/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // There are shutdown issues for which multiple rejections are left uncaught. // See bug 1018184 for resolving these issues. const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PromiseTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally(/File closed/); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/inspector/test/shared-head.js", this ); // On debug test machine, it takes about 50s to run the test. requestLongerTimeout(4); // This test is used to test fission-like features via the Browser Toolbox: // - computed view is correct when selecting an element in a remote frame add_task(async function () { // Forces the Browser Toolbox to open on the inspector by default await pushPref("devtools.browsertoolbox.panel", "inspector"); // Enable Multiprocess Browser Toolbox await pushPref("devtools.browsertoolbox.scope", "everything"); const ToolboxTask = await initBrowserToolboxTask(); await ToolboxTask.importFunctions({ getNodeFront, getNodeFrontInFrames, selectNode, // selectNodeInFrames depends on selectNode, getNodeFront, getNodeFrontInFrames. selectNodeInFrames, }); // Open the tab *after* opening the Browser Toolbox in order to force creating the remote frames // late and exercise frame target watching code. const tab = await addTab( `data:text/html,
` ); // Set a custom attribute on the tab's browser, in order to easily select it in the markup view tab.linkedBrowser.setAttribute("test-tab", "true"); const color = await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { /* global gToolbox */ const inspector = gToolbox.getPanel("inspector"); const onSidebarSelect = inspector.sidebar.once("select"); inspector.sidebar.select("computedview"); await onSidebarSelect; await selectNodeInFrames( ['browser[remote="true"][test-tab]', "#my-div"], inspector ); const view = inspector.getPanel("computedview").computedView; function getProperty(name) { const propertyViews = view.propertyViews; for (const propView of propertyViews) { if (propView.name == name) { return propView; } } return null; } const prop = getProperty("color"); return prop.valueNode.textContent; }); is( color, "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "The color property of the
within a tab isn't red" ); info("Check that the node picker can be used on element in the content page"); await pickNodeInContentPage( ToolboxTask, tab, "browser[test-tab]", "#second-div" ); const secondColor = await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { const inspector = gToolbox.getPanel("inspector"); is( inspector.selection.nodeFront.id, "second-div", "The expected element is selected in the inspector" ); const view = inspector.getPanel("computedview").computedView; function getProperty(name) { const propertyViews = view.propertyViews; for (const propView of propertyViews) { if (propView.name == name) { return propView; } } return null; } const prop = getProperty("color"); return prop.valueNode.textContent; }); is( secondColor, "rgb(0, 0, 255)", "The color property of the
within a tab isn't blue" ); info( "Check that the node picker can be used for element in non-remote " ); const nonRemoteUrl = "about:robots"; const nonRemoteTab = await addTab(nonRemoteUrl); // Set a custom attribute on the tab's browser, in order to target it nonRemoteTab.linkedBrowser.setAttribute("test-tab-non-remote", ""); // check that the browser element is indeed not remote. If that changes for about:robots, // this should be replaced with another page is( nonRemoteTab.linkedBrowser.hasAttribute("remote"), false, "The element for about:robots is not remote" ); await pickNodeInContentPage( ToolboxTask, nonRemoteTab, "browser[test-tab-non-remote]", "#errorTryAgain" ); await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { const inspector = gToolbox.getPanel("inspector"); is( inspector.selection.nodeFront.id, "errorTryAgain", "The element inside a non-remote element is selected in the inspector" ); }); await ToolboxTask.destroy(); }); async function pickNodeInContentPage( ToolboxTask, tab, browserElementSelector, contentElementSelector ) { await ToolboxTask.spawn(contentElementSelector, async _selector => { const onPickerStarted = gToolbox.nodePicker.once("picker-started"); // Wait until the inspector front was initialized in the target that // contains the element we want to pick. // Otherwise, even if the picker is "started", the corresponding WalkerActor // might not be listening to the correct pick events (WalkerActor::pick) const onPickerReady = new Promise(resolve => { gToolbox.nodePicker.on( "inspector-front-ready-for-picker", async function onFrontReady(walker) { if (await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, _selector)) { gToolbox.nodePicker.off( "inspector-front-ready-for-picker", onFrontReady ); resolve(); } } ); }); gToolbox.nodePicker.start(); await onPickerStarted; await onPickerReady; const inspector = gToolbox.getPanel("inspector"); // Save the promises for later tasks, in order to start listening // *before* hovering the element and wait for resolution *after* hovering. this.onPickerStopped = gToolbox.nodePicker.once("picker-stopped"); this.onInspectorUpdated = inspector.once("inspector-updated"); }); // Retrieve the position of the element we want to pick in the content page const { x, y } = await SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [contentElementSelector], _selector => { const rect = content.document .querySelector(_selector) .getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: rect.x, y: rect.y }; } ); // Synthesize the mouse event in the top level browsing context, but on the // element containing the tab we're looking at, at the position where should be the // content element. // We need to do this to mimick what's actually done in node-picker.js await EventUtils.synthesizeMouse( document.querySelector(browserElementSelector), x + 5, y + 5, {} ); await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { info(" # Waiting for picker stop"); await this.onPickerStopped; info(" # Waiting for inspector-updated"); await this.onInspectorUpdated; delete this.onPickerStopped; delete this.onInspectorUpdated; }); }