/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Verify full zoom levels inherit RDM full zoom after exiting RDM. const TEST_URL = "https://example.com/"; function getZoomForBrowser(browser) { return ZoomManager.getZoomForBrowser(browser); } function setZoomForBrowser(browser, zoom) { ZoomManager.setZoomForBrowser(browser, zoom); } addRDMTask( null, async function () { const INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL = 1; const PRE_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL = 1.5; const MID_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL = 2; const tab = await addTab(TEST_URL); const browser = tab.linkedBrowser; await navigateTo(TEST_URL); // Get the initial zoom level. const initialOuterZoom = getZoomForBrowser(browser); is( initialOuterZoom, INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL, "Initial outer zoom should be " + INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL + "." ); // Change the zoom level before we open RDM. setZoomForBrowser(browser, PRE_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL); const preRDMOuterZoom = getZoomForBrowser(browser); is( preRDMOuterZoom, PRE_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL, "Pre-RDM outer zoom should be " + PRE_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL + "." ); // Start RDM on the tab. This will fundamentally change the way that browser behaves. // It will now pass all of its messages through to the RDM docshell, meaning that when // we request zoom level from it now, we are getting the RDM zoom level. const { ui } = await openRDM(tab); await waitForDeviceAndViewportState(ui); const uiDocShell = ui.toolWindow.docShell; // Bug 1541692: openRDM behaves differently in the test harness than it does // interactively. Interactively, many features of the container docShell -- including // zoom -- are copied over to the RDM browser. In the test harness, this seems to first // reset the docShell before toggling RDM, which makes checking the initial zoom of the // RDM pane not useful. const preZoomUIZoom = uiDocShell.browsingContext.fullZoom; is( preZoomUIZoom, INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL, "Pre-zoom UI zoom should be " + INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL + "." ); // Set the zoom level. This should tunnel to the inner browser and leave the UI alone. setZoomForBrowser(browser, MID_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL); // The UI zoom should be unchanged by this. const postZoomUIZoom = uiDocShell.browsingContext.fullZoom; is( postZoomUIZoom, preZoomUIZoom, "UI zoom should be unchanged by RDM zoom." ); // The RDM zoom should be changed. const finalRDMZoom = getZoomForBrowser(browser); is( finalRDMZoom, MID_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL, "RDM zoom should be " + MID_RDM_ZOOM_LEVEL + "." ); // Leave RDM. This should cause the outer pane to take on the full zoom of the RDM pane. await closeRDM(tab); const finalOuterZoom = getZoomForBrowser(browser); is( finalOuterZoom, finalRDMZoom, "Final outer zoom should match last RDM zoom." ); await removeTab(tab); }, { onlyPrefAndTask: true } );