/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from helper-telemetry.js */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( CHROME_URL_ROOT + "helper-telemetry.js", this ); const USB_RUNTIME = { id: "runtime-id-1", deviceName: "Device A", name: "Runtime 1", shortName: "R1", }; /** * Check that telemetry events for connection attempts are correctly recorded in various * scenarios: * - successful connection * - successful connection after showing the timeout warning * - failed connection * - connection timeout */ add_task(async function testSuccessfulConnectionAttempt() { const { doc, mocks, runtimeId, sessionId, tab } = await setupConnectionAttemptTest(); await connectToRuntime(USB_RUNTIME.deviceName, doc); const connectionEvents = checkTelemetryEvents( [ { method: "runtime_connected", extras: { runtime_id: runtimeId } }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("start", runtimeId), }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("success", runtimeId), }, ], sessionId ).filter(({ method }) => method === "connection_attempt"); checkConnectionId(connectionEvents); await removeUsbRuntime(USB_RUNTIME, mocks, doc); await removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async function testFailedConnectionAttempt() { const { doc, mocks, runtimeId, sessionId, tab } = await setupConnectionAttemptTest(); mocks.runtimeClientFactoryMock.createClientForRuntime = async () => { throw new Error("failed"); }; info( "Try to connect to the runtime and wait for the connection error message" ); const usbRuntimeSidebarItem = findSidebarItemByText( USB_RUNTIME.deviceName, doc ); const connectButton = usbRuntimeSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connect-button"); connectButton.click(); await waitUntil(() => usbRuntimeSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connection-error") ); const connectionEvents = checkTelemetryEvents( [ { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("start", runtimeId), }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("failed", runtimeId), }, ], sessionId ).filter(({ method }) => method === "connection_attempt"); checkConnectionId(connectionEvents); await removeUsbRuntime(USB_RUNTIME, mocks, doc); await removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async function testPendingConnectionAttempt() { info("Set timeout preferences to avoid cancelling the connection"); await pushPref( "devtools.aboutdebugging.test-connection-timing-out-delay", 100 ); await pushPref( "devtools.aboutdebugging.test-connection-cancel-delay", 100000 ); const { doc, mocks, runtimeId, sessionId, tab } = await setupConnectionAttemptTest(); info("Simulate a pending connection"); let resumeConnection; const resumeConnectionPromise = new Promise(r => { resumeConnection = r; }); mocks.runtimeClientFactoryMock.createClientForRuntime = async runtime => { await resumeConnectionPromise; return mocks._clients[runtime.type][runtime.id]; }; info("Click on the connect button and wait for the warning message"); const usbRuntimeSidebarItem = findSidebarItemByText( USB_RUNTIME.deviceName, doc ); const connectButton = usbRuntimeSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connect-button"); connectButton.click(); await waitUntil(() => doc.querySelector(".qa-connection-not-responding")); info("Resume the connection and wait for the connection to succeed"); resumeConnection(); await waitUntil( () => !usbRuntimeSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connect-button") ); const connectionEvents = checkTelemetryEvents( [ { method: "runtime_connected", extras: { runtime_id: runtimeId } }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("start", runtimeId), }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("not responding", runtimeId), }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("success", runtimeId), }, ], sessionId ).filter(({ method }) => method === "connection_attempt"); checkConnectionId(connectionEvents); await removeUsbRuntime(USB_RUNTIME, mocks, doc); await removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async function testCancelledConnectionAttempt() { info("Set timeout preferences to quickly cancel the connection"); await pushPref( "devtools.aboutdebugging.test-connection-timing-out-delay", 100 ); await pushPref("devtools.aboutdebugging.test-connection-cancel-delay", 1000); const { doc, mocks, runtimeId, sessionId, tab } = await setupConnectionAttemptTest(); info("Simulate a connection timeout"); mocks.runtimeClientFactoryMock.createClientForRuntime = async () => { await new Promise(() => {}); }; info("Click on the connect button and wait for the error message"); const usbRuntimeSidebarItem = findSidebarItemByText( USB_RUNTIME.deviceName, doc ); const connectButton = usbRuntimeSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connect-button"); connectButton.click(); await waitUntil(() => usbRuntimeSidebarItem.querySelector(".qa-connection-timeout") ); const connectionEvents = checkTelemetryEvents( [ { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("start", runtimeId), }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("not responding", runtimeId), }, { method: "connection_attempt", extras: getEventExtras("cancelled", runtimeId), }, ], sessionId ).filter(({ method }) => method === "connection_attempt"); checkConnectionId(connectionEvents); await removeUsbRuntime(USB_RUNTIME, mocks, doc); await removeTab(tab); }); function checkConnectionId(connectionEvents) { const connectionId = connectionEvents[0].extras.connection_id; ok( !!connectionId, "Found a valid connection id in the first connection_attempt event" ); for (const evt of connectionEvents) { is( evt.extras.connection_id, connectionId, "All connection_attempt events share the same connection id" ); } } // Small helper to create the expected event extras object for connection_attempt events function getEventExtras(status, runtimeId) { return { connection_type: "usb", runtime_id: runtimeId, status, }; } // Open about:debugging, setup telemetry, mocks and create a mocked USB runtime. async function setupConnectionAttemptTest() { const mocks = new Mocks(); setupTelemetryTest(); const { tab, document } = await openAboutDebugging(); const sessionId = getOpenEventSessionId(); ok(!isNaN(sessionId), "Open event has a valid session id"); mocks.createUSBRuntime(USB_RUNTIME.id, { deviceName: USB_RUNTIME.deviceName, name: USB_RUNTIME.name, shortName: USB_RUNTIME.shortName, }); mocks.emitUSBUpdate(); info("Wait for the runtime to appear in the sidebar"); await waitUntil(() => findSidebarItemByText(USB_RUNTIME.shortName, document)); const evts = checkTelemetryEvents( [ { method: "device_added", extras: {} }, { method: "runtime_added", extras: {} }, ], sessionId ); const runtimeId = evts.filter(e => e.method === "runtime_added")[0].extras .runtime_id; return { doc: document, mocks, runtimeId, sessionId, tab }; } async function removeUsbRuntime(runtime, mocks, doc) { mocks.removeRuntime(runtime.id); mocks.emitUSBUpdate(); await waitUntil( () => !findSidebarItemByText(runtime.name, doc) && !findSidebarItemByText(runtime.shortName, doc) ); }