/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"vars": "local", "args": "none"}] */ "use strict"; // shared-head.js handles imports, constants, and utility functions Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/framework/test/head.js", this ); const JSON_VIEW_PREF = "devtools.jsonview.enabled"; // Enable JSON View for the test Services.prefs.setBoolPref(JSON_VIEW_PREF, true); registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(JSON_VIEW_PREF); }); // XXX move some API into devtools/shared/test/shared-head.js /** * Add a new test tab in the browser and load the given url. * @param {String} url * The url to be loaded in the new tab. * * @param {Object} [optional] * An object with the following optional properties: * - appReadyState: The readyState of the JSON Viewer app that you want to * wait for. Its value can be one of: * - "uninitialized": The converter has started the request. * If JavaScript is disabled, there will be no more readyState changes. * - "loading": RequireJS started loading the scripts for the JSON Viewer. * If the load timeouts, there will be no more readyState changes. * - "interactive": The JSON Viewer app loaded, but possibly not all the JSON * data has been received. * - "complete" (default): The app is fully loaded with all the JSON. * - docReadyState: The standard readyState of the document that you want to * wait for. Its value can be one of: * - "loading": The JSON data has not been completely loaded (but the app might). * - "interactive": All the JSON data has been received. * - "complete" (default): Since there aren't sub-resources like images, * behaves as "interactive". Note the app might not be loaded yet. */ async function addJsonViewTab( url, { appReadyState = "complete", docReadyState = "complete" } = {} ) { info("Adding a new JSON tab with URL: '" + url + "'"); const tabAdded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, url); const tabLoaded = addTab(url); // The `tabAdded` promise resolves when the JSON Viewer starts loading. // This is usually what we want, however, it never resolves for unrecognized // content types that trigger a download. // On the other hand, `tabLoaded` always resolves, but not until the document // is fully loaded, which is too late if `docReadyState !== "complete"`. // Therefore, we race both promises. const tab = await Promise.race([tabAdded, tabLoaded]); const browser = tab.linkedBrowser; const rootDir = getRootDirectory(gTestPath); // Catch RequireJS errors (usually timeouts) const error = tabLoaded.then(() => SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { requirejs } = content.wrappedJSObject; if (requirejs) { requirejs.onError = err => { info(err); ok(false, "RequireJS error"); reject(err); }; } }); }) ); const data = { rootDir, appReadyState, docReadyState }; await Promise.race([ error, // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow ContentTask.spawn(browser, data, async function (data) { // Check if there is a JSONView object. const { JSONView } = content.wrappedJSObject; if (!JSONView) { throw new Error("The JSON Viewer did not load."); } const docReadyStates = ["loading", "interactive", "complete"]; const docReadyIndex = docReadyStates.indexOf(data.docReadyState); const appReadyStates = ["uninitialized", ...docReadyStates]; const appReadyIndex = appReadyStates.indexOf(data.appReadyState); if (docReadyIndex < 0 || appReadyIndex < 0) { throw new Error("Invalid app or doc readyState parameter."); } // Wait until the document readyState suffices. const { document } = content; while (docReadyStates.indexOf(document.readyState) < docReadyIndex) { info( `DocReadyState is "${document.readyState}". Await "${data.docReadyState}"` ); await new Promise(resolve => { document.addEventListener("readystatechange", resolve, { once: true, }); }); } // Wait until the app readyState suffices. while (appReadyStates.indexOf(JSONView.readyState) < appReadyIndex) { info( `AppReadyState is "${JSONView.readyState}". Await "${data.appReadyState}"` ); await new Promise(resolve => { content.addEventListener("AppReadyStateChange", resolve, { once: true, }); }); } }), ]); return tab; } /** * Expanding a node in the JSON tree */ function clickJsonNode(selector) { info("Expanding node: '" + selector + "'"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow return ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, selector, selector => { content.document.querySelector(selector).click(); }); } /** * Select JSON View tab (in the content). */ function selectJsonViewContentTab(name) { info("Selecting tab: '" + name + "'"); // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow return ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, name, async name => { const tabsSelector = ".tabs-menu .tabs-menu-item"; const targetTabSelector = `${tabsSelector}.${CSS.escape(name)}`; const targetTab = content.document.querySelector(targetTabSelector); const targetTabIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call( content.document.querySelectorAll(tabsSelector), targetTab ); const targetTabButton = targetTab.querySelector("a"); await new Promise(resolve => { content.addEventListener( "TabChanged", ({ detail: { index } }) => { is(index, targetTabIndex, "Hm?"); if (index === targetTabIndex) { resolve(); } }, { once: true } ); targetTabButton.click(); }); is( targetTabButton.getAttribute("aria-selected"), "true", "Tab is now selected" ); }); } function getElementCount(selector) { info("Get element count: '" + selector + "'"); return SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector], selectorChild => { return content.document.querySelectorAll(selectorChild).length; } ); } function getElementText(selector) { info("Get element text: '" + selector + "'"); return SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector], selectorChild => { const element = content.document.querySelector(selectorChild); return element ? element.textContent : null; } ); } function getElementAttr(selector, attr) { info("Get attribute '" + attr + "' for element '" + selector + "'"); return SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector, attr], (selectorChild, attrChild) => { const element = content.document.querySelector(selectorChild); return element ? element.getAttribute(attrChild) : null; } ); } function focusElement(selector) { info("Focus element: '" + selector + "'"); return SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector], selectorChild => { const element = content.document.querySelector(selectorChild); if (element) { element.focus(); } } ); } /** * Send the string aStr to the focused element. * * For now this method only works for ASCII characters and emulates the shift * key state on US keyboard layout. */ function sendString(str, selector) { info("Send string: '" + str + "'"); return SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector, str], (selectorChild, strChild) => { if (selectorChild) { const element = content.document.querySelector(selectorChild); if (element) { element.focus(); } } EventUtils.sendString(strChild, content); } ); } function waitForTime(delay) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); } function waitForFilter() { return SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { return new Promise(resolve => { const firstRow = content.document.querySelector( ".jsonPanelBox .treeTable .treeRow" ); // Check if the filter is already set. if (firstRow.classList.contains("hidden")) { resolve(); return; } // Wait till the first row has 'hidden' class set. const observer = new content.MutationObserver(function (mutations) { for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) { const mutation = mutations[i]; if (mutation.attributeName == "class") { if (firstRow.classList.contains("hidden")) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(); break; } } } }); observer.observe(firstRow, { attributes: true }); }); }); } function normalizeNewLines(value) { return value.replace("(\r\n|\n)", "\n"); }