/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests that the rule view's highlightElementRule scrolls to the specified rule. const TEST_URI = `
`; add_task(async function () { await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView(); await selectNode(".test", inspector); const { rules, styleWindow } = view; info("Highlight .test::after rule."); const ruleId = rules[0].domRule.actorID; info("Wait for the view to scroll to the property."); const onHighlightProperty = view.once("scrolled-to-element"); view.highlightElementRule(ruleId); await onHighlightProperty; ok( isInViewport(rules[0].editor.element, styleWindow), ".test::after is in view." ); }); function isInViewport(element, win) { const { top, left, bottom, right } = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( top >= 0 && bottom <= win.innerHeight && left >= 0 && right <= win.innerWidth ); }