/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ /** * Ast reducer * @module reducers/ast */ import { makeBreakpointId } from "../utils/breakpoint/index"; export function initialASTState() { return { // We are using mutable objects as we never return the dictionary as-is from the selectors // but only their values. // Note that all these dictionaries are storing objects as values // which all will have a threadActorId attribute. // We have two maps, a first one for original sources. // This is keyed by source id. mutableOriginalSourcesSymbols: {}, // And another one, for generated sources. // This is keyed by source actor id. mutableSourceActorSymbols: {}, mutableInScopeLines: {}, }; } function update(state = initialASTState(), action) { switch (action.type) { case "SET_SYMBOLS": { const { location } = action; if (action.status === "start") { return state; } const entry = { value: action.value, threadActorId: location.sourceActor?.thread, }; if (location.source.isOriginal) { state.mutableOriginalSourcesSymbols[location.source.id] = entry; } else { if (!location.sourceActor) { throw new Error( "Expects a location with a source actor when adding symbols for non-original sources" ); } state.mutableSourceActorSymbols[location.sourceActor.id] = entry; } return { ...state, }; } case "IN_SCOPE_LINES": { state.mutableInScopeLines[makeBreakpointId(action.location)] = { lines: action.lines, threadActorId: action.location.sourceActor?.thread, }; return { ...state, }; } case "RESUME": { return { ...state, mutableInScopeLines: {} }; } case "REMOVE_THREAD": { function clearDict(dict, threadId) { for (const key in dict) { if (dict[key].threadActorId == threadId) { delete dict[key]; } } } clearDict(state.mutableSourceActorSymbols, action.threadActorID); clearDict(state.mutableOriginalSourcesSymbols, action.threadActorID); clearDict(state.mutableInScopeLines, action.threadActorID); return { ...state }; } default: { return state; } } } export default update;