/* -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; /** * Elides the middle of a string by replacing it with an elipsis if it is * longer than `threshold` characters. Does its best to not break up grapheme * clusters. */ function elideMiddleOfString(str, threshold) { const searchDistance = 5; const stubLength = threshold / 2 - searchDistance; if (str.length <= threshold || stubLength < searchDistance) { return str; } function searchElisionPoint(position) { let unsplittableCharacter = c => /[\p{M}\uDC00-\uDFFF]/u.test(c); for (let i = 0; i < searchDistance; i++) { if (!unsplittableCharacter(str[position + i])) { return position + i; } if (!unsplittableCharacter(str[position - i])) { return position - i; } } return position; } let elisionStart = searchElisionPoint(stubLength); let elisionEnd = searchElisionPoint(str.length - stubLength); if (elisionStart < elisionEnd) { str = str.slice(0, elisionStart) + "\u2026" + str.slice(elisionEnd); } return str; } /** * This JSM is responsible for observing content process hang reports * and asking the user what to do about them. See nsIHangReport for * the platform interface. */ export var ProcessHangMonitor = { /** * This timeout is the wait period applied after a user selects "Wait" in * an existing notification. */ get WAIT_EXPIRATION_TIME() { try { return Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.hangNotification.waitPeriod"); } catch (ex) { return 10000; } }, /** * Should only be set to true once the quit-application-granted notification * has been fired. */ _shuttingDown: false, /** * Collection of hang reports that haven't expired or been dismissed * by the user. These are nsIHangReports. They are mapped to objects * containing: * - notificationTime: when (Cu.now()) we first showed a notification * - waitCount: how often the user asked to wait for the script to finish * - lastReportFromChild: when (Cu.now()) we last got hang info from the * child. */ _activeReports: new Map(), /** * Collection of hang reports that have been suppressed for a short * period of time. Value is an object like in _activeReports, but also * including a `timer` prop, which is an nsITimer for when the wait time * expires. */ _pausedReports: new Map(), /** * Initialize hang reporting. Called once in the parent process. */ init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "process-hang-report"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "clear-hang-report"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); Services.ww.registerNotification(this); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("slow_script_warning", true); }, /** * Terminate JavaScript associated with the hang being reported for * the selected browser in |win|. */ terminateScript(win) { this.handleUserInput(win, report => report.terminateScript()); }, /** * Start devtools debugger for JavaScript associated with the hang * being reported for the selected browser in |win|. */ debugScript(win) { this.handleUserInput(win, report => { function callback() { report.endStartingDebugger(); } this._recordTelemetryForReport(report, "debugging"); report.beginStartingDebugger(); let svc = Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/slow-script-debug;1"].getService( Ci.nsISlowScriptDebug ); let handler = svc.remoteActivationHandler; handler.handleSlowScriptDebug(report.scriptBrowser, callback); }); }, /** * Dismiss the browser notification and invoke an appropriate action based on * the hang type. */ stopIt(win) { let report = this.findActiveReport(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); if (!report) { return; } this._recordTelemetryForReport(report, "user-aborted"); this.terminateScript(win); }, /** * Terminate the script causing this report. This is done without * updating any report notifications. */ stopHang(report, endReason, backupInfo) { this._recordTelemetryForReport(report, endReason, backupInfo); report.terminateScript(); }, /** * Dismiss the notification, clear the report from the active list and set up * a new timer to track a wait period during which we won't notify. */ waitLonger(win) { let report = this.findActiveReport(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); if (!report) { return; } // Update the other info we keep. let reportInfo = this._activeReports.get(report); reportInfo.waitCount++; // Remove the report from the active list. this.removeActiveReport(report); // NOTE, we didn't call userCanceled on nsIHangReport here. This insures // we don't repeatedly generate and cache crash report data for this hang // in the process hang reporter. It already has one report for the browser // process we want it hold onto. // Create a new wait timer with notify callback let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); timer.initWithCallback( () => { for (let [stashedReport, pausedInfo] of this._pausedReports) { if (pausedInfo.timer === timer) { this.removePausedReport(stashedReport); // We're still hung, so move the report back to the active // list and update the UI. this._activeReports.set(report, pausedInfo); this.updateWindows(); break; } } }, this.WAIT_EXPIRATION_TIME, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT ); reportInfo.timer = timer; this._pausedReports.set(report, reportInfo); // remove the browser notification associated with this hang this.updateWindows(); }, /** * If there is a hang report associated with the selected browser in * |win|, invoke |func| on that report and stop notifying the user * about it. */ handleUserInput(win, func) { let report = this.findActiveReport(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); if (!report) { return null; } this.removeActiveReport(report); return func(report); }, observe(subject, topic) { switch (topic) { case "xpcom-shutdown": { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "process-hang-report"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "clear-hang-report"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted"); Services.ww.unregisterNotification(this); break; } case "quit-application-granted": { this.onQuitApplicationGranted(); break; } case "process-hang-report": { this.reportHang(subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHangReport)); break; } case "clear-hang-report": { this.clearHang(subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHangReport)); break; } case "domwindowopened": { // Install event listeners on the new window in case one of // its tabs is already hung. let win = subject; let listener = () => { win.removeEventListener("load", listener, true); this.updateWindows(); }; win.addEventListener("load", listener, true); break; } case "domwindowclosed": { let win = subject; this.onWindowClosed(win); break; } } }, /** * Called early on in the shutdown sequence. We take this opportunity to * take any pre-existing hang reports, and terminate them. We also put * ourselves in a state so that if any more hang reports show up while * we're shutting down, we terminate them immediately. */ onQuitApplicationGranted() { this._shuttingDown = true; this.stopAllHangs("quit-application-granted"); this.updateWindows(); }, onWindowClosed(win) { let maybeStopHang = report => { let hungBrowserWindow = null; try { hungBrowserWindow = report.scriptBrowser.ownerGlobal; } catch (e) { // Ignore failures to get the script browser - we'll be // conservative, and assume that if we cannot access the // window that belongs to this report that we should stop // the hang. } if (!hungBrowserWindow || hungBrowserWindow == win) { this.stopHang(report, "window-closed"); return true; } return false; }; // If there are any script hangs for browsers that are in this window // that is closing, we can stop them now. for (let [report] of this._activeReports) { if (maybeStopHang(report)) { this._activeReports.delete(report); } } for (let [pausedReport] of this._pausedReports) { if (maybeStopHang(pausedReport)) { this.removePausedReport(pausedReport); } } this.updateWindows(); }, stopAllHangs(endReason) { for (let [report] of this._activeReports) { this.stopHang(report, endReason); } this._activeReports = new Map(); for (let [pausedReport] of this._pausedReports) { this.stopHang(pausedReport, endReason); this.removePausedReport(pausedReport); } }, /** * Find a active hang report for the given element. */ findActiveReport(browser) { let frameLoader = browser.frameLoader; for (let report of this._activeReports.keys()) { if (report.isReportForBrowserOrChildren(frameLoader)) { return report; } } return null; }, /** * Find a paused hang report for the given element. */ findPausedReport(browser) { let frameLoader = browser.frameLoader; for (let [report] of this._pausedReports) { if (report.isReportForBrowserOrChildren(frameLoader)) { return report; } } return null; }, /** * Tell telemetry about the report. */ _recordTelemetryForReport(report, endReason, backupInfo) { let info = this._activeReports.get(report) || this._pausedReports.get(report) || backupInfo; if (!info) { return; } try { let uri_type; if (report.addonId) { uri_type = "extension"; } else if (report.scriptFileName?.startsWith("debugger")) { uri_type = "devtools"; } else { try { let url = new URL(report.scriptFileName); if (url.protocol == "chrome:" || url.protocol == "resource:") { uri_type = "browser"; } else { uri_type = "content"; } } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); uri_type = "unknown"; } } let uptime = 0; if (info.notificationTime) { uptime = Cu.now() - info.notificationTime; } uptime = "" + uptime; // We combine the duration of the hang in the content process with the // time since we were last told about the hang in the parent. This is // not the same as the time we showed a notification, as we only do that // for the currently selected browser. It's as messy as it is because // there is no cross-process monotonically increasing timestamp we can // use. :-( let hangDuration = report.hangDuration + Cu.now() - info.lastReportFromChild; Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "slow_script_warning", "shown", "content", null, { end_reason: endReason, hang_duration: "" + hangDuration, n_tab_deselect: "" + info.deselectCount, uri_type, uptime, wait_count: "" + info.waitCount, } ); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } }, /** * Remove an active hang report from the active list and cancel the timer * associated with it. */ removeActiveReport(report) { this._activeReports.delete(report); this.updateWindows(); }, /** * Remove a paused hang report from the paused list and cancel the timer * associated with it. */ removePausedReport(report) { let info = this._pausedReports.get(report); info?.timer?.cancel(); this._pausedReports.delete(report); }, /** * Iterate over all XUL windows and ensure that the proper hang * reports are shown for each one. Also install event handlers in * each window to watch for events that would cause a different hang * report to be displayed. */ updateWindows() { let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); // If it turns out we have no windows (this can happen on macOS), // we have no opportunity to ask the user whether or not they want // to stop the hang or wait, so we'll opt for stopping the hang. if (!e.hasMoreElements()) { this.stopAllHangs("no-windows-left"); return; } for (let win of e) { this.updateWindow(win); // Only listen for these events if there are active hang reports. if (this._activeReports.size) { this.trackWindow(win); } else { this.untrackWindow(win); } } }, /** * If there is a hang report for the current tab in |win|, display it. */ updateWindow(win) { let report = this.findActiveReport(win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser); if (report) { let info = this._activeReports.get(report); if (info && !info.notificationTime) { info.notificationTime = Cu.now(); } this.showNotification(win, report); } else { this.hideNotification(win); } }, /** * Show the notification for a hang. */ async showNotification(win, report) { let bundle = win.gNavigatorBundle; let buttons = [ { label: bundle.getString("processHang.button_stop2.label"), accessKey: bundle.getString("processHang.button_stop2.accessKey"), callback() { ProcessHangMonitor.stopIt(win); }, }, ]; let message; let doc = win.document; let brandShortName = doc .getElementById("bundle_brand") .getString("brandShortName"); let notificationTag; if (report.addonId) { notificationTag = report.addonId; let aps = Cc["@mozilla.org/addons/policy-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIAddonPolicyService ); let addonName = aps.getExtensionName(report.addonId); message = bundle.getFormattedString("processHang.add-on.label2", [ addonName, brandShortName, ]); buttons.unshift({ label: bundle.getString("processHang.add-on.learn-more.text"), link: "https://support.mozilla.org/kb/warning-unresponsive-script#w_other-causes", }); } else { let scriptBrowser = report.scriptBrowser; if (scriptBrowser == win.gBrowser?.selectedBrowser) { notificationTag = "selected-tab"; message = bundle.getFormattedString("processHang.selected_tab.label", [ brandShortName, ]); } else { let tab = scriptBrowser?.ownerGlobal.gBrowser?.getTabForBrowser(scriptBrowser); if (!tab) { notificationTag = "nonspecific_tab"; message = bundle.getFormattedString( "processHang.nonspecific_tab.label", [brandShortName] ); } else { notificationTag = scriptBrowser.browserId.toString(); let title = tab.getAttribute("label"); title = elideMiddleOfString(title, 60); message = bundle.getFormattedString( "processHang.specific_tab.label", [title, brandShortName] ); } } } let notification = win.gNotificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("process-hang"); if (notificationTag == notification?.getAttribute("notification-tag")) { return; } if (notification) { notification.label = message; notification.setAttribute("notification-tag", notificationTag); return; } // Show the "debug script" button unconditionally if we are in Developer or Nightly // editions, or if DevTools are opened on the slow tab. if ( AppConstants.MOZ_DEV_EDITION || AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD || report.scriptBrowser.browsingContext.watchedByDevTools ) { buttons.push({ label: bundle.getString("processHang.button_debug.label"), accessKey: bundle.getString("processHang.button_debug.accessKey"), callback() { ProcessHangMonitor.debugScript(win); }, }); } // Sometimes the window may have closed already, in which case we won't // be able to create a message bar so we need to handle any related errors. try { let hangNotification = await win.gNotificationBox.appendNotification( "process-hang", { label: message, image: "chrome://browser/content/aboutRobots-icon.png", priority: win.gNotificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, eventCallback: event => { if (event == "dismissed") { ProcessHangMonitor.waitLonger(win); } }, }, buttons ); hangNotification.setAttribute("notification-tag", notificationTag); } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } }, /** * Ensure that no hang notifications are visible in |win|. */ hideNotification(win) { let notification = win.gNotificationBox.getNotificationWithValue("process-hang"); if (notification) { win.gNotificationBox.removeNotification(notification); } }, /** * Install event handlers on |win| to watch for events that would * cause a different hang report to be displayed. */ trackWindow(win) { win.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this, true); win.gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener( "TabRemotenessChange", this, true ); }, untrackWindow(win) { win.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this, true); win.gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener( "TabRemotenessChange", this, true ); }, handleEvent(event) { let win = event.target.ownerGlobal; // If a new tab is selected or if a tab changes remoteness, then // we may need to show or hide a hang notification. if (event.type == "TabSelect" || event.type == "TabRemotenessChange") { if (event.type == "TabSelect" && event.detail.previousTab) { // If we've got a notification, check the previous tab's report and // indicate the user switched tabs while the notification was up. let r = this.findActiveReport(event.detail.previousTab.linkedBrowser) || this.findPausedReport(event.detail.previousTab.linkedBrowser); if (r) { let info = this._activeReports.get(r) || this._pausedReports.get(r); info.deselectCount++; } } this.updateWindow(win); } }, /** * Handle a potentially new hang report. If it hasn't been seen * before, show a notification for it in all open XUL windows. */ reportHang(report) { let now = Cu.now(); if (this._shuttingDown) { this.stopHang(report, "shutdown-in-progress", { lastReportFromChild: now, waitCount: 0, deselectCount: 0, }); return; } // If this hang was already reported reset the timer for it. if (this._activeReports.has(report)) { this._activeReports.get(report).lastReportFromChild = now; // if this report is in active but doesn't have a notification associated // with it, display a notification. this.updateWindows(); return; } // If this hang was already reported and paused by the user ignore it. if (this._pausedReports.has(report)) { this._pausedReports.get(report).lastReportFromChild = now; return; } // On e10s this counts slow-script notice only once. // This code is not reached on non-e10s. Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("SLOW_SCRIPT_NOTICE_COUNT").add(); this._activeReports.set(report, { deselectCount: 0, lastReportFromChild: now, waitCount: 0, }); this.updateWindows(); }, clearHang(report) { this._recordTelemetryForReport(report, "cleared"); this.removeActiveReport(report); this.removePausedReport(report); report.userCanceled(); }, };