/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // Tests tracing only on next user interaction "use strict"; add_task(async function testTracingOnNextInteraction() { await pushPref("devtools.debugger.features.javascript-tracing", true); // Cover tracing only on next user interaction const jsCode = `function foo() {}; window.addEventListener("mousedown", function onmousedown(){}, { capture: true }); window.onclick = function onclick() {};`; const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL( "data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(``) ); await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "trace"); const toggled = waitForDispatch( dbg.store, "TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_TRACING_ON_NEXT_INTERACTION" ); selectContextMenuItem(dbg, `#debugger-trace-menu-item-next-interaction`); await toggled; ok(true, "Toggled the trace on next interaction"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); const traceButton = findElement(dbg, "trace"); // Wait for the trace button to be highlighted await waitFor(() => { return traceButton.classList.contains("pending"); }); ok( traceButton.classList.contains("pending"), "The tracer button is also highlighted as pending until the user interaction is triggered" ); invokeInTab("foo"); // Let a change to have the tracer to regress and log foo call await wait(500); is( (await findConsoleMessages(dbg.toolbox, "λ foo")).length, 0, "The tracer did not log the function call before trigerring the click event" ); // We intentionally turn off this a11y check, because the following click // is send on an empty to to test the click event tracer performance, // and not to activate any control, therefore this check can be ignored. AccessibilityUtils.setEnv({ mustHaveAccessibleRule: false, }); await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( "body", {}, gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); AccessibilityUtils.resetEnv(); let topLevelThreadActorID = dbg.toolbox.commands.targetCommand.targetFront.threadFront.actorID; info("Wait for tracing to be enabled"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "λ onmousedown"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "λ onclick"); ok( traceButton.classList.contains("active"), "The tracer button is still highlighted as active" ); ok( !traceButton.classList.contains("pending"), "The tracer button is no longer pending after the user interaction" ); is( (await findConsoleMessages(dbg.toolbox, "λ foo")).length, 0, "Even after the click, the code called before the click is still not logged" ); // But if we call this code again, now it should be logged invokeInTab("foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "λ foo"); ok(true, "foo was traced as expected"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); topLevelThreadActorID = dbg.toolbox.commands.targetCommand.targetFront.threadFront.actorID; info("Wait for tracing to be disabled"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return !dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); ok( !traceButton.classList.contains("active"), "The tracer button is no longer highlighted as active" ); ok( !traceButton.classList.contains("pending"), "The tracer button is still not pending after disabling" ); // Reset the trace on next interaction setting Services.prefs.clearUserPref( "devtools.debugger.javascript-tracing-on-next-interaction" ); }); add_task(async function testInteractionBetweenDebuggerAndConsole() { const jsCode = `function foo() {};`; const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL( "data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(``) ); info("Enable the tracing via the debugger button"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); const topLevelThreadActorID = dbg.toolbox.commands.targetCommand.targetFront.threadFront.actorID; info("Wait for tracing to be enabled"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); invokeInTab("foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "λ foo"); info("Disable the tracing via a console command"); const { hud } = await dbg.toolbox.getPanel("webconsole"); let msg = await evaluateExpressionInConsole(hud, ":trace", "console-api"); is(msg.textContent.trim(), "Stopped tracing"); ok( !dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID), "Tracing is also reported as disabled in the debugger" ); info( "Clear the console output from the first tracing session started from the debugger" ); hud.ui.clearOutput(); await waitFor( async () => !(await findConsoleMessages(dbg.toolbox, "λ foo")).length, "Wait for console to be cleared" ); info("Enable the tracing via a console command"); msg = await evaluateExpressionInConsole(hud, ":trace", "console-api"); is(msg.textContent.trim(), "Started tracing to Web Console"); info("Wait for tracing to be also enabled in the debugger"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); ok(true, "Debugger also reports the tracing in progress"); invokeInTab("foo"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "λ foo"); info("Disable the tracing via the debugger button"); await clickElement(dbg, "trace"); info("Wait for tracing to be disabled per debugger button"); await waitForState(dbg, state => { return dbg.selectors.getIsThreadCurrentlyTracing(topLevelThreadActorID); }); info("Also wait for stop message in the console"); await hasConsoleMessage(dbg, "Stopped tracing"); });