/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the keyboard shortcut "S" used to scroll to the selected node. const HTML = `
`; const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(HTML); add_task(async function () { const { inspector } = await openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); info("Make sure the markup frame has the focus"); inspector.markup._frame.focus(); info("Before test starts, #scroll-top is visible, #scroll-bottom is hidden"); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-top", true); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-bottom", false); info("Select the #scroll-bottom node"); await selectNode("#scroll-bottom", inspector); info("Press S to scroll to the bottom node"); let waitForScroll = BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "scroll" ); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("S", {}, inspector.panelWin); await waitForScroll; ok(true, "Scroll event received"); info("#scroll-top should be scrolled out, #scroll-bottom should be visible"); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-top", false); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-bottom", true); info("Select the #scroll-top node"); await selectNode("#scroll-top", inspector); info("Press S to scroll to the top node"); waitForScroll = BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "scroll" ); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("S", {}, inspector.panelWin); await waitForScroll; ok(true, "Scroll event received"); info("#scroll-top should be visible, #scroll-bottom should be scrolled out"); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-top", true); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-bottom", false); info("Select #scroll-bottom node"); await selectNode("#scroll-bottom", inspector); info("Press shift + S, nothing should happen due to the modifier"); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("S", { shiftKey: true }, inspector.panelWin); info("Same state, #scroll-top is visible, #scroll-bottom is scrolled out"); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-top", true); await checkElementIsInViewport("#scroll-bottom", false); }); /** * Verify that the element matching the provided selector is either in or out * of the viewport, depending on the provided "expected" argument. * Returns a promise that will resolve when the test has been performed. * * @param {String} selector * css selector for the element to test * @param {Boolean} expected * true if the element is expected to be in the viewport, false otherwise * @return {Promise} promise */ async function checkElementIsInViewport(selector, expected) { const isInViewport = await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector], _selector => { const node = content.document.querySelector(_selector); const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.bottom >= 0 && rect.right >= 0 && rect.top <= content.innerHeight && rect.left <= content.innerWidth ); } ); is( isInViewport, expected, selector + " in the viewport: expected to be " + expected ); }