/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at . */
* This test focuses on the SourceTree component, where we display all debuggable sources.
* The first two tests expand the tree via manual DOM events (first with clicks and second with keys).
* `waitForSourcesInSourceTree()` is a key assertion method. Passing `{noExpand: true}`
* is important to avoid automatically expand the source tree.
* The following tests depend on auto-expand and only assert all the sources possibly displayed
"use strict";
const testServer = createVersionizedHttpTestServer(
const TEST_URL = testServer.urlFor("index.html");
* This test opens the SourceTree manually via click events on the nested source,
* and then adds a source dynamically and asserts it is visible.
add_task(async function testSimpleSourcesWithManualClickExpand() {
const dbg = await initDebugger(
// Expand nodes and make sure more sources appear.
getSourceTreeLabel(dbg, 1),
"Main Thread",
"Main thread is labeled properly"
info("Before interacting with the source tree, no source are displayed");
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, [], { noExpand: true });
await clickElement(dbg, "sourceDirectoryLabel", 3);
"After clicking on the directory, all sources but the nested ones are displayed"
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
["doc-sources.html", "simple1.js", "simple2.js", "long.js"],
{ noExpand: true }
await clickElement(dbg, "sourceDirectoryLabel", 4);
"After clicking on the nested directory, the nested source is also displayed"
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
{ noExpand: true }
const selected = waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "SET_SELECTED_LOCATION");
await clickElement(dbg, "sourceNode", 5);
await selected;
await waitForSelectedSource(dbg, "nested-source.js");
// Ensure the source file clicked is now focused
await waitForElementWithSelector(dbg, ".sources-list .focused");
const selectedSource = dbg.selectors.getSelectedSource().url;
ok(selectedSource.includes("nested-source.js"), "nested-source is selected");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 5);
// Make sure new sources appear in the list.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () {
const script = content.document.createElement("script");
script.src = "math.min.js";
info("After adding math.min.js, we got a new source displayed");
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
{ noExpand: true }
getSourceNodeLabel(dbg, 8),
"math.min.js - The dynamic script exists"
info("Assert that nested-source.js is still the selected source");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 5);
info("Test the copy to clipboard context menu");
const mathMinTreeNode = findSourceNodeWithText(dbg, "math.min.js");
await triggerSourceTreeContextMenu(
const clipboardData = SpecialPowers.getClipboardData("text/plain");
EXAMPLE_URL + "math.min.js",
"The clipboard content is the selected source URL"
info("Test the download file context menu");
// Before trigerring the menu, mock the file picker
const MockFilePicker = SpecialPowers.MockFilePicker;
const nsiFile = new FileUtils.File(
PathUtils.join(PathUtils.tempDir, `export_source_content_${Date.now()}.log`)
const path = nsiFile.path;
await triggerSourceTreeContextMenu(
info("Wait for the downloaded file to be fully saved to disk");
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => IOUtils.exists(path));
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(async () => {
const { size } = await IOUtils.stat(path);
return size > 0;
const buffer = await IOUtils.read(path);
const savedFileContent = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer);
const mathMinRequest = await fetch(EXAMPLE_URL + "math.min.js");
const mathMinContent = await mathMinRequest.text();
"The downloaded file has the expected content"
* Test keyboard arrow behaviour on the SourceTree with a nested folder
* that we manually expand/collapse via arrow keys.
add_task(async function testSimpleSourcesWithManualKeyShortcutsExpand() {
const dbg = await initDebugger(
// Before clicking on the source label, no source is displayed
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, [], { noExpand: true });
await clickElement(dbg, "sourceDirectoryLabel", 3);
// Right after, all sources, but the nested one are displayed
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
["doc-sources.html", "simple1.js", "simple2.js", "long.js"],
{ noExpand: true }
// Right key on open dir
await pressKey(dbg, "Right");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 3);
// Right key on closed dir
await pressKey(dbg, "Right");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 4);
// Left key on a open dir
await pressKey(dbg, "Left");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 4);
// Down key on a closed dir
await pressKey(dbg, "Down");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 4);
// Right key on a source
// We are focused on the nested source and up to this point we still display only the 4 initial sources
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
["doc-sources.html", "simple1.js", "simple2.js", "long.js"],
{ noExpand: true }
await pressKey(dbg, "Right");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 4);
// Now, the nested source is also displayed
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
{ noExpand: true }
// Down key on a source
await pressKey(dbg, "Down");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 5);
// Go to bottom of tree and press down key
await pressKey(dbg, "Down");
await pressKey(dbg, "Down");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 6);
// Up key on a source
await pressKey(dbg, "Up");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 5);
// Left key on a source
await pressKey(dbg, "Left");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 4);
// Left key on a closed dir
// We are about to close the nested folder, the nested source is about to disappear
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
{ noExpand: true }
await pressKey(dbg, "Left");
// And it disappeared
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(
["doc-sources.html", "simple1.js", "simple2.js", "long.js"],
{ noExpand: true }
await pressKey(dbg, "Left");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 3);
// Up Key at the top of the source tree
await pressKey(dbg, "Up");
await assertNodeIsFocused(dbg, 2);
* Tests that the source tree works with all the various types of sources
* coming from the integration test page.
* Also assert a few extra things on sources with query strings:
* - they can be pretty printed,
* - quick open matches them,
* - you can set breakpoint on them.
add_task(async function testSourceTreeOnTheIntegrationTestPage() {
// We open against a blank page and only then navigate to the test page
// so that sources aren't GC-ed before opening the debugger.
// When we (re)load a page while the debugger is opened, the debugger
// will force all sources to be held in memory.
const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL("about:blank");
await navigateToAbsoluteURL(
info("Verify source tree content");
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, INTEGRATION_TEST_PAGE_SOURCES);
info("Verify Thread Source Items");
const mainThreadItem = findSourceTreeThreadByName(dbg, "Main Thread");
ok(mainThreadItem, "Found the thread item for the main thread");
"The thread has the window icon"
"Assert the number of sources and source actors for the same-url.sjs sources"
const sameUrlSource = findSource(dbg, "same-url.sjs");
ok(sameUrlSource, "Found same-url.js in the main thread");
const sourceActors = dbg.selectors.getSourceActorsForSource(sameUrlSource.id);
const mainThread = dbg.selectors
.find(thread => thread.name == "Main Thread");
sourceActors.filter(actor => actor.thread == mainThread.actor).length,
// When EFT is disabled the iframe's source is meld into the main target
isEveryFrameTargetEnabled() ? 3 : 4,
"same-url.js is loaded 3 times in the main thread"
if (isEveryFrameTargetEnabled()) {
const iframeThread = dbg.selectors
.find(thread => thread.name == testServer.urlFor("iframe.html"));
sourceActors.filter(actor => actor.thread == iframeThread.actor).length,
"same-url.js is loaded one time in the iframe thread"
const workerThread = dbg.selectors
.find(thread => thread.name == testServer.urlFor("same-url.sjs"));
sourceActors.filter(actor => actor.thread == workerThread.actor).length,
"same-url.js is loaded one time in the worker thread"
const workerThreadItem = findSourceTreeThreadByName(dbg, "same-url.sjs");
ok(workerThreadItem, "Found the thread item for the worker");
"The thread has the worker icon"
info("Verify source icons");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "index.html", "file");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "script.js", "javascript");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "query.js?x=1", "javascript");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "original.js", "javascript");
// Framework icons are only displayed when we parse the source,
// which happens when we select the source
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "react-component-module.js", "javascript");
await selectSource(dbg, "react-component-module.js");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "react-component-module.js", "react");
info("Verify blackbox source icon");
await selectSource(dbg, "script.js");
await clickElement(dbg, "blackbox");
await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "BLACKBOX_WHOLE_SOURCES");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "script.js", "blackBox");
await clickElement(dbg, "blackbox");
await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "UNBLACKBOX_WHOLE_SOURCES");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "script.js", "javascript");
info("Assert the content of the named eval");
await selectSource(dbg, "named-eval.js");
assertTextContentOnLine(dbg, 3, `console.log("named-eval");`);
info("Assert that nameless eval don't show up in the source tree");
await waitForPaused(dbg);
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, INTEGRATION_TEST_PAGE_SOURCES);
await resume(dbg);
info("Assert the content of sources with query string");
await selectSource(dbg, "query.js?x=1");
const tab = findElement(dbg, "activeTab");
is(tab.innerText, "query.js?x=1", "Tab label is query.js?x=1");
`function query() {console.log("query x=1");}`
await addBreakpoint(dbg, "query.js?x=1", 1);
assertBreakpointHeading(dbg, "query.js?x=1", 0);
// pretty print the source and check the tab text
clickElement(dbg, "prettyPrintButton");
await waitForSource(dbg, "query.js?x=1:formatted");
await waitForSelectedSource(dbg, "query.js?x=1:formatted");
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "query.js?x=1", "prettyPrint");
const prettyTab = findElement(dbg, "activeTab");
is(prettyTab.innerText, "query.js?x=1", "Tab label is query.js?x=1");
assertBreakpointHeading(dbg, "query.js?x=1", 0);
assertTextContentOnLine(dbg, 1, `function query() {`);
// Note the replacements of " by ' here:
assertTextContentOnLine(dbg, 2, `console.log('query x=1');`);
// assert quick open works with queries
pressKey(dbg, "quickOpen");
type(dbg, "query.js?x");
// There can be intermediate updates in the results,
// so wait for the final expected value
await waitFor(async () => {
const resultItem = findElement(dbg, "resultItems");
if (!resultItem) {
return false;
return resultItem.innerText.includes("query.js?x=1");
}, "Results include the source with the query string");
* Verify that Web Extension content scripts appear only when
* devtools.chrome.enabled is set to true and that they get
* automatically re-selected on page reload.
add_task(async function testSourceTreeWithWebExtensionContentScript() {
const extension = await installAndStartContentScriptExtension();
info("Without the chrome preference, the content script doesn't show up");
await pushPref("devtools.chrome.enabled", false);
let dbg = await initDebugger("doc-content-script-sources.html");
// Let some time for unexpected source to appear
await wait(1000);
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, []);
await dbg.toolbox.closeToolbox();
info("With the chrome preference, the content script shows up");
await pushPref("devtools.chrome.enabled", true);
const toolbox = await openToolboxForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab, "jsdebugger");
dbg = createDebuggerContext(toolbox);
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, ["content_script.js"]);
await selectSource(dbg, "content_script.js");
findElementWithSelector(dbg, ".sources-list .focused"),
"Source is focused"
const contentScriptGroupItem = findSourceNodeWithText(
"Test content script extension"
ok(contentScriptGroupItem, "Found the group item for the content script");
"The group has the extension icon"
assertSourceIcon(dbg, "content_script.js", "javascript");
for (let i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
`Reloading tab (${i} time), the content script should always be reselected`
await waitForSelectedSource(dbg, "content_script.js");
findElementWithSelector(dbg, ".sources-list .focused"),
"Source is focused"
await dbg.toolbox.closeToolbox();
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function testSourceTreeWithEncodedPaths() {
const httpServer = createTestHTTPServer();
httpServer.registerContentType("html", "text/html");
httpServer.registerContentType("js", "application/javascript");
httpServer.registerPathHandler("/index.html", function (request, response) {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
Encoded scripts paths
encodeURI("/my folder/my file.js"),
function (request, response) {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/javascript", false);
response.write(`const x = 42`);
function (request, response) {
response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/javascript", false);
response.write(`const y = "malformed"`);
const port = httpServer.identity.primaryPort;
const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL(
"my file.js"
await waitForSourcesInSourceTree(dbg, ["my file.js", "malformedUri.js?%"]);
"source name are decoded in the tree, and malformed uri source are displayed"
// We don't have any specific class on the folder item, so let's target the folder
// icon next sibling, which is the directory label.
findElementWithSelector(dbg, ".sources-panel .node .folder + .label")
"my folder",
"folder name is decoded in the tree"
* Assert the location displayed in the breakpoint list, in the right sidebar.
* @param {Object} dbg
* @param {String} label
* The expected displayed location
* @param {Number} index
* The position of the breakpoint in the list to verify
function assertBreakpointHeading(dbg, label, index) {
const breakpointHeading = findAllElements(dbg, "breakpointHeadings")[index]
is(breakpointHeading, label, `Breakpoint heading is ${label}`);