/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { profiles, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/components/throttling/profiles.js"); // Tests changing network throttling const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Network throttling test"; addRDMTask(TEST_URL, async function ({ ui, manager }) { // Test defaults testNetworkThrottlingSelectorLabel(ui, "No Throttling", "No Throttling"); await testNetworkThrottlingState(ui, null); // Test a fast profile await testThrottlingProfile( ui, "Wi-Fi", "download 30Mbps, upload 15Mbps, latency 2ms" ); // Test a slower profile await testThrottlingProfile( ui, "Regular 3G", "download 750Kbps, upload 250Kbps, latency 100ms" ); // Test switching back to no throttling await selectNetworkThrottling(ui, "No Throttling"); testNetworkThrottlingSelectorLabel(ui, "No Throttling", "No Throttling"); await testNetworkThrottlingState(ui, null); }); function testNetworkThrottlingSelectorLabel( ui, expectedLabel, expectedTooltip ) { const title = ui.toolWindow.document.querySelector( "#network-throttling-menu .title" ); is( title.textContent, expectedLabel, `Button label should be changed to ${expectedLabel}` ); is( title.parentNode.getAttribute("title"), expectedTooltip, `Button tooltip should be changed to ${expectedTooltip}` ); } var testNetworkThrottlingState = async function (ui, expected) { const state = await ui.networkFront.getNetworkThrottling(); Assert.deepEqual( state, expected, "Network throttling state should be " + JSON.stringify(expected, null, 2) ); }; var testThrottlingProfile = async function (ui, profile, tooltip) { await selectNetworkThrottling(ui, profile); testNetworkThrottlingSelectorLabel(ui, profile, tooltip); const data = profiles.find(({ id }) => id == profile); const { download, upload, latency } = data; await testNetworkThrottlingState(ui, { downloadThroughput: download, uploadThroughput: upload, latency, }); };