/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests that Toolbox#viewSourceInStyleEditor does fall back to view-source */ const TEST_URL = `data:text/html,Got no style`; const CSS_URL = `${URL_ROOT_SSL}doc_theme.css`; add_task(async function () { // start on webconsole since it doesn't have much activity so we're less vulnerable // to pending promises. const toolbox = await openNewTabAndToolbox(TEST_URL, "webconsole"); const onTabOpen = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab( gBrowser, url => url == `view-source:${CSS_URL}`, true ); info("View source of an existing file that isn't used by the page"); const fileFound = await toolbox.viewSourceInStyleEditorByURL(CSS_URL, 0); ok( !fileFound, "viewSourceInStyleEditorByURL should resolve to false if source isn't found." ); info("Waiting for view-source tab to open"); const viewSourceTab = await onTabOpen; ok(true, "The view source tab was opened"); await removeTab(viewSourceTab); info("Check that the current panel is the console"); is(toolbox.currentToolId, "webconsole", "Console is still selected"); await closeToolboxAndTab(toolbox); });