// This file essentially reproduces an example Angular component to map testing, // among other typescript edge cases. import def, { decoratorFactory } from './src/mod.ts'; import * as ns from './src/mod.ts'; @decoratorFactory({ selector: 'app-root', }) export class AppComponent { title = 'app'; } const fn = arg => { console.log("here"); }; fn("arg"); // Un-decorated exported classes present a mapping challege because // the class name is mapped to an unhelpful export assignment. export class ExportedOther { title = 'app'; } class AnotherThing { prop = 4; } const ExpressionClass = class Foo { prop = 4; }; class SubDecl extends AnotherThing { prop = 4; } let SubVar = class SubExpr extends AnotherThing { prop = 4; }; ns; export default function(){ // This file is specifically for testing the mappings of classes and things // above, which means we don't want to include _other_ references to then. // To avoid having them be optimized out, we include a no-op eval. eval(""); console.log("pause here"); }