/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-env browser */ "use strict"; // A button that toggles a doorhanger menu. const flags = require("resource://devtools/shared/flags.js"); const { createRef, PureComponent, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const PropTypes = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types.js"); const dom = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const { button } = dom; const isMacOS = Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin"; loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "HTMLTooltip", "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/HTMLTooltip.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "focusableSelector", "resource://devtools/client/shared/focus.js", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "createPortal", "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom.js", true ); // Return a copy of |obj| minus |fields|. const omit = (obj, fields) => { const objCopy = { ...obj }; for (const field of fields) { delete objCopy[field]; } return objCopy; }; class MenuButton extends PureComponent { static get propTypes() { return { // The toolbox document that will be used for rendering the menu popup. toolboxDoc: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // A text content for the button. label: PropTypes.string, // URL of the icon to associate with the MenuButton. (Optional) // e.g. chrome://devtools/skin/image/foo.svg icon: PropTypes.string, // An optional ID to assign to the menu's container tooltip object. menuId: PropTypes.string, // The preferred side of the anchor element to display the menu. // Defaults to "bottom". menuPosition: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // The offset of the menu from the anchor element. // Defaults to -5. menuOffset: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // The menu content. children: PropTypes.any, // Callback function to be invoked when the button is clicked. onClick: PropTypes.func, // Callback function to be invoked when the child panel is closed. onCloseButton: PropTypes.func, }; } static get defaultProps() { return { menuPosition: "bottom", menuOffset: -5, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.showMenu = this.showMenu.bind(this); this.hideMenu = this.hideMenu.bind(this); this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this); this.onHidden = this.onHidden.bind(this); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); this.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.onTouchStart = this.onTouchStart.bind(this); this.buttonRef = createRef(); this.state = { expanded: false, // In tests, initialize the menu immediately. isMenuInitialized: flags.testing || false, win: props.toolboxDoc.defaultView.top, }; this.ignoreNextClick = false; this.initializeTooltip(); } componentDidMount() { if (!this.state.isMenuInitialized) { // Initialize the menu when the button is focused or moused over. for (const event of ["focus", "mousemove"]) { this.buttonRef.current.addEventListener( event, () => { if (!this.state.isMenuInitialized) { this.setState({ isMenuInitialized: true }); } }, { once: true } ); } } } // FIXME: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1774507 UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // If the window changes, we need to regenerate the HTMLTooltip or else the // XUL wrapper element will appear above (in terms of z-index) the old // window, and not the new. const win = nextProps.toolboxDoc.defaultView.top; if ( nextProps.toolboxDoc !== this.props.toolboxDoc || this.state.win !== win || nextProps.menuId !== this.props.menuId ) { this.setState({ win }); this.resetTooltip(); this.initializeTooltip(); } } componentDidUpdate() { // The MenuButton creates the child panel when initializing the MenuButton. // If the children function is called during the rendering process, // this child list size might change. So we need to adjust content size here. if (typeof this.props.children === "function") { this.resizeContent(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.resetTooltip(); } initializeTooltip() { const tooltipProps = { type: "doorhanger", useXulWrapper: true, isMenuTooltip: true, }; if (this.props.menuId) { tooltipProps.id = this.props.menuId; } this.tooltip = new HTMLTooltip(this.props.toolboxDoc, tooltipProps); this.tooltip.on("hidden", this.onHidden); } async resetTooltip() { if (!this.tooltip) { return; } // Mark the menu as closed since the onHidden callback may not be called in // this case. this.setState({ expanded: false }); this.tooltip.off("hidden", this.onHidden); this.tooltip.destroy(); this.tooltip = null; } async showMenu(anchor) { this.setState({ expanded: true, }); if (!this.tooltip) { return; } await this.tooltip.show(anchor, { position: this.props.menuPosition, y: this.props.menuOffset, }); } async hideMenu() { this.setState({ expanded: false, }); if (!this.tooltip) { return; } await this.tooltip.hide(); } async toggleMenu(anchor) { return this.state.expanded ? this.hideMenu() : this.showMenu(anchor); } // Used by the call site to indicate that the menu content has changed so // its container should be updated. resizeContent() { if (!this.state.expanded || !this.tooltip || !this.buttonRef.current) { return; } this.tooltip.show(this.buttonRef.current, { position: this.props.menuPosition, y: this.props.menuOffset, }); } // When we are closing the menu we will get a 'hidden' event before we get // a 'click' event. We want to re-enable the pointer-events: auto setting we // use on the button while the menu is visible, but we don't want to do it // until after the subsequent click event since otherwise we will end up // re-opening the menu. // // For mouse events, we achieve this by using setTimeout(..., 0) to schedule // a separate task to run after the click event, but in the case of touch // events the event order differs and the setTimeout callback will run before // the click event. // // In order to prevent that we detect touch events and set a flag to ignore // the next click event. However, we need to differentiate between touch drag // events and long press events (which don't generate a 'click') and "taps" // (which do). We do that by looking for a 'touchmove' event and clearing the // flag if we get one. onTouchStart(evt) { const touchend = () => { const anchorRect = this.buttonRef.current.getClientRects()[0]; const { clientX, clientY } = evt.changedTouches[0]; // We need to check that the click is inside the bounds since when the // menu is being closed the button will currently have // pointer-events: none (and if we don't check the bounds we will end up // ignoring unrelated clicks). if ( anchorRect.x <= clientX && clientX <= anchorRect.x + anchorRect.width && anchorRect.y <= clientY && clientY <= anchorRect.y + anchorRect.height ) { this.ignoreNextClick = true; } }; const touchmove = () => { this.state.win.removeEventListener("touchend", touchend); }; this.state.win.addEventListener("touchend", touchend, { once: true }); this.state.win.addEventListener("touchmove", touchmove, { once: true }); } onHidden() { this.setState({ expanded: false }); // While the menu is open, if we click _anywhere_ outside the menu, it will // automatically close. This is performed by the XUL wrapper before we get // any chance to see any event. To avoid immediately re-opening the menu // when we process the subsequent click event on this button, we set // 'pointer-events: none' on the button while the menu is open. // // After the menu is closed we need to remove the pointer-events style (so // the button works again) but we don't want to do it immediately since the // "popuphidden" event which triggers this callback might be dispatched // before the "click" event that we want to ignore. As a result, we queue // up a task using setTimeout() to run after the "click" event. this.state.win.setTimeout(() => { if (this.buttonRef.current) { this.buttonRef.current.style.pointerEvents = "auto"; } this.state.win.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchStart, true); }, 0); this.state.win.addEventListener("touchstart", this.onTouchStart, true); if (this.props.onCloseButton) { this.props.onCloseButton(); } } async onClick(e) { if (this.ignoreNextClick) { this.ignoreNextClick = false; return; } if (e.target === this.buttonRef.current) { // On Mac, even after clicking the button it doesn't get focus. // Force focus to the button so that our keydown handlers get called. this.buttonRef.current.focus(); if (this.props.onClick) { this.props.onClick(e); } if (!e.defaultPrevented) { const wasKeyboardEvent = e.screenX === 0 && e.screenY === 0; // If the popup menu will be shown, disable this button in order to // prevent reopening the popup menu. See extended comment in onHidden(). // above. // // Also, we should _not_ set 'pointer-events: none' if // ui.popup.disable_autohide pref is in effect since, in that case, // there's no redundant hiding behavior and we actually want clicking // the button to close the menu. if ( !this.state.expanded && !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("ui.popup.disable_autohide", false) ) { this.buttonRef.current.style.pointerEvents = "none"; } await this.toggleMenu(e.target); // If the menu was activated by keyboard, focus the first item. if (wasKeyboardEvent && this.tooltip) { this.tooltip.focus(); } // MenuButton creates the children dynamically when clicking the button, // so execute the goggle menu after updating the children panel. if (typeof this.props.children === "function") { this.forceUpdate(); } } // If we clicked one of the menu items, then, by default, we should // auto-collapse the menu. // // We check for the defaultPrevented state, however, so that menu items can // turn this behavior off (e.g. a menu item with an embedded button). } else if ( this.state.expanded && !e.defaultPrevented && e.target.matches(focusableSelector) ) { this.hideMenu(); } } onKeyDown(e) { if (!this.state.expanded) { return; } const isButtonFocussed = this.props.toolboxDoc && this.props.toolboxDoc.activeElement === this.buttonRef.current; switch (e.key) { case "Escape": this.hideMenu(); e.preventDefault(); break; case "Tab": case "ArrowDown": if (isButtonFocussed && this.tooltip) { if (this.tooltip.focus()) { e.preventDefault(); } } break; case "ArrowUp": if (isButtonFocussed && this.tooltip) { if (this.tooltip.focusEnd()) { e.preventDefault(); } } break; case "t": if ((isMacOS && e.metaKey) || (!isMacOS && e.ctrlKey)) { // Close the menu if the user opens a new tab while it is still open. // // Bug 1499271: Once toolbox has been converted to XUL we should watch // for the 'visibilitychange' event instead of explicitly looking for // Ctrl+T. this.hideMenu(); } break; } } render() { const buttonProps = { // Pass through any props set on the button, except the ones we handle // here. ...omit(this.props, Object.keys(MenuButton.propTypes)), onClick: this.onClick, "aria-expanded": this.state.expanded, "aria-haspopup": "menu", ref: this.buttonRef, }; if (this.state.expanded) { buttonProps.onKeyDown = this.onKeyDown; } if (this.props.menuId) { buttonProps["aria-controls"] = this.props.menuId; } if (this.props.icon) { const iconClass = "menu-button--iconic"; buttonProps.className = buttonProps.className ? `${buttonProps.className} ${iconClass}` : iconClass; // `icon` may be a boolean and the icon URL will be set in CSS. if (typeof this.props.icon == "string") { buttonProps.style = { "--menuitem-icon-image": "url(" + this.props.icon + ")", }; } } if (this.state.isMenuInitialized) { const menu = createPortal( typeof this.props.children === "function" ? this.props.children() : this.props.children, this.tooltip.panel ); return button(buttonProps, this.props.label, menu); } return button(buttonProps, this.props.label); } } module.exports = MenuButton;