/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests request details with HTTP/3 */ add_task(async function () { const { monitor } = await initNetMonitor(HTTPS_SIMPLE_SJS, { requestCount: 1, }); info("Starting test... "); const { document, store, windowRequire } = monitor.panelWin; const Actions = windowRequire("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index"); store.dispatch(Actions.batchEnable(false)); const wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1); await reloadBrowser(); await wait; const waitForHeaders = waitForDOM(document, ".headers-overview"); store.dispatch(Actions.toggleNetworkDetails()); await waitForHeaders; info("Assert the content of the headers"); const tabpanel = document.querySelector("#headers-panel"); // Request URL is( tabpanel.querySelector(".url-preview .url").innerText, HTTPS_SIMPLE_SJS, "The url summary value is incorrect." ); // Request method is( tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".treeLabel")[0].innerText, "GET", "The method summary value is incorrect." ); // Status code is( tabpanel.querySelector(".requests-list-status-code").innerText, "200", "The status summary code is incorrect." ); is( tabpanel.querySelector(".status").childNodes[1].textContent, "", // HTTP/2 and 3 send no status text, only a code "The status summary value is incorrect." ); // Version is( tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".tabpanel-summary-value")[1].innerText, "HTTP/3", "The HTTP version is incorrect." ); await waitForRequestData(store, ["requestHeaders", "responseHeaders"]); is( tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".accordion-item").length, 2, "There should be 2 header scopes displayed in this tabpanel." ); const headers = [...tabpanel.querySelectorAll(".accordion .treeLabelCell")]; is( // The Text-Encoding header is not consistently displayed, exclude it from // the assertion. See Bug 1830053. headers.filter(cell => cell.textContent != "TE").length, 25, "There should be 25 header values displayed in this tabpanel." ); const headersTable = tabpanel.querySelector(".accordion"); const responseHeaders = headersTable.querySelectorAll( "tr[id^='/Response Headers']" ); const expectedHeaders = [ { name: "cache-control", value: "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", index: 0, }, { name: "content-length", value: "12", index: 1, }, { name: "content-type", value: "text/plain; charset=utf-8", index: 2, }, { name: "foo-bar", value: "baz", index: 6, }, ]; expectedHeaders.forEach(header => { is( responseHeaders[header.index].querySelector(".treeLabel").innerHTML, header.name, `The response header at index ${header.index} name was incorrect.` ); is( responseHeaders[header.index].querySelector(".objectBox").innerHTML, `${header.value}`, `The response header at index ${header.index} value was incorrect.` ); }); info("Assert the content of the raw headers"); // Click the 'Raw headers' toggle to show original headers source. document.querySelector("#raw-request-checkbox").click(); document.querySelector("#raw-response-checkbox").click(); let rawHeadersElements; await waitUntil(() => { rawHeadersElements = document.querySelectorAll("textarea.raw-headers"); // Both raw headers must be present return rawHeadersElements.length > 1; }); const requestHeadersText = rawHeadersElements[1].textContent; const rawRequestHeaderFirstLine = requestHeadersText.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/)[0]; is( rawRequestHeaderFirstLine, "GET /browser/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/sjs_simple-test-server.sjs HTTP/3" ); const responseHeadersText = rawHeadersElements[0].textContent; const rawResponseHeaderFirstLine = responseHeadersText.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/)[0]; is(rawResponseHeaderFirstLine, "HTTP/3 200 "); // H2/3 send no status text info("Assert the content of the protocol column"); const target = document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item")[0]; is( target.querySelector(".requests-list-protocol").textContent, "HTTP/3", "The displayed protocol is correct." ); return teardown(monitor); });