/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // Tests that clicking the DOM node button in any ObjectInspect // opens the Inspector panel "use strict"; add_task(async function () { const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-scripts.html", "simple2.js"); await selectSource(dbg, "simple2.js", 1); clickElement(dbg, "CodeMirrorLines"); await waitForElementWithSelector(dbg, ".CodeMirror-code"); getCM(dbg).setSelection({ line: 0, ch: 0 }, { line: 8, ch: 0 }); rightClickElement(dbg, "CodeMirrorLines"); await waitForContextMenu(dbg); selectContextMenuItem(dbg, "#node-menu-evaluate-in-console"); await waitForConsolePanelChange(dbg); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "undefined"); }); function waitForConsolePanelChange(dbg) { const { toolbox } = dbg; return new Promise(resolve => { toolbox.getPanelWhenReady("webconsole").then(() => { ok(toolbox.webconsolePanel, "Console is shown."); resolve(toolbox.webconsolePanel); }); }); }