/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { ADD_BLOCKED_URL, TOGGLE_BLOCKING_ENABLED, TOGGLE_BLOCKED_URL, UPDATE_BLOCKED_URL, REMOVE_BLOCKED_URL, REMOVE_ALL_BLOCKED_URLS, ENABLE_ALL_BLOCKED_URLS, DISABLE_ALL_BLOCKED_URLS, DISABLE_MATCHING_URLS, SYNCED_BLOCKED_URLS, OPEN_ACTION_BAR, SELECT_ACTION_BAR_TAB, PANELS, } = require("resource://devtools/client/netmonitor/src/constants.js"); function toggleRequestBlockingPanel() { return async ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); if ( state.ui.networkActionOpen && state.ui.selectedActionBarTabId === PANELS.BLOCKING ) { dispatch(closeRequestBlocking()); } else { dispatch(await openRequestBlocking()); } }; } function toggleBlockingEnabled(enabled) { return { type: TOGGLE_BLOCKING_ENABLED, enabled, }; } function removeBlockedUrl(url) { return { type: REMOVE_BLOCKED_URL, url, }; } function removeAllBlockedUrls() { return { type: REMOVE_ALL_BLOCKED_URLS }; } function enableAllBlockedUrls() { return { type: ENABLE_ALL_BLOCKED_URLS }; } function disableAllBlockedUrls() { return { type: DISABLE_ALL_BLOCKED_URLS }; } function addBlockedUrl(url) { return { type: ADD_BLOCKED_URL, url, }; } function toggleBlockedUrl(url) { return { type: TOGGLE_BLOCKED_URL, url, }; } function updateBlockedUrl(oldUrl, newUrl) { return { type: UPDATE_BLOCKED_URL, oldUrl, newUrl, }; } async function openRequestBlocking() { return async ({ dispatch, getState, commands }) => { const state = getState(); if (!state.requestBlocking.blockingSynced) { const blockedUrls = state.requestBlocking.blockedUrls; const responses = await commands.networkCommand.getBlockedUrls(); const urls = responses.flat(); if (urls.length !== blockedUrls.length) { urls.forEach(url => dispatch(addBlockedUrl(url))); } dispatch({ type: SYNCED_BLOCKED_URLS, synced: true }); } dispatch({ type: OPEN_ACTION_BAR, open: true }); dispatch({ type: SELECT_ACTION_BAR_TAB, id: PANELS.BLOCKING, }); }; } function closeRequestBlocking() { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch({ type: OPEN_ACTION_BAR, open: false }); dispatch({ type: SELECT_ACTION_BAR_TAB, id: PANELS.BLOCKING, }); }; } function openRequestBlockingAndAddUrl(url) { return async ({ dispatch }) => { const showBlockingPanel = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "devtools.netmonitor.features.requestBlocking" ); if (showBlockingPanel) { dispatch(await openRequestBlocking()); } dispatch({ type: ADD_BLOCKED_URL, url }); }; } function openRequestBlockingAndDisableUrls(url) { return async ({ dispatch }) => { const showBlockingPanel = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "devtools.netmonitor.features.requestBlocking" ); if (showBlockingPanel) { dispatch(await openRequestBlocking()); } dispatch({ type: DISABLE_MATCHING_URLS, url }); }; } module.exports = { toggleRequestBlockingPanel, addBlockedUrl, toggleBlockingEnabled, toggleBlockedUrl, removeBlockedUrl, removeAllBlockedUrls, enableAllBlockedUrls, disableAllBlockedUrls, updateBlockedUrl, openRequestBlockingAndAddUrl, openRequestBlockingAndDisableUrls, };