/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ /** * Breakpoints reducer * @module reducers/breakpoints */ import { makeBreakpointId } from "../utils/breakpoint/index"; export function initialBreakpointsState(xhrBreakpoints = []) { return { breakpoints: {}, xhrBreakpoints, }; } function update(state = initialBreakpointsState(), action) { switch (action.type) { case "SET_BREAKPOINT": { if (action.status === "start") { return setBreakpoint(state, action); } return state; } case "REMOVE_BREAKPOINT": { if (action.status === "start") { return removeBreakpoint(state, action); } return state; } case "CLEAR_BREAKPOINTS": { return { ...state, breakpoints: {} }; } case "REMOVE_THREAD": { return removeBreakpointsForSources(state, action.sources); } case "SET_XHR_BREAKPOINT": { return addXHRBreakpoint(state, action); } case "REMOVE_XHR_BREAKPOINT": { return removeXHRBreakpoint(state, action); } case "UPDATE_XHR_BREAKPOINT": { return updateXHRBreakpoint(state, action); } case "ENABLE_XHR_BREAKPOINT": { return updateXHRBreakpoint(state, action); } case "DISABLE_XHR_BREAKPOINT": { return updateXHRBreakpoint(state, action); } case "CLEAR_XHR_BREAKPOINTS": { if (action.status == "start") { return state; } return { ...state, xhrBreakpoints: [] }; } } return state; } function addXHRBreakpoint(state, action) { const { xhrBreakpoints } = state; const { breakpoint } = action; const { path, method } = breakpoint; const existingBreakpointIndex = state.xhrBreakpoints.findIndex( bp => bp.path === path && bp.method === method ); if (existingBreakpointIndex === -1) { return { ...state, xhrBreakpoints: [...xhrBreakpoints, breakpoint], }; } else if (xhrBreakpoints[existingBreakpointIndex] !== breakpoint) { const newXhrBreakpoints = [...xhrBreakpoints]; newXhrBreakpoints[existingBreakpointIndex] = breakpoint; return { ...state, xhrBreakpoints: newXhrBreakpoints, }; } return state; } function removeXHRBreakpoint(state, action) { const { breakpoint } = action; const { xhrBreakpoints } = state; if (action.status === "start") { return state; } return { ...state, xhrBreakpoints: xhrBreakpoints.filter( bp => bp.path !== breakpoint.path || bp.method !== breakpoint.method ), }; } function updateXHRBreakpoint(state, action) { const { breakpoint, index } = action; const { xhrBreakpoints } = state; const newXhrBreakpoints = [...xhrBreakpoints]; newXhrBreakpoints[index] = breakpoint; return { ...state, xhrBreakpoints: newXhrBreakpoints, }; } function setBreakpoint(state, { breakpoint }) { const id = makeBreakpointId(breakpoint.location); const breakpoints = { ...state.breakpoints, [id]: breakpoint }; return { ...state, breakpoints }; } function removeBreakpoint(state, { breakpoint }) { const id = makeBreakpointId(breakpoint.location); const breakpoints = { ...state.breakpoints }; delete breakpoints[id]; return { ...state, breakpoints }; } function removeBreakpointsForSources(state, sources) { const remainingBreakpoints = {}; for (const [id, breakpoint] of Object.entries(state.breakpoints)) { if (!sources.includes(breakpoint.location.source)) { remainingBreakpoints[id] = breakpoint; } } return { ...state, breakpoints: remainingBreakpoints }; } export default update;