/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ import { getActiveSearch, getPaneCollapse, getQuickOpenEnabled, getSource, getSourceTextContent, getIgnoreListSourceUrls, getSourceByURL, getBreakpointsForSource, } from "../selectors/index"; import { selectSource } from "../actions/sources/select"; import { getEditor, getLocationsInViewport, updateEditorLineWrapping, } from "../utils/editor/index"; import { blackboxSourceActorsForSource } from "./sources/blackbox"; import { toggleBreakpoints } from "./breakpoints/index"; import { copyToTheClipboard } from "../utils/clipboard"; import { isFulfilled } from "../utils/async-value"; import { primaryPaneTabs } from "../constants"; export function setPrimaryPaneTab(tabName) { return { type: "SET_PRIMARY_PANE_TAB", tabName }; } export function closeActiveSearch() { return { type: "TOGGLE_ACTIVE_SEARCH", value: null, }; } export function setActiveSearch(activeSearch) { return ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const activeSearchState = getActiveSearch(getState()); if (activeSearchState === activeSearch) { return; } if (getQuickOpenEnabled(getState())) { dispatch({ type: "CLOSE_QUICK_OPEN" }); } // Open start panel if it was collapsed so the project search UI is visible if ( activeSearch === primaryPaneTabs.PROJECT_SEARCH && getPaneCollapse(getState(), "start") ) { dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_PANE", position: "start", paneCollapsed: false, }); } dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_ACTIVE_SEARCH", value: activeSearch, }); }; } export function toggleFrameworkGrouping(toggleValue) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_FRAMEWORK_GROUPING", value: toggleValue, }); }; } export function toggleInlinePreview(toggleValue) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_INLINE_PREVIEW", value: toggleValue, }); }; } export function toggleEditorWrapping(toggleValue) { return ({ dispatch }) => { updateEditorLineWrapping(toggleValue); dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_EDITOR_WRAPPING", value: toggleValue, }); }; } export function toggleSourceMapsEnabled(toggleValue) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_SOURCE_MAPS_ENABLED", value: toggleValue, }); }; } export function showSource(sourceId) { return ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const source = getSource(getState(), sourceId); if (!source) { return; } if (getPaneCollapse(getState(), "start")) { dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_PANE", position: "start", paneCollapsed: false, }); } dispatch(setPrimaryPaneTab("sources")); dispatch(selectSource(source)); }; } export function togglePaneCollapse(position, paneCollapsed) { return ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const prevPaneCollapse = getPaneCollapse(getState(), position); if (prevPaneCollapse === paneCollapsed) { return; } // Set active search to null when closing start panel if project search was active if ( position === "start" && paneCollapsed && getActiveSearch(getState()) === primaryPaneTabs.PROJECT_SEARCH ) { dispatch(closeActiveSearch()); } dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_PANE", position, paneCollapsed, }); }; } /** * Highlight one or many lines in CodeMirror for a given source. * * @param {Object} location * @param {String} location.sourceId * The precise source to highlight. * @param {Number} location.start * The 1-based index of first line to highlight. * @param {Number} location.end * The 1-based index of last line to highlight. */ export function highlightLineRange(location) { return { type: "HIGHLIGHT_LINES", location, }; } export function flashLineRange(location) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch(highlightLineRange(location)); setTimeout(() => dispatch(clearHighlightLineRange()), 200); }; } export function clearHighlightLineRange() { return { type: "CLEAR_HIGHLIGHT_LINES", }; } export function openConditionalPanel(location, log = false) { if (!location) { return null; } return { type: "OPEN_CONDITIONAL_PANEL", location, log, }; } export function closeConditionalPanel() { return { type: "CLOSE_CONDITIONAL_PANEL", }; } export function updateViewport() { return { type: "SET_VIEWPORT", viewport: getLocationsInViewport(getEditor()), }; } export function updateCursorPosition(cursorPosition) { return { type: "SET_CURSOR_POSITION", cursorPosition }; } export function setOrientation(orientation) { return { type: "SET_ORIENTATION", orientation }; } export function setSearchOptions(searchKey, searchOptions) { return { type: "SET_SEARCH_OPTIONS", searchKey, searchOptions }; } export function copyToClipboard(location) { return ({ getState }) => { const content = getSourceTextContent(getState(), location); if (content && isFulfilled(content) && content.value.type === "text") { copyToTheClipboard(content.value.value); } }; } export function setJavascriptTracingLogMethod(value) { return { type: "SET_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_LOG_METHOD", value, }; } export function toggleJavascriptTracingValues() { return { type: "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_VALUES", }; } export function toggleJavascriptTracingOnNextInteraction() { return { type: "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_ON_NEXT_INTERACTION", }; } export function toggleJavascriptTracingFunctionReturn() { return { type: "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_FUNCTION_RETURN", }; } export function toggleJavascriptTracingOnNextLoad() { return { type: "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_ON_NEXT_LOAD", }; } export function setHideOrShowIgnoredSources(shouldHide) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: "HIDE_IGNORED_SOURCES", shouldHide }); }; } export function toggleSourceMapIgnoreList(shouldEnable) { return async thunkArgs => { const { dispatch, getState } = thunkArgs; const ignoreListSourceUrls = getIgnoreListSourceUrls(getState()); // Blackbox the source actors on the server for (const url of ignoreListSourceUrls) { const source = getSourceByURL(getState(), url); await blackboxSourceActorsForSource(thunkArgs, source, shouldEnable); // Disable breakpoints in sources on the ignore list const breakpoints = getBreakpointsForSource(getState(), source); await dispatch(toggleBreakpoints(shouldEnable, breakpoints)); } await dispatch({ type: "ENABLE_SOURCEMAP_IGNORELIST", shouldEnable, }); }; }