/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests if the prefs that should survive across tool reloads work. */ add_task(async function () { let { monitor } = await initNetMonitor(SIMPLE_URL, { requestCount: 1 }); const Actions = monitor.panelWin.windowRequire( "devtools/client/netmonitor/src/actions/index" ); info("Starting test... "); // This test reopens the network monitor a bunch of times, for different // hosts (bottom, side, window). This seems to be slow on debug builds. requestLongerTimeout(3); // Use these getters instead of caching instances inside the panel win, // since the tool is reopened a bunch of times during this test // and the instances will differ. const getDoc = () => monitor.panelWin.document; const getPrefs = () => monitor.panelWin.windowRequire("devtools/client/netmonitor/src/utils/prefs") .Prefs; const getStore = () => monitor.panelWin.store; const getState = () => getStore().getState(); const prefsToCheck = { filters: { // A custom new value to be used for the verified preference. newValue: ["html", "css"], // Getter used to retrieve the current value from the frontend, in order // to verify that the pref was applied properly. validateValue: () => Object.entries(getState().filters.requestFilterTypes) .filter(([, check]) => check) .map(([type]) => type), // Predicate used to modify the frontend when setting the new pref value, // before trying to validate the changes. modifyFrontend: value => value.forEach(e => getStore().dispatch(Actions.toggleRequestFilterType(e)) ), }, networkDetailsWidth: { newValue: ~~(Math.random() * 200 + 100), validateValue: () => getDoc().querySelector(".monitor-panel .split-box .controlled") .clientWidth, modifyFrontend(value) { getDoc().querySelector( ".monitor-panel .split-box .controlled" ).style.width = `${value}px`; }, }, networkDetailsHeight: { newValue: ~~(Math.random() * 300 + 100), validateValue: () => getDoc().querySelector(".monitor-panel .split-box .controlled") .clientHeight, modifyFrontend(value) { getDoc().querySelector( ".monitor-panel .split-box .controlled" ).style.height = `${value}px`; }, }, /* add more prefs here... */ }; await testBottom(); await testSide(); await testWindow(); info("Moving toolbox back to the bottom..."); await monitor.toolbox.switchHost("bottom"); return teardown(monitor); function storeFirstPrefValues() { info("Caching initial pref values."); for (const name in prefsToCheck) { const currentValue = getPrefs()[name]; prefsToCheck[name].firstValue = currentValue; } } function validateFirstPrefValues(isVerticalSplitter) { info("Validating current pref values to the UI elements."); for (const name in prefsToCheck) { if ( (isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsHeight") || (!isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsWidth") ) { continue; } const currentValue = getPrefs()[name]; const { firstValue, validateValue } = prefsToCheck[name]; is( firstValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should be equal to first value: " + currentValue ); is( validateValue().toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should validate: " + currentValue ); } } function modifyFrontend(isVerticalSplitter) { info("Modifying UI elements to the specified new values."); for (const name in prefsToCheck) { if ( (isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsHeight") || (!isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsWidth") ) { continue; } const currentValue = getPrefs()[name]; const { firstValue, newValue, validateValue } = prefsToCheck[name]; const modFrontend = prefsToCheck[name].modifyFrontend; modFrontend(newValue); info("Modified UI element affecting " + name + " to: " + newValue); is( firstValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should still be equal to first value: " + currentValue ); isnot( newValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should't yet be equal to second value: " + currentValue ); is( validateValue().toString(), newValue.toString(), "The UI element affecting " + name + " should validate: " + newValue ); } } function validateNewPrefValues(isVerticalSplitter) { info("Invalidating old pref values to the modified UI elements."); for (const name in prefsToCheck) { if ( (isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsHeight") || (!isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsWidth") ) { continue; } const currentValue = getPrefs()[name]; const { firstValue, newValue, validateValue } = prefsToCheck[name]; isnot( firstValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should't be equal to first value: " + currentValue ); is( newValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should now be equal to second value: " + currentValue ); is( validateValue().toString(), newValue.toString(), "The UI element affecting " + name + " should validate: " + newValue ); } } function resetFrontend(isVerticalSplitter) { info("Resetting UI elements to the cached initial pref values."); for (const name in prefsToCheck) { if ( (isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsHeight") || (!isVerticalSplitter && name === "networkDetailsWidth") ) { continue; } const currentValue = getPrefs()[name]; const { firstValue, newValue, validateValue } = prefsToCheck[name]; const modFrontend = prefsToCheck[name].modifyFrontend; modFrontend(firstValue); info("Modified UI element affecting " + name + " to: " + firstValue); isnot( firstValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should't yet be equal to first value: " + currentValue ); is( newValue.toString(), currentValue.toString(), "Pref " + name + " should still be equal to second value: " + currentValue ); is( validateValue().toString(), firstValue.toString(), "The UI element affecting " + name + " should validate: " + firstValue ); } } async function restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv() { const newMonitor = await restartNetMonitor(monitor, { requestCount: 1 }); monitor = newMonitor.monitor; const networkEvent = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1); await reloadBrowser(); await networkEvent; const wait = waitForDOM(getDoc(), ".network-details-bar"); getStore().dispatch(Actions.toggleNetworkDetails()); await wait; } async function testBottom() { await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); info("Testing prefs reload for a bottom host."); storeFirstPrefValues(); // Validate and modify while toolbox is on the bottom. validateFirstPrefValues(true); modifyFrontend(true); await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); // Revalidate and reset frontend while toolbox is on the bottom. validateNewPrefValues(true); resetFrontend(true); await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); // Revalidate. validateFirstPrefValues(true); } async function testSide() { await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); info("Moving toolbox to the right..."); await monitor.toolbox.switchHost("right"); // Switching hosts is not correctly waiting when DevTools run in content frame // See Bug 1571421. await wait(1000); info("Testing prefs reload for a right host."); storeFirstPrefValues(); // Validate and modify frontend while toolbox is on the side. validateFirstPrefValues(false); modifyFrontend(false); await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); // Revalidate and reset frontend while toolbox is on the side. validateNewPrefValues(false); resetFrontend(false); await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); // Revalidate. validateFirstPrefValues(false); } async function testWindow() { await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); info("Moving toolbox into a window..."); await monitor.toolbox.switchHost("window"); // Switching hosts is not correctly waiting when DevTools run in content frame // See Bug 1571421. await wait(1000); info("Testing prefs reload for a window host."); storeFirstPrefValues(); // Validate and modify frontend while toolbox is in a window. validateFirstPrefValues(true); modifyFrontend(true); await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); // Revalidate and reset frontend while toolbox is in a window. validateNewPrefValues(true); resetFrontend(true); await restartNetMonitorAndSetupEnv(); // Revalidate. validateFirstPrefValues(true); } });