# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. @template def Binary(): """Generic template for target binaries. Meant to be used by other templates.""" # Add -llog by default, since we use it all over the place. if CONFIG["OS_TARGET"] == "Android": OS_LIBS += ["log"] @template def Program(name): """Template for program executables.""" PROGRAM = name Binary() @template def SimplePrograms(names, ext=".cpp"): """Template for simple program executables. Those have a single source with the same base name as the executable. """ SIMPLE_PROGRAMS += names SOURCES += ["%s%s" % (name, ext) for name in names] Binary() @template def CppUnitTests(names, ext=".cpp"): """Template for C++ unit tests. Those have a single source with the same base name as the executable. """ COMPILE_FLAGS["EXTRA_INCLUDES"] = [ "-I%s/dist/include" % TOPOBJDIR, "-I%s/dist/include/testing" % TOPOBJDIR, ] CPP_UNIT_TESTS += names SOURCES += ["%s%s" % (name, ext) for name in names] Binary() @template def Library(name): """Template for libraries.""" LIBRARY_NAME = name @template def AllowCompilerWarnings(): COMPILE_FLAGS["WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS"] = [] WASM_FLAGS["WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS"] = [] @template def DisableCompilerWarnings(): # Keep the -Wno-* flags to disable warnings that may be enabled through other means. def filter(flags): return [f for f in flags or [] if f.startswith("-Wno-")] COMPILE_FLAGS["WARNINGS_CFLAGS"] = filter(CONFIG["WARNINGS_CFLAGS"]) COMPILE_FLAGS["WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS"] = filter(CONFIG["WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS"]) HOST_COMPILE_FLAGS["WARNINGS_CFLAGS"] = filter(CONFIG["WARNINGS_HOST_CFLAGS"]) HOST_COMPILE_FLAGS["WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS"] = filter(CONFIG["WARNINGS_HOST_CXXFLAGS"]) @template def RustLibrary(name, features=None, output_category=None, is_gkrust=False): """Template for Rust libraries.""" Library(name) IS_RUST_LIBRARY = True # Some Rust build scripts compile C/C++ sources, don't error on warnings for them. AllowCompilerWarnings() # And furthermore, don't even show warnings for them, so they don't regress # the Compiler Warnings build metric # . DisableCompilerWarnings() if features: RUST_LIBRARY_FEATURES = features if output_category: RUST_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_CATEGORY = output_category if is_gkrust: IS_GKRUST = True @template def SharedLibrary(name, output_category=None): """Template for shared libraries.""" Library(name) FORCE_SHARED_LIB = True if output_category: SHARED_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_CATEGORY = output_category Binary() @template def Framework(name, output_category=None): """Template for OSX Frameworks.""" SharedLibrary(name, output_category) IS_FRAMEWORK = True @template def HostProgram(name): """Template for build tools executables.""" HOST_PROGRAM = name @template def HostSimplePrograms(names, ext=".cpp"): """Template for simple build tools executables. Those have a single source with the same base name as the executable. """ HOST_SIMPLE_PROGRAMS += names HOST_SOURCES += ["%s%s" % (name.replace("host_", ""), ext) for name in names] @template def HostSharedLibrary(name): """Template for build tools libraries.""" if name != "clang-plugin": error( "Please make sure host shared library support is complete " "before using for something else than the clang plugin" ) HOST_LIBRARY_NAME = name FORCE_SHARED_LIB = True @template def HostLibrary(name): """Template for build tools libraries.""" HOST_LIBRARY_NAME = name @template def HostRustLibrary(name, features=None): """Template for host Rust libraries.""" HostLibrary(name) IS_RUST_LIBRARY = True # Some Rust build scripts compile C/C++ sources, don't error on warnings for them. AllowCompilerWarnings() if features: HOST_RUST_LIBRARY_FEATURES = features @template def DisableStlWrapping(): COMPILE_FLAGS["STL"] = [] @template def NoVisibilityFlags(): COMPILE_FLAGS["VISIBILITY"] = [] @template def ForceInclude(*headers): """Force includes a set of header files in C++ compilations""" if CONFIG["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl": include_flag = "-FI" else: include_flag = "-include" for header in headers: CXXFLAGS += [include_flag, header] @template def GeneratedFile(name, *names, **kwargs): """Add one or more GENERATED_FILES with the given attributes. You must pass in at least one generated file (the "name" argument). Other names can be included as positional arguments after "name".""" script = kwargs.pop("script", None) entry_point = kwargs.pop("entry_point", None) inputs = kwargs.pop("inputs", []) flags = kwargs.pop("flags", []) force = kwargs.pop("force", False) if kwargs: error("Unrecognized argument(s) to GeneratedFile: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs)) if entry_point and not script: error("entry_point cannot be provided if script is not provided") if script and ":" in script: error( "script should not include a `:`. If you want to provide an " "alternative entry point for your script, use the entry_point " "parameter." ) key = (name,) + names if names else name GENERATED_FILES += [key] generated_file = GENERATED_FILES[key] if script and not entry_point: generated_file.script = script if script and entry_point: generated_file.script = script + ":" + entry_point generated_file.inputs = inputs generated_file.flags = flags generated_file.force = force @template def CbindgenHeader(name, inputs): """Add one GENERATED_FILES by running RunCbindgen.py""" inputs = ["!/config/cbindgen-metadata.json"] + inputs GeneratedFile( name, script="/build/RunCbindgen.py", entry_point="generate", inputs=inputs ) include("gecko_templates.mozbuild")