/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from helper-addons.js */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(CHROME_URL_ROOT + "helper-addons.js", this); // Test that the reload button updates the addon list with the correct metadata. add_task(async function () { const { document, tab, window } = await openAboutDebugging(); await selectThisFirefoxPage(document, window.AboutDebugging.store); const ORIGINAL_EXTENSION_NAME = "Temporary web extension (original)"; const UPDATED_EXTENSION_NAME = "Temporary web extension (updated)"; const EXTENSION_ID = "test-devtools@mozilla.org"; const { xpiFile: addonFile } = await installTemporaryExtensionFromXPI( { id: EXTENSION_ID, name: ORIGINAL_EXTENSION_NAME, }, document ); const originalTarget = findDebugTargetByText( ORIGINAL_EXTENSION_NAME, document ); ok( !!originalTarget, "The temporary extension isinstalled with the expected name" ); info("Update the name of the temporary extension in the manifest"); updateTemporaryXPI( { id: EXTENSION_ID, name: UPDATED_EXTENSION_NAME }, addonFile ); info("Click on the reload button for the temporary extension"); const reloadButton = originalTarget.querySelector( ".qa-temporary-extension-reload-button" ); reloadButton.click(); info( "Wait until the debug target with the original extension name disappears" ); await waitUntil( () => !findDebugTargetByText(ORIGINAL_EXTENSION_NAME, document) ); info("Wait until the debug target with the updated extension name appears"); await waitUntil(() => findDebugTargetByText(UPDATED_EXTENSION_NAME, document) ); const updatedTarget = findDebugTargetByText(UPDATED_EXTENSION_NAME, document); ok(!!updatedTarget, "The temporary extension name has been updated"); info("Click on the remove button for the temporary extension"); const removeButton = updatedTarget.querySelector( ".qa-temporary-extension-remove-button" ); removeButton.click(); info( "Wait until the debug target with the updated extension name disappears" ); await waitUntil( () => !findDebugTargetByText(UPDATED_EXTENSION_NAME, document) ); await removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async function () { const PACKAGED_EXTENSION_ID = "packaged-extension@tests"; const PACKAGED_EXTENSION_NAME = "Packaged extension"; const { document, tab, window } = await openAboutDebugging(); await selectThisFirefoxPage(document, window.AboutDebugging.store); await installRegularExtension( "resources/packaged-extension/packaged-extension.xpi" ); info("Wait until extension appears in about:debugging"); await waitUntil(() => findDebugTargetByText(PACKAGED_EXTENSION_NAME, document) ); const target = findDebugTargetByText(PACKAGED_EXTENSION_NAME, document); const reloadButton = target.querySelector( ".qa-temporary-extension-reload-button" ); ok( !reloadButton, "No reload button displayed for a regularly installed extension" ); const removeButton = target.querySelector( ".qa-temporary-extension-remove-button" ); ok( !removeButton, "No remove button displayed for a regularly installed extension" ); await removeExtension( PACKAGED_EXTENSION_ID, PACKAGED_EXTENSION_NAME, document ); await removeTab(tab); });