/* -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * TabUnloader is used to discard tabs when memory or resource constraints * are reached. The discarded tabs are determined using a heuristic that * accounts for when the tab was last used, how many resources the tab uses, * and whether the tab is likely to affect the user if it is closed. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", webrtcUI: "resource:///modules/webrtcUI.sys.mjs", }); // If there are only this many or fewer tabs open, just sort by weight, and close // the lowest tab. Otherwise, do a more intensive compuation that determines the // tabs to close based on memory and process use. const MIN_TABS_COUNT = 10; // Weight for non-discardable tabs. const NEVER_DISCARD = 100000; // Default minimum inactive duration. Tabs that were accessed in the last // period of this duration are not unloaded. const kMinInactiveDurationInMs = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "browser.tabs.min_inactive_duration_before_unload" ); let criteriaTypes = [ ["isNonDiscardable", NEVER_DISCARD], ["isLoading", 8], ["usingPictureInPicture", NEVER_DISCARD], ["playingMedia", NEVER_DISCARD], ["usingWebRTC", NEVER_DISCARD], ["isPinned", 2], ["isPrivate", NEVER_DISCARD], ]; // Indicies into the criteriaTypes lists. let CRITERIA_METHOD = 0; let CRITERIA_WEIGHT = 1; /** * This is an object that supplies methods that determine details about * each tab. This default object is used if another one is not passed * to the tab unloader functions. This allows tests to override the methods * with tab specific data rather than creating test tabs. */ let DefaultTabUnloaderMethods = { isNonDiscardable(tab, weight) { if (tab.undiscardable || tab.selected) { return weight; } return !tab.linkedBrowser.isConnected ? -1 : 0; }, isPinned(tab, weight) { return tab.pinned ? weight : 0; }, isLoading() { return 0; }, usingPictureInPicture(tab, weight) { // This has higher weight even when paused. return tab.pictureinpicture ? weight : 0; }, playingMedia(tab, weight) { return tab.soundPlaying ? weight : 0; }, usingWebRTC(tab, weight) { const browser = tab.linkedBrowser; if (!browser) { return 0; } // No need to iterate browser contexts for hasActivePeerConnection // because hasActivePeerConnection is set only in the top window. return lazy.webrtcUI.browserHasStreams(browser) || browser.browsingContext?.currentWindowGlobal?.hasActivePeerConnections() ? weight : 0; }, isPrivate(tab, weight) { return lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(tab.linkedBrowser) ? weight : 0; }, getMinTabCount() { return MIN_TABS_COUNT; }, getNow() { return Date.now(); }, *iterateTabs() { for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { for (let tab of win.gBrowser.tabs) { yield { tab, gBrowser: win.gBrowser }; } } }, *iterateBrowsingContexts(bc) { yield bc; for (let childBC of bc.children) { yield* this.iterateBrowsingContexts(childBC); } }, *iterateProcesses(tab) { let bc = tab?.linkedBrowser?.browsingContext; if (!bc) { return; } const iter = this.iterateBrowsingContexts(bc); for (let childBC of iter) { if (childBC?.currentWindowGlobal) { yield childBC.currentWindowGlobal.osPid; } } }, /** * Add the amount of memory used by each process to the process map. * * @param tabs array of tabs, used only by unit tests * @param map of processes returned by getAllProcesses. */ async calculateMemoryUsage(processMap) { let parentProcessInfo = await ChromeUtils.requestProcInfo(); let childProcessInfoList = parentProcessInfo.children; for (let childProcInfo of childProcessInfoList) { let processInfo = processMap.get(childProcInfo.pid); if (!processInfo) { processInfo = { count: 0, topCount: 0, tabSet: new Set() }; processMap.set(childProcInfo.pid, processInfo); } processInfo.memory = childProcInfo.memory; } }, }; /** * This module is responsible for detecting low-memory scenarios and unloading * tabs in response to them. */ export var TabUnloader = { /** * Initialize low-memory detection and tab auto-unloading. */ init() { const watcher = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/memory-watcher;1"].getService( Ci.nsIAvailableMemoryWatcherBase ); watcher.registerTabUnloader(this); }, isDiscardable(tab) { if (!("weight" in tab)) { return false; } return tab.weight < NEVER_DISCARD; }, // This method is exposed on nsITabUnloader async unloadTabAsync(minInactiveDuration = kMinInactiveDurationInMs) { const watcher = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/memory-watcher;1"].getService( Ci.nsIAvailableMemoryWatcherBase ); if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.unloadOnLowMemory", true)) { watcher.onUnloadAttemptCompleted(Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); return; } if (this._isUnloading) { // Don't post multiple unloading requests. The situation may be solved // when the active unloading task is completed. Services.console.logStringMessage("Unloading a tab is in progress."); watcher.onUnloadAttemptCompleted(Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); return; } this._isUnloading = true; const isTabUnloaded = await this.unloadLeastRecentlyUsedTab( minInactiveDuration ); this._isUnloading = false; watcher.onUnloadAttemptCompleted( isTabUnloaded ? Cr.NS_OK : Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE ); }, /** * Get a list of tabs that can be discarded. This list includes all tabs in * all windows and is sorted based on a weighting described below. * * @param minInactiveDuration If this value is a number, tabs that were accessed * in the last |minInactiveDuration| msec are not unloaded even if they * are least-recently-used. * * @param tabMethods an helper object with methods called by this algorithm. * * The algorithm used is: * 1. Sort all of the tabs by a base weight. Tabs with a higher weight, such as * those that are pinned or playing audio, will appear at the end. When two * tabs have the same weight, sort by the order in which they were last. * recently accessed Tabs that have a weight of NEVER_DISCARD are included in * the list, but will not be discarded. * 2. Exclude the last X tabs, where X is the value returned by getMinTabCount(). * These tabs are considered to have been recently accessed and are not further * reweighted. This also saves time when there are less than X tabs open. * 3. Calculate the amount of processes that are used only by each tab, as the * resources used by these proceses can be freed up if the tab is closed. Sort * the tabs by the number of unique processes used and add a reweighting factor * based on this. * 4. Futher reweight based on an approximation of the amount of memory that each * tab uses. * 5. Combine these weights to produce a final tab discard order, and discard the * first tab. If this fails, then discard the next tab in the list until no more * non-discardable tabs are found. * * The tabMethods are used so that unit tests can use false tab objects and * override their behaviour. */ async getSortedTabs( minInactiveDuration = kMinInactiveDurationInMs, tabMethods = DefaultTabUnloaderMethods ) { let tabs = []; const now = tabMethods.getNow(); let lowestWeight = 1000; for (let tab of tabMethods.iterateTabs()) { if ( typeof minInactiveDuration == "number" && now - tab.tab.lastAccessed < minInactiveDuration ) { // Skip "fresh" tabs, which were accessed within the specified duration. continue; } let weight = determineTabBaseWeight(tab, tabMethods); // Don't add tabs that have a weight of -1. if (weight != -1) { tab.weight = weight; tabs.push(tab); if (weight < lowestWeight) { lowestWeight = weight; } } } tabs = tabs.sort((a, b) => { if (a.weight != b.weight) { return a.weight - b.weight; } return a.tab.lastAccessed - b.tab.lastAccessed; }); // If the lowest priority tab is not discardable, no need to continue. if (!tabs.length || !this.isDiscardable(tabs[0])) { return tabs; } // Determine the lowest weight that the tabs have. The tabs with the // lowest weight (should be most non-selected tabs) will be additionally // weighted by the number of processes and memory that they use. let higherWeightedCount = 0; for (let idx = 0; idx < tabs.length; idx++) { if (tabs[idx].weight != lowestWeight) { higherWeightedCount = tabs.length - idx; break; } } // Don't continue to reweight the last few tabs, the number of which is // determined by getMinTabCount. This prevents extra work when there are // only a few tabs, or for the last few tabs that have likely been used // recently. let minCount = tabMethods.getMinTabCount(); if (higherWeightedCount < minCount) { higherWeightedCount = minCount; } // If |lowestWeightedCount| is 1, no benefit from calculating // the tab's memory and additional weight. const lowestWeightedCount = tabs.length - higherWeightedCount; if (lowestWeightedCount > 1) { let processMap = getAllProcesses(tabs, tabMethods); let higherWeightedTabs = tabs.splice(-higherWeightedCount); await adjustForResourceUse(tabs, processMap, tabMethods); tabs = tabs.concat(higherWeightedTabs); } return tabs; }, /** * Select and discard one tab. * @returns true if a tab was unloaded, otherwise false. */ async unloadLeastRecentlyUsedTab( minInactiveDuration = kMinInactiveDurationInMs ) { const sortedTabs = await this.getSortedTabs(minInactiveDuration); for (let tabInfo of sortedTabs) { if (!this.isDiscardable(tabInfo)) { // Since |sortedTabs| is sorted, once we see an undiscardable tab // no need to continue the loop. return false; } const remoteType = tabInfo.tab?.linkedBrowser?.remoteType; if (tabInfo.gBrowser.discardBrowser(tabInfo.tab)) { Services.console.logStringMessage( `TabUnloader discarded <${remoteType}>` ); tabInfo.tab.updateLastUnloadedByTabUnloader(); return true; } } return false; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIObserver", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), }; /** Determine the base weight of the tab without accounting for * resource use * @param tab tab to use * @returns the tab's base weight */ function determineTabBaseWeight(tab, tabMethods) { let totalWeight = 0; for (let criteriaType of criteriaTypes) { let weight = tabMethods[criteriaType[CRITERIA_METHOD]]( tab.tab, criteriaType[CRITERIA_WEIGHT] ); // If a criteria returns -1, then never discard this tab. if (weight == -1) { return -1; } totalWeight += weight; } return totalWeight; } /** * Constuct a map of the processes that are used by the supplied tabs. * The map will map process ids to an object with two properties: * count - the number of tabs or subframes that use this process * topCount - the number of top-level tabs that use this process * tabSet - the indices of the tabs hosted by this process * * @param tabs array of tabs * @param tabMethods an helper object with methods called by this algorithm. * @returns process map */ function getAllProcesses(tabs, tabMethods) { // Determine the number of tabs that reference each process. This // is stored in the map 'processMap' where the key is the process // and the value is that number of browsing contexts that use that // process. // XXXndeakin this should be unique processes per tab, in the case multiple // subframes use the same process? let processMap = new Map(); for (let tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < tabs.length; ++tabIndex) { const tab = tabs[tabIndex]; // The per-tab map will map process ids to an object with three properties: // isTopLevel - whether the process hosts the tab's top-level frame or not // frameCount - the number of frames hosted by the process // (a top frame contributes 2 and a sub frame contributes 1) // entryToProcessMap - the reference to the object in |processMap| tab.processes = new Map(); let topLevel = true; for (let pid of tabMethods.iterateProcesses(tab.tab)) { let processInfo = processMap.get(pid); if (processInfo) { processInfo.count++; processInfo.tabSet.add(tabIndex); } else { processInfo = { count: 1, topCount: 0, tabSet: new Set([tabIndex]) }; processMap.set(pid, processInfo); } let tabProcessEntry = tab.processes.get(pid); if (tabProcessEntry) { ++tabProcessEntry.frameCount; } else { tabProcessEntry = { isTopLevel: topLevel, frameCount: 1, entryToProcessMap: processInfo, }; tab.processes.set(pid, tabProcessEntry); } if (topLevel) { topLevel = false; processInfo.topCount = processInfo.topCount ? processInfo.topCount + 1 : 1; // top-level frame contributes two frame counts ++tabProcessEntry.frameCount; } } } return processMap; } /** * Adjust the tab info and reweight the tabs based on the process and memory * use that is used, as described by getSortedTabs * @param tabs array of tabs * @param processMap map of processes returned by getAllProcesses * @param tabMethods an helper object with methods called by this algorithm. */ async function adjustForResourceUse(tabs, processMap, tabMethods) { // The second argument is needed for testing. await tabMethods.calculateMemoryUsage(processMap, tabs); let sortWeight = 0; for (let tab of tabs) { tab.sortWeight = ++sortWeight; let uniqueCount = 0; let totalMemory = 0; for (const procEntry of tab.processes.values()) { const processInfo = procEntry.entryToProcessMap; if (processInfo.tabSet.size == 1) { uniqueCount++; } // Guess how much memory the frame might be using using by dividing // the total memory used by a process by the number of tabs and // frames that are using that process. Assume that any subframes take up // only half as much memory as a process loaded in a top level tab. // So for example, if a process is used in four top level tabs and two // subframes, the top level tabs share 80% of the memory and the subframes // use 20% of the memory. const perFrameMemory = processInfo.memory / (processInfo.topCount * 2 + (processInfo.count - processInfo.topCount)); totalMemory += perFrameMemory * procEntry.frameCount; } tab.uniqueCount = uniqueCount; tab.memory = totalMemory; } tabs.sort((a, b) => { return b.uniqueCount - a.uniqueCount; }); sortWeight = 0; for (let tab of tabs) { tab.sortWeight += ++sortWeight; if (tab.uniqueCount > 1) { // If the tab has a number of processes that are only used by this tab, // subtract off an additional amount to the sorting weight value. That // way, tabs that use lots of processes are more likely to be discarded. tab.sortWeight -= tab.uniqueCount - 1; } } tabs.sort((a, b) => { return b.memory - a.memory; }); sortWeight = 0; for (let tab of tabs) { tab.sortWeight += ++sortWeight; } tabs.sort((a, b) => { if (a.sortWeight != b.sortWeight) { return a.sortWeight - b.sortWeight; } return a.tab.lastAccessed - b.tab.lastAccessed; }); }