/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { PureComponent, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const dom = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const PropTypes = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types.js"); const { getStr, } = require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/layout/utils/l10n.js"); const Types = require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/flexbox/types.js"); const getFlexibilityReasons = ({ lineGrowthState, computedFlexGrow, computedFlexShrink, grew, shrank, }) => { const reasons = []; // Tell users whether the item was set to grow or shrink. if (computedFlexGrow && lineGrowthState === "growing") { reasons.push(getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.setToGrow")); } if (computedFlexShrink && lineGrowthState === "shrinking") { reasons.push(getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.setToShrink")); } if (!computedFlexGrow && !grew && !shrank && lineGrowthState === "growing") { reasons.push(getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.notSetToGrow")); } if ( !computedFlexShrink && !grew && !shrank && lineGrowthState === "shrinking" ) { reasons.push(getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.notSetToShrink")); } return reasons; }; class FlexItemSizingProperties extends PureComponent { static get propTypes() { return { flexDirection: PropTypes.string.isRequired, flexItem: PropTypes.shape(Types.flexItem).isRequired, }; } /** * Rounds some size in pixels and render it. * The rendered value will end with 'px' (unless the dimension is 0 in which case the * unit will be omitted) * * @param {Number} value * The number to be rounded * @param {Boolean} prependPlusSign * If set to true, the + sign will be printed before a positive value * @return {Object} * The React component representing this rounded size */ renderSize(value, prependPlusSign) { if (value == 0) { return dom.span({ className: "value" }, "0"); } value = Math.round(value * 100) / 100; if (prependPlusSign && value > 0) { value = "+" + value; } return dom.span( { className: "value" }, value, dom.span({ className: "unit" }, "px") ); } /** * Render an authored CSS property. * * @param {String} name * The name for this CSS property * @param {String} value * The property value * @return {Object} * The React component representing this CSS property */ renderCssProperty(name, value) { return dom.span({ className: "css-property-link" }, `(${name}: ${value})`); } /** * Render a list of sentences to be displayed in the UI as reasons why a certain sizing * value happened. * * @param {Array} sentences * The list of sentences as Strings * @return {Object} * The React component representing these sentences */ renderReasons(sentences) { return dom.ul( { className: "reasons" }, sentences.map(sentence => dom.li({}, sentence)) ); } renderBaseSizeSection({ mainBaseSize }, properties, dimension) { const flexBasisValue = properties["flex-basis"]; const dimensionValue = properties[dimension]; let title = getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.baseSizeSectionHeader"); let property = null; if (flexBasisValue) { // If flex-basis is defined, then that's what is used for the base size. property = this.renderCssProperty("flex-basis", flexBasisValue); } else if (dimensionValue) { // If not and width/height is defined, then that's what defines the base size. property = this.renderCssProperty(dimension, dimensionValue); } else { // Finally, if nothing is set, then the base size is the max-content size. // In this case replace the section's title. title = getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.itemContentSize"); } const className = "section base"; return dom.li( { className: className + (property ? "" : " no-property") }, dom.span({ className: "name" }, title, property), this.renderSize(mainBaseSize) ); } renderFlexibilitySection( flexItemSizing, mainFinalSize, properties, computedStyle ) { const { mainDeltaSize, mainBaseSize, lineGrowthState } = flexItemSizing; // Don't display anything if all interesting sizes are 0. if (!mainFinalSize && !mainBaseSize && !mainDeltaSize) { return null; } // Also don't display anything if the item did not grow or shrink. const grew = mainDeltaSize > 0; const shrank = mainDeltaSize < 0; if (!grew && !shrank) { return null; } const definedFlexGrow = properties["flex-grow"]; const computedFlexGrow = computedStyle.flexGrow; const definedFlexShrink = properties["flex-shrink"]; const computedFlexShrink = computedStyle.flexShrink; const reasons = getFlexibilityReasons({ lineGrowthState, computedFlexGrow, computedFlexShrink, grew, shrank, }); let property = null; if (grew && definedFlexGrow && computedFlexGrow) { // If the item grew it's normally because it was set to grow (flex-grow is non 0). property = this.renderCssProperty("flex-grow", definedFlexGrow); } else if (shrank && definedFlexShrink && computedFlexShrink) { // If the item shrank it's either because flex-shrink is non 0. property = this.renderCssProperty("flex-shrink", definedFlexShrink); } else if (shrank && computedFlexShrink) { // Or also because it's default value is 1 anyway. property = this.renderCssProperty( "flex-shrink", computedFlexShrink, true ); } // Don't display the section at all if there's nothing useful to show users. if (!property && !reasons.length) { return null; } const className = "section flexibility"; return dom.li( { className: className + (property ? "" : " no-property") }, dom.span( { className: "name" }, getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.flexibilitySectionHeader"), property ), this.renderSize(mainDeltaSize, true), this.renderReasons(reasons) ); } renderMinimumSizeSection(flexItemSizing, properties, dimension) { const { clampState, mainMinSize, mainDeltaSize } = flexItemSizing; const grew = mainDeltaSize > 0; const shrank = mainDeltaSize < 0; const minDimensionValue = properties[`min-${dimension}`]; // We only display the minimum size when the item actually violates that size during // layout & is clamped. if (clampState !== "clamped_to_min") { return null; } const reasons = []; if (grew || shrank) { // The item may have wanted to grow less, but was min-clamped to a larger size. // Or the item may have wanted to shrink more but was min-clamped to a larger size. reasons.push(getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.clampedToMin")); } return dom.li( { className: "section min" }, dom.span( { className: "name" }, getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.minSizeSectionHeader"), minDimensionValue.length ? this.renderCssProperty(`min-${dimension}`, minDimensionValue) : null ), this.renderSize(mainMinSize), this.renderReasons(reasons) ); } renderMaximumSizeSection(flexItemSizing, properties, dimension) { const { clampState, mainMaxSize, mainDeltaSize } = flexItemSizing; const grew = mainDeltaSize > 0; const shrank = mainDeltaSize < 0; const maxDimensionValue = properties[`max-${dimension}`]; if (clampState !== "clamped_to_max") { return null; } const reasons = []; if (grew || shrank) { // The item may have wanted to grow more than it did, because it was max-clamped. // Or the item may have wanted shrink more, but it was clamped to its max size. reasons.push(getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.clampedToMax")); } return dom.li( { className: "section max" }, dom.span( { className: "name" }, getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.maxSizeSectionHeader"), maxDimensionValue.length ? this.renderCssProperty(`max-${dimension}`, maxDimensionValue) : null ), this.renderSize(mainMaxSize), this.renderReasons(reasons) ); } renderFinalSizeSection(mainFinalSize) { return dom.li( { className: "section final no-property" }, dom.span( { className: "name" }, getStr("flexbox.itemSizing.finalSizeSectionHeader") ), this.renderSize(mainFinalSize) ); } render() { const { flexItem } = this.props; const { computedStyle, flexItemSizing, properties } = flexItem; const { mainAxisDirection, mainBaseSize, mainDeltaSize, mainMaxSize, mainMinSize, } = flexItemSizing; const dimension = mainAxisDirection.startsWith("horizontal") ? "width" : "height"; // Calculate the final size. This is base + delta, then clamped by min or max. let mainFinalSize = mainBaseSize + mainDeltaSize; mainFinalSize = Math.max(mainFinalSize, mainMinSize); mainFinalSize = mainMaxSize === null ? mainFinalSize : Math.min(mainFinalSize, mainMaxSize); return dom.ul( { className: "flex-item-sizing" }, this.renderBaseSizeSection(flexItemSizing, properties, dimension), this.renderFlexibilitySection( flexItemSizing, mainFinalSize, properties, computedStyle ), this.renderMinimumSizeSection(flexItemSizing, properties, dimension), this.renderMaximumSizeSection(flexItemSizing, properties, dimension), this.renderFinalSizeSection(mainFinalSize) ); } } module.exports = FlexItemSizingProperties;