parseUrlArgs: () => Object.create(), postMessageToParent() {}, publicWidgetDataUrl: "https://api.cxense.com/public/widget/data", removeClientStorageVariable() {}, removeEventListener() {}, renderContainedImage: () => "<div/>", renderTemplate: () => "<div/>", reportActivity() {}, requireActivityEvents() {}, requireConsent() {}, requireOnlyFirstPartyIds() {}, requireSecureCookies() {}, requireTcf20() {}, sendEvent, sendSpaRecsClick: (a, callback) => call(callback), setAccountId() {}, setAllConsentsTo() {}, setClientStorageVariable() {}, setCompatMode() {}, setConsent() {}, setCookie() {}, setCustomParameters() {}, setEventAttributes() {}, setGeoPosition() {}, setNodeValue() {}, setRandomId() {}, setRestrictionsToConsentClasses() {}, setRetargetingParameters() {}, setSiteId() {}, setUserProfileParameters() {}, setupIabCmp() {}, setupTcfApi() {}, shouldPollActivity() {}, startLocalStats() {}, startSessionAnnotation() {}, stopAllSessionAnnotations() {}, stopSessionAnnotation() {}, sync() {}, trackAmpIFrame() {}, trackElement() {}, trim: s => s.trim(), tsridUrl: "https://tsrid.cxense.com/lookup?callback={{callback}}", userSegmentUrl: "https://api.cxense.com/profile/user/segment?callback={{callback}}", }; const libraryCCE = { "__cx-toolkit__": { isShown: true, data: [], }, activeSnapPoint: null, activeWidgets: [], ccePushUrl, clickTracker: () => "", displayResult() {}, displayWidget, getDivId, getTestGroup: () => testGroup, init, insertMaster() {}, instrumentClickLinks() {}, invoke: invokeOn(libraryCCE), noCache: false, offerProductId: null, persistedQueryId: null, prefix: null, previewCampaign: null, previewDiv: null, previewId: null, previewTestId: null, processCxResult() {}, render, reportTestImpression() {}, run, runCtrlVersion, runCxVersion, runMulti, runTest, sendConversionEvent, sendPageViewEvent: (a, b, c, callback) => call(callback), setSnapPoints(x) { snapPoints = x; }, setTestGroup(x) { testGroup = x; }, setVisibilityField() {}, get snapPoints() { return snapPoints; }, startTime, get testGroup() { return testGroup; }, testVariant: null, trackTime: 0.5, trackVisibility() {}, updateRecsClickUrls() {}, utmParams: [], version: "2.42", visibilityField: "timeHalf", }; const CCE = { activeSnapPoint: null, activeWidgets: [], callQueue: callQueueCCE, ccePushUrl, clickTracker: () => "", displayResult() {}, displayWidget, getDivId, getTestGroup: () => testGroup, init, insertMaster() {}, instrumentClickLinks() {}, invoke: invokeOn(libraryCCE), library: libraryCCE, noCache: false, offerProductId: null, persistedQueryId: null, prefix: null, previewCampaign: null, previewDiv: null, previewId: null, previewTestId: null, processCxResult() {}, render, reportTestImpression() {}, run, runCtrlVersion, runCxVersion, runMulti, runTest, sendConversionEvent, sendPageViewEvent: (a, b, c, callback) => call(callback), setSnapPoints(x) { snapPoints = x; }, setTestGroup(x) { testGroup = x; }, setVisibilityField() {}, get snapPoints() { return snapPoints; }, startTime, get testGroup() { return testGroup; }, testVariant: null, trackTime: 0.5, trackVisibility() {}, updateRecsClickUrls() {}, utmParams: [], version: "2.42", visibilityField: "timeHalf", }; window.cX = { addCustomerScript() {}, addEventListener() {}, addExternalId() {}, afterInitializePage() {}, allUserConsents: () => undefined, Array, calculateAdSpaceSize: () => 0, callQueue, CCE, cint: () => undefined, clearCustomParameters() {}, clearIds() {}, clickTracker: () => "", combineArgs: () => Object.create(), combineKeywordsIntoArray: () => [], createDelegate() {}, decodeUrlEncodedNameValuePairs: () => Object.create(), defaultAdRenderer: () => "", deleteCookie() {}, getAllText: () => "", getClientStorageVariable() {}, getCookie: () => null, getCxenseUserId: () => cxUserId, getDocumentSize, getElementPosition: () => topLeft, getHashFragment: () => location.hash.substr(1), getLocalStats: () => Object.create(), getNodeValue: n => n.nodeValue, getNowSeconds, getPageContext, getRandomString, getScrollPos: () => topLeft, getSessionId: () => "", getSiteId: () => "", getTimezoneOffset: () => new Date().getTimezoneOffset(), getTopLevelDomain: () => location.hostname, getUserId: () => userId, getUserSegmentIds, getWindowSize, hasConsent: () => true, hasHistory: () => true, hasLocalStorage: () => true, hasPassiveEventListeners: () => true, hasPostMessage: () => true, hasSessionStorage() {}, initializePage() {}, insertAdSpace() {}, insertMultipleAdSpaces() {}, insertWidget() {}, invoke: invokeOn(library), isAmpIFrame() {}, isArray() {}, isCompatModeActive() {}, isConsentRequired() {}, isEdge: () => false, isFirefox: () => true, isIE6Or7: () => false, isObject, isRecsDestination: () => false, isSafari: () => false, isTextNode: n => n?.nodeType === 3, isTopWindow: () => window === top, JSON, jsonpRequest: () => false, library, loadScript() {}, Object, onClearIds() {}, onFFP1() {}, onP1() {}, parseHashArgs: () => Object.create(), parseMargins: () => margins, parseUrlArgs: () => Object.create(), postMessageToParent() {}, removeClientStorageVariable() {}, removeEventListener() {}, renderContainedImage: () => "<div/>", renderTemplate: () => "<div/>", reportActivity() {}, requireActivityEvents() {}, requireConsent() {}, requireOnlyFirstPartyIds() {}, requireSecureCookies() {}, requireTcf20() {}, sendEvent, sendPageViewEvent: (a, callback) => call(callback, {}), sendSpaRecsClick() {}, setAccountId() {}, setAllConsentsTo() {}, setClientStorageVariable() {}, setCompatMode() {}, setConsent() {}, setCookie() {}, setCustomParameters() {}, setEventAttributes() {}, setGeoPosition() {}, setNodeValue() {}, setRandomId() {}, setRestrictionsToConsentClasses() {}, setRetargetingParameters() {}, setSiteId() {}, setUserProfileParameters() {}, setupIabCmp() {}, setupTcfApi() {}, shouldPollActivity() {}, startLocalStats() {}, startSessionAnnotation() {}, stopAllSessionAnnotations() {}, stopSessionAnnotation() {}, sync() {}, trackAmpIFrame() {}, trackElement() {}, trim: s => s.trim(), }; window.cxTest = window.cX; window.cx_pollActiveTime = () => undefined; window.cx_pollActivity = () => undefined; window.cx_pollFragmentMessage = () => undefined; const execQueue = (lib, queue) => { return () => { const invoke = invokeOn(lib); setTimeout(() => { queue.push = cmd => { setTimeout(() => invoke(...cmd), 1); }; for (const cmd of queue) { invoke(...cmd); } }, 25); }; }; window.cx_callQueueExecute = execQueue(library, callQueue); window.cxCCE_callQueueExecute = execQueue(libraryCCE, callQueueCCE); window.cx_callQueueExecute(); window.cxCCE_callQueueExecute(); }