/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // Tests tracing all function returns "use strict"; add_task(async function testTracingFunctionReturn() { await pushPref("devtools.debugger.features.javascript-tracing", true); const jsCode = `async function foo() { nullReturn(); falseReturn(); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 0)); return bar(); }; function nullReturn() { return null; } function falseReturn() { return false; } function bar() { return 42; }; function throwingFunction() { throw new Error("the exception") }`; const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL( "data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(``) ); await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "trace"); let toggled = waitForDispatch( dbg.store, "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_FUNCTION_RETURN" ); selectContextMenuItem(dbg, `#debugger-trace-menu-item-function-return`); await toggled; ok(true, "Toggled the trace of function returns"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); const topLevelThreadActorID = dbg.toolbox.commands.targetCommand.targetFront.threadFront.actorID; info("Wait for tracing to be enabled"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); invokeInTab("foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟶ interpreter λ foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟶ interpreter λ bar"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟵ λ bar"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟵ λ foo"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); info("Wait for tracing to be disabled"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return !dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "trace"); toggled = waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_VALUES"); selectContextMenuItem(dbg, `#debugger-trace-menu-item-log-values`); await toggled; ok(true, "Toggled the log values setting"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); info("Wait for tracing to be re-enabled with logging of returned values"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); invokeInTab("foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟶ interpreter λ foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟶ interpreter λ bar"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟵ λ bar return 42"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟶ interpreter λ nullReturn"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟵ λ nullReturn return null"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟶ interpreter λ falseReturn"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "⟵ λ falseReturn return false"); await hasConsoleMessage( dbg, `⟵ λ foo return \nPromise { : "fulfilled", : 42 }` ); invokeInTab("throwingFunction").catch(() => {}); await hasConsoleMessage( dbg, `⟵ λ throwingFunction throw \nError: the exception` ); info("Stop tracing"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return !dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); info("Toggle the two settings to the default value"); await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "trace"); toggled = waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_VALUES"); selectContextMenuItem(dbg, `#debugger-trace-menu-item-log-values`); await toggled; await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "trace"); toggled = waitForDispatch( dbg.store, "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_FUNCTION_RETURN" ); selectContextMenuItem(dbg, `#debugger-trace-menu-item-function-return`); await toggled; // Reset the trace on next interaction setting Services.prefs.clearUserPref( "devtools.debugger.javascript-tracing-on-next-interaction" ); });