/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ /** * Sources reducer * @module reducers/sources */ import { originalToGeneratedId } from "devtools/client/shared/source-map-loader/index"; import { prefs } from "../utils/prefs"; import { createPendingSelectedLocation } from "../utils/location"; export const UNDEFINED_LOCATION = Symbol("Undefined location"); export const NO_LOCATION = Symbol("No location"); export function initialSourcesState(state) { /* eslint sort-keys: "error" */ return { /** * List of all breakpoint positions for all sources (generated and original). * Map of source id (string) to dictionary object whose keys are line numbers * and values of array of positions. * A position is an object made with two attributes: * location and generatedLocation. Both refering to breakpoint positions * in original and generated sources. * In case of generated source, the two location will be the same. * * Map(source id => Dictionary(int => array)) */ mutableBreakpointPositions: new Map(), /** * List of all breakable lines for original sources only. * * Map(source id => array) */ mutableOriginalBreakableLines: new Map(), /** * Map of the source id's to one or more related original source id's * Only generated sources which have related original sources will be maintained here. * * Map(source id => array) */ mutableOriginalSources: new Map(), /** * List of override objects whose sources texts have been locally overridden. * * Object { sourceUrl, path } */ mutableOverrideSources: state?.mutableOverrideSources || new Map(), /** * Mapping of source id's to one or more source-actor's. * Dictionary whose keys are source id's and values are arrays * made of all the related source-actor's. * Note: The source mapped here are only generated sources. * * "source" are the objects stored in this reducer, in the `sources` attribute. * "source-actor" are the objects stored in the "source-actors.js" reducer, in its `sourceActors` attribute. * * Map(source id => array) */ mutableSourceActors: new Map(), /** * All currently available sources. * * See create.js: `createSourceObject` method for the description of stored objects. */ mutableSources: new Map(), /** * All sources associated with a given URL. When using source maps, multiple * sources can have the same URL. * * Map(url => array) */ mutableSourcesPerUrl: new Map(), /** * When we want to select a source that isn't available yet, use this. * The location object should have a url attribute instead of a sourceId. * * See `createPendingSelectedLocation` for the definition of this object. */ pendingSelectedLocation: prefs.pendingSelectedLocation, /** * The actual currently selected location. * Only set if the related source is already registered in the sources reducer. * Otherwise, pendingSelectedLocation should be used. Typically for sources * which are about to be created. * * It also includes line and column information. * * See `createLocation` for the definition of this object. */ selectedLocation: undefined, /** * When selectedLocation refers to a generated source mapping to an original source * via a source-map, refers to the related original location. * * This is UNDEFINED_LOCATION by default and will switch to NO_LOCATION asynchronously after location * selection if there is no valid original location to map to. */ selectedOriginalLocation: UNDEFINED_LOCATION, /** * By default, the `selectedLocation` should be highlighted in the editor with a special background. * On demand, this flag can be set to false in order to prevent this. * The location will be shown, but not highlighted. */ shouldHighlightSelectedLocation: true, /** * By default, if we have a source-mapped source, we would automatically try * to select and show the content of the original source. But, if we explicitly * select a generated source, we remember this choice. That, until we explicitly * select an original source. * Note that selections related to non-source-mapped sources should never * change this setting. */ shouldSelectOriginalLocation: true, }; /* eslint-disable sort-keys */ } function update(state = initialSourcesState(), action) { switch (action.type) { case "ADD_SOURCES": return addSources(state, action.sources); case "ADD_ORIGINAL_SOURCES": return addSources(state, action.originalSources); case "INSERT_SOURCE_ACTORS": return insertSourceActors(state, action); case "SET_SELECTED_LOCATION": { let pendingSelectedLocation = null; if (action.location.source.url) { pendingSelectedLocation = createPendingSelectedLocation( action.location ); prefs.pendingSelectedLocation = pendingSelectedLocation; } return { ...state, selectedLocation: action.location, selectedOriginalLocation: UNDEFINED_LOCATION, pendingSelectedLocation, shouldSelectOriginalLocation: action.shouldSelectOriginalLocation, shouldHighlightSelectedLocation: action.shouldHighlightSelectedLocation, }; } case "CLEAR_SELECTED_LOCATION": { const pendingSelectedLocation = { url: "" }; prefs.pendingSelectedLocation = pendingSelectedLocation; return { ...state, selectedLocation: null, selectedOriginalLocation: UNDEFINED_LOCATION, pendingSelectedLocation, }; } case "SET_ORIGINAL_SELECTED_LOCATION": { if (action.location != state.selectedLocation) { return state; } return { ...state, selectedOriginalLocation: action.originalLocation, }; } case "SET_PENDING_SELECTED_LOCATION": { const pendingSelectedLocation = { url: action.url, line: action.line, column: action.column, }; prefs.pendingSelectedLocation = pendingSelectedLocation; return { ...state, pendingSelectedLocation }; } case "SET_ORIGINAL_BREAKABLE_LINES": { state.mutableOriginalBreakableLines.set( action.source.id, action.breakableLines ); return { ...state, }; } case "ADD_BREAKPOINT_POSITIONS": { // Merge existing and new reported position if some where already stored let positions = state.mutableBreakpointPositions.get(action.source.id); if (positions) { positions = { ...positions, ...action.positions }; } else { positions = action.positions; } state.mutableBreakpointPositions.set(action.source.id, positions); return { ...state, }; } case "REMOVE_THREAD": { return removeSourcesAndActors(state, action); } case "SET_OVERRIDE": { state.mutableOverrideSources.set(action.url, action.path); return state; } case "REMOVE_OVERRIDE": { if (state.mutableOverrideSources.has(action.url)) { state.mutableOverrideSources.delete(action.url); } return state; } } return state; } /* * Add sources to the sources store * - Add the source to the sources store * - Add the source URL to the source url map */ function addSources(state, sources) { for (const source of sources) { state.mutableSources.set(source.id, source); // Update the source url map const existing = state.mutableSourcesPerUrl.get(source.url); if (existing) { // We never return this array from selectors as-is, // we either return the first entry or lookup for a precise entry // so we can mutate it. existing.push(source); } else { state.mutableSourcesPerUrl.set(source.url, [source]); } // In case of original source, maintain the mapping of generated source to original sources map. if (source.isOriginal) { const generatedSourceId = originalToGeneratedId(source.id); let originalSourceIds = state.mutableOriginalSources.get(generatedSourceId); if (!originalSourceIds) { originalSourceIds = []; state.mutableOriginalSources.set(generatedSourceId, originalSourceIds); } // We never return this array out of selectors, so mutate the list originalSourceIds.push(source.id); } } return { ...state }; } function removeSourcesAndActors(state, action) { const { mutableSourcesPerUrl, mutableSources, mutableOriginalSources, mutableSourceActors, mutableOriginalBreakableLines, mutableBreakpointPositions, } = state; const newState = { ...state }; for (const removedSource of action.sources) { const sourceId = removedSource.id; // Clear the urls Map const sourceUrl = removedSource.url; if (sourceUrl) { const sourcesForSameUrl = ( mutableSourcesPerUrl.get(sourceUrl) || [] ).filter(s => s != removedSource); if (!sourcesForSameUrl.length) { // All sources with this URL have been removed mutableSourcesPerUrl.delete(sourceUrl); } else { // There are other sources still alive with the same URL mutableSourcesPerUrl.set(sourceUrl, sourcesForSameUrl); } } mutableSources.delete(sourceId); // Note that the caller of this method queried the reducer state // to aggregate the related original sources. // So if we were having related original sources, they will be // in `action.sources`. mutableOriginalSources.delete(sourceId); // If a source is removed, immediately remove all its related source actors. // It can speed-up the following for loop cleaning actors. mutableSourceActors.delete(sourceId); if (removedSource.isOriginal) { mutableOriginalBreakableLines.delete(sourceId); } mutableBreakpointPositions.delete(sourceId); if (newState.selectedLocation?.source == removedSource) { newState.selectedLocation = null; newState.selectedOriginalLocation = UNDEFINED_LOCATION; } } for (const removedActor of action.actors) { const sourceId = removedActor.source; const actorsForSource = mutableSourceActors.get(sourceId); // actors may have already been cleared by the previous for..loop if (!actorsForSource) { continue; } const idx = actorsForSource.indexOf(removedActor); if (idx != -1) { actorsForSource.splice(idx, 1); // While the Map is mutable, we expect new array instance on each new change mutableSourceActors.set(sourceId, [...actorsForSource]); } // Remove the entry in the Map if there is no more actors for that source if (!actorsForSource.length) { mutableSourceActors.delete(sourceId); } if (newState.selectedLocation?.sourceActor == removedActor) { newState.selectedLocation = null; newState.selectedOriginalLocation = UNDEFINED_LOCATION; } } return newState; } function insertSourceActors(state, action) { const { sourceActors } = action; const { mutableSourceActors } = state; // The `sourceActor` objects are defined from `newGeneratedSources` action: // https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/4646b826a25d3825cf209db890862b45fa09ffc3/devtools/client/debugger/src/actions/sources/newSources.js#300-314 for (const sourceActor of sourceActors) { const sourceId = sourceActor.source; // We always clone the array of source actors as we return it from selectors. // So the map is mutable, but its values are considered immutable and will change // anytime there is a new actor added per source ID. const existing = mutableSourceActors.get(sourceId); if (existing) { mutableSourceActors.set(sourceId, [...existing, sourceActor]); } else { mutableSourceActors.set(sourceId, [sourceActor]); } } const scriptActors = sourceActors.filter( item => item.introductionType === "scriptElement" ); if (scriptActors.length) { // If new HTML sources are being added, we need to clear the breakpoint // positions since the new source is a