/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // React & Redux const { createFactory, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const { div, p, img, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const LearnMoreLink = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/components/LearnMoreLink.js") ); // Localization const { L10N, } = require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/utils/l10n.js"); const { A11Y_LEARN_MORE_LINK, } = require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/constants.js"); /** * Landing UI for the accessibility panel when Accessibility features are * deactivated. */ function Description() { return div( { className: "description", role: "presentation", tabIndex: "-1" }, div( { className: "general", role: "presentation", tabIndex: "-1" }, img({ src: "chrome://devtools/skin/images/accessibility.svg", alt: L10N.getStr("accessibility.logo"), }), div( { role: "presentation", tabIndex: "-1" }, LearnMoreLink({ href: A11Y_LEARN_MORE_LINK, learnMoreStringKey: "accessibility.learnMore", l10n: L10N, messageStringKey: "accessibility.description.general.p1", }), p({}, L10N.getStr("accessibility.enable.disabledTitle")) ) ) ); } // Exports from this module exports.Description = Description;