/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { FrontClassWithSpec, registerFront, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/protocol.js"); const { animationPlayerSpec, animationsSpec, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/specs/animation.js"); class AnimationPlayerFront extends FrontClassWithSpec(animationPlayerSpec) { constructor(conn, targetFront, parentFront) { super(conn, targetFront, parentFront); this.state = {}; this.before("changed", this.onChanged.bind(this)); } form(form) { this._form = form; this.state = this.initialState; } /** * If the AnimationsActor was given a reference to the WalkerActor previously * then calling this getter will return the animation target NodeFront. */ get animationTargetNodeFront() { if (!this._form.animationTargetNodeActorID) { return null; } return this.conn.getFrontByID(this._form.animationTargetNodeActorID); } /** * Getter for the initial state of the player. Up to date states can be * retrieved by calling the getCurrentState method. */ get initialState() { return { type: this._form.type, startTime: this._form.startTime, currentTime: this._form.currentTime, playState: this._form.playState, playbackRate: this._form.playbackRate, name: this._form.name, duration: this._form.duration, delay: this._form.delay, endDelay: this._form.endDelay, iterationCount: this._form.iterationCount, iterationStart: this._form.iterationStart, easing: this._form.easing, fill: this._form.fill, direction: this._form.direction, animationTimingFunction: this._form.animationTimingFunction, isRunningOnCompositor: this._form.isRunningOnCompositor, propertyState: this._form.propertyState, documentCurrentTime: this._form.documentCurrentTime, createdTime: this._form.createdTime, currentTimeAtCreated: this._form.currentTimeAtCreated, absoluteValues: this.calculateAbsoluteValues(this._form), properties: this._form.properties, }; } /** * Executed when the AnimationPlayerActor emits a "changed" event. Used to * update the local knowledge of the state. */ onChanged(partialState) { const { state } = this.reconstructState(partialState); this.state = state; } /** * Refresh the current state of this animation on the client from information * found on the server. Doesn't return anything, just stores the new state. */ async refreshState() { const data = await this.getCurrentState(); if (this.currentStateHasChanged) { this.state = data; } } /** * getCurrentState interceptor re-constructs incomplete states since the actor * only sends the values that have changed. */ getCurrentState() { this.currentStateHasChanged = false; return super.getCurrentState().then(partialData => { const { state, hasChanged } = this.reconstructState(partialData); this.currentStateHasChanged = hasChanged; return state; }); } reconstructState(data) { let hasChanged = false; for (const key in this.state) { if (typeof data[key] === "undefined") { data[key] = this.state[key]; } else if (data[key] !== this.state[key]) { hasChanged = true; } } data.absoluteValues = this.calculateAbsoluteValues(data); return { state: data, hasChanged }; } calculateAbsoluteValues(data) { const { createdTime, currentTime, currentTimeAtCreated, delay, duration, endDelay = 0, fill, iterationCount, playbackRate, } = data; const toRate = v => v / Math.abs(playbackRate); const isPositivePlaybackRate = playbackRate > 0; let absoluteDelay = 0; let absoluteEndDelay = 0; let isDelayFilled = false; let isEndDelayFilled = false; if (isPositivePlaybackRate) { absoluteDelay = toRate(delay); absoluteEndDelay = toRate(endDelay); isDelayFilled = fill === "both" || fill === "backwards"; isEndDelayFilled = fill === "both" || fill === "forwards"; } else { absoluteDelay = toRate(endDelay); absoluteEndDelay = toRate(delay); isDelayFilled = fill === "both" || fill === "forwards"; isEndDelayFilled = fill === "both" || fill === "backwards"; } let endTime = 0; if (duration === Infinity) { // Set endTime so as to enable the scrubber with keeping the consinstency of UI // even the duration was Infinity. In case of delay is longer than zero, handle // the graph duration as double of the delay amount. In case of no delay, handle // the duration as 1ms which is short enough so as to make the scrubber movable // and the limited duration is prioritized. endTime = absoluteDelay > 0 ? absoluteDelay * 2 : 1; } else { endTime = absoluteDelay + toRate(duration * (iterationCount || 1)) + absoluteEndDelay; } const absoluteCreatedTime = isPositivePlaybackRate ? createdTime : createdTime - endTime; const absoluteCurrentTimeAtCreated = isPositivePlaybackRate ? currentTimeAtCreated : endTime - currentTimeAtCreated; const animationCurrentTime = isPositivePlaybackRate ? currentTime : endTime - currentTime; const absoluteCurrentTime = absoluteCreatedTime + toRate(animationCurrentTime); const absoluteStartTime = absoluteCreatedTime + Math.min(absoluteDelay, 0); const absoluteStartTimeAtCreated = absoluteCreatedTime + absoluteCurrentTimeAtCreated; // To show whole graph with endDelay, we add negative endDelay amount to endTime. const endTimeWithNegativeEndDelay = endTime - Math.min(absoluteEndDelay, 0); const absoluteEndTime = absoluteCreatedTime + endTimeWithNegativeEndDelay; return { createdTime: absoluteCreatedTime, currentTime: absoluteCurrentTime, currentTimeAtCreated: absoluteCurrentTimeAtCreated, delay: absoluteDelay, endDelay: absoluteEndDelay, endTime: absoluteEndTime, isDelayFilled, isEndDelayFilled, startTime: absoluteStartTime, startTimeAtCreated: absoluteStartTimeAtCreated, }; } } exports.AnimationPlayerFront = AnimationPlayerFront; registerFront(AnimationPlayerFront); class AnimationsFront extends FrontClassWithSpec(animationsSpec) { constructor(client, targetFront, parentFront) { super(client, targetFront, parentFront); // Attribute name from which to retrieve the actorID out of the target actor's form this.formAttributeName = "animationsActor"; } } exports.AnimationsFront = AnimationsFront; registerFront(AnimationsFront);