/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests if timeline correctly displays interval divisions. */ add_task(async function () { const { L10N, } = require("resource://devtools/client/netmonitor/src/utils/l10n.js"); const { monitor } = await initNetMonitor(HTTPS_SIMPLE_URL, { requestCount: 1, }); info("Starting test... "); const { $, $all, NetMonitorView, NetMonitorController } = monitor.panelWin; const { RequestsMenu } = NetMonitorView; // Disable transferred size column support for this test. // Without this, the waterfall only has enough room for one division, which // would remove most of the value of this test. // $("#requests-list-transferred-header-box").hidden = true; // $("#requests-list-item-template .requests-list-transferred").hidden = true; RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false; ok( $("#requests-list-waterfall-label"), "An timeline label should be displayed when the frontend is opened." ); ok( !$all(".requests-list-timings-division").length, "No tick labels should be displayed when the frontend is opened." ); ok( !RequestsMenu._canvas, "No canvas should be created when the frontend is opened." ); ok( !RequestsMenu._ctx, "No 2d context should be created when the frontend is opened." ); const wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1); await reloadBrowser(); await wait; // Make sure the DOMContentLoaded and load markers don't interfere with // this test by removing them and redrawing the waterfall (bug 1224088). NetMonitorController.NetworkEventsHandler.clearMarkers(); RequestsMenu._flushWaterfallViews(true); ok( !$("#requests-list-waterfall-label"), "The timeline label should be hidden after the first request." ); Assert.greaterOrEqual( $all(".requests-list-timings-division").length, 3, "There should be at least 3 tick labels in the network requests header." ); const timingDivisionEls = $all(".requests-list-timings-division"); is( timingDivisionEls[0].textContent, L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.millisecond", 0), "The first tick label has correct value" ); is( timingDivisionEls[1].textContent, L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.millisecond", 80), "The second tick label has correct value" ); is( timingDivisionEls[2].textContent, L10N.getFormatStr("networkMenu.millisecond", 160), "The third tick label has correct value" ); is( timingDivisionEls[0].style.width, "78px", "The first tick label has correct width" ); is( timingDivisionEls[1].style.width, "80px", "The second tick label has correct width" ); is( timingDivisionEls[2].style.width, "80px", "The third tick label has correct width" ); ok( RequestsMenu._canvas, "A canvas should be created after the first request." ); ok( RequestsMenu._ctx, "A 2d context should be created after the first request." ); const imageData = RequestsMenu._ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 161, 1); ok(imageData, "The image data should have been created."); const { data } = imageData; ok(data, "The image data should contain a pixel array."); ok(hasPixelAt(0), "The tick at 0 is should not be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(1), "The tick at 1 is should be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(19), "The tick at 19 is should be empty."); ok(hasPixelAt(20), "The tick at 20 is should not be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(21), "The tick at 21 is should be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(39), "The tick at 39 is should be empty."); ok(hasPixelAt(40), "The tick at 40 is should not be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(41), "The tick at 41 is should be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(59), "The tick at 59 is should be empty."); ok(hasPixelAt(60), "The tick at 60 is should not be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(61), "The tick at 61 is should be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(79), "The tick at 79 is should be empty."); ok(hasPixelAt(80), "The tick at 80 is should not be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(81), "The tick at 81 is should be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(159), "The tick at 159 is should be empty."); ok(hasPixelAt(160), "The tick at 160 is should not be empty."); ok(!hasPixelAt(161), "The tick at 161 is should be empty."); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(0, 20), "The tick at 0 should be brighter than the one at 20" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(40, 20), "The tick at 40 should be brighter than the one at 20" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(40, 60), "The tick at 40 should be brighter than the one at 60" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(80, 60), "The tick at 80 should be brighter than the one at 60" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(80, 100), "The tick at 80 should be brighter than the one at 100" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(120, 100), "The tick at 120 should be brighter than the one at 100" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(120, 140), "The tick at 120 should be brighter than the one at 140" ); ok( isPixelBrighterAtThan(160, 140), "The tick at 160 should be brighter than the one at 140" ); ok( isPixelEquallyBright(20, 60), "The tick at 20 should be equally bright to the one at 60" ); ok( isPixelEquallyBright(100, 140), "The tick at 100 should be equally bright to the one at 140" ); ok( isPixelEquallyBright(40, 120), "The tick at 40 should be equally bright to the one at 120" ); ok( isPixelEquallyBright(0, 80), "The tick at 80 should be equally bright to the one at 160" ); ok( isPixelEquallyBright(80, 160), "The tick at 80 should be equally bright to the one at 160" ); function hasPixelAt(x) { const i = (x | 0) * 4; return data[i] && data[i + 1] && data[i + 2] && data[i + 3]; } function isPixelBrighterAtThan(x1, x2) { const i = (x1 | 0) * 4; const j = (x2 | 0) * 4; return data[i + 3] > data[j + 3]; } function isPixelEquallyBright(x1, x2) { const i = (x1 | 0) * 4; const j = (x2 | 0) * 4; return data[i + 3] == data[j + 3]; } return teardown(monitor); });